A new meaning to picking up someone else`s husband


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I read the article and couldn't help feeling a teensy bit sorry for her. It was obviously a genuine mistake and I'm sure she must have been mortified at the time, especially as the Press would be there to record the moment for the newspapers. Haven't we all made an embarassing mistake, mine was meeting up with a girl I knew from school many years before and not having seen her ages I assumed she was heavily pregnant and congratulated her on the happy event, only to be told she had just put on weight! I was horrified and although she laughed it off I couldn't make my escape quick enough.
Any cringeworthy mistakes anyone on here has made, please share!
Well l am not her biggest fan but on this occasion l feel sorry for her. In her shoes on that occasion l reckon l would have made the same mistake.
Being mistaken for a man instead of a woman, this happens a fair amount and therefore I have been told by a person (usually an older person to be fair), that I am in the wrong toilets, or in a shop if the assistant thinks that I am male, then she may say something along the lines of 'I am just going to serve this 'gentleman' and I will be off for my lunch (for example), this means I have to appear rude when I leave the shop and just mumble a thanks, because obviously being female, then my voice is as such. To be fair to me though, I wear unisex clothes, no make-up and I am fat, but even so do we not live in a society where we are suppose to be able to be 'free'. Sorry one of my many soap-boxes. I have now begrudgingly got used to it, though one person did ask me once how 'far on' I was in the sex-change process.
This scenario could be more prevalent than we realise, (not wanting to get political here), but there have been instances where young men in their late teens and early 20's have passed themselves off as migrant children !!
It's a photo opportunity she grabbed (literally) and it backfired on her, ha! tuff titty. :mysmilie_15:
yorkrose, I find this person's question unbelievably rude and personal - they sound like someone with a real problem to even think about making a remark like this.
Being mistaken for a man instead of a woman, this happens a fair amount and therefore I have been told by a person (usually an older person to be fair), that I am in the wrong toilets, or in a shop if the assistant thinks that I am male, then she may say something along the lines of 'I am just going to serve this 'gentleman' and I will be off for my lunch (for example), this means I have to appear rude when I leave the shop and just mumble a thanks, because obviously being female, then my voice is as such. To be fair to me though, I wear unisex clothes, no make-up and I am fat, but even so do we not live in a society where we are suppose to be able to be 'free'. Sorry one of my many soap-boxes. I have now begrudgingly got used to it, though one person did ask me once how 'far on' I was in the sex-change process.
When one of my sons was a little boy he was very friendly with the little girl next door. They played together all the time and he was gutted when we moved. Fast forward 20 years or so and I bumped into my ex neighbour with her daughter and a young man. I was so pleased to see them and said to my son`s old friend "Oh Kirsty is this your boyfrined/husband ?" to which she laughed aloud and said no its my Mum`s husband. Apparantly my ex neighbour had divorced and remarried someone over 30 years younger. Thankfully all 3 of them saw the funny side and seemingly he was regularly mistaken as her son or as Kirsty`s brother or boyfriend.
I don't believe that the man in the article is 46. Fresh 'baby' skin and no grey hair. I'm not trying to complement him I just think that it is really a boy.
I don't believe that the man in the article is 46. Fresh 'baby' skin and no grey hair. I'm not trying to complement him I just think that it is really a boy.

I can see a man when I look at his face, definitely not a boy even without his wife verifying it, as for no grey hair he could have easily dyed it.
yorkrose, I find this person's question unbelievably rude and personal - they sound like someone with a real problem to even think about making a remark like this.

I have got use to it as it is not just one person but several in different areas. I myself am 'comfortable' with me being me and if other peoples' perception of me is different to the real me then who I am I to argue :)

I'm pretty sure that if he hadn't wanted to be picked up she wouldn't have been able to. He looked thrilled!

I think any grown man would be thrilled at the prospect of having a perky pair of big knockers inches from their face, I also don't think he had time to protest as she swooped in and gathered him up for that not to be missed photo opportunity.

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