Being mistaken for a man instead of a woman, this happens a fair amount and therefore I have been told by a person (usually an older person to be fair), that I am in the wrong toilets, or in a shop if the assistant thinks that I am male, then she may say something along the lines of 'I am just going to serve this 'gentleman' and I will be off for my lunch (for example), this means I have to appear rude when I leave the shop and just mumble a thanks, because obviously being female, then my voice is as such. To be fair to me though, I wear unisex clothes, no make-up and I am fat, but even so do we not live in a society where we are suppose to be able to be 'free'. Sorry one of my many soap-boxes. I have now begrudgingly got used to it, though one person did ask me once how 'far on' I was in the sex-change process.