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Jul 19, 2014
South Ayrshire
:mysmilie_10:I was wondering if any of you have ever met, or seen in the flesh a close up face to face with Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez and other so-called A-listers?

The reason I ask is because I think I must be really dumb or missing a trick when it comes to chosing my makeup colour (actually without any comparison to any of the aforementioned I have no problems).
This irks me a lot, because no matter which beauty cosmetics range I watch on Q, and I do enjoy them, when trying to persuade us what colour choice we should make, flash up these names.

How the heck do we know what any of these women's facial tone is when we have never, or never likely to be sitting in a room, or standing next to them close enough to see what they look like without their make up on - c'mon Q and others, stop this annoying habit, we could never possibly guess what their tone is!

Sorry to raise this again, but I get so angry - hope you feel the same collectively as me. :mysmilie_10:
I met Madonna, Kanye West and Ant and Dec at the O2 Arena last year. Madonna looked OK but has obviously had a number of extensive procedures done. She has a clause in her contracts meaning she cannot be filmed / photographed from certain angles. Madonna is a bona fide A-list. The others, I'm not so sure. In the past I had to interview Nancy dell' Ollio at The Ritz of all places. She acted like she was an A-lister ("This interview is getting too tabloidy, please speak to me through my PR agent!" when in reality she nothing but a Tatler black-booker as they say. Awful woman. Madonna however was great and very professional.
Julius your comments about the Nancy woman do not surprise me in the least, neither the Madonna ones, and when a genuine A-lister she's quite right, if you've got it flaunt it or hide it - I say because you have the financial where with all to do so.
That also miffs me off. If you are Nicole Kidman pale then buy this foundation. They are all photo shopped to give clear perfect skin special lighting to make them glow, if not the Daily Mail are screaming about how aged etc they are.

A proper description is really not that hard.

Are you a English rose pale then this shade.

Are you a Peaches and Cream then this shade.

Asian skin with ashy undertones then this shade.
Fascinating though your post is Ju :smirk:, it's not exactly answering the OP's question. :mysmilie_8:

The same names are rolled out every flippin' time! And more to the point I've never seen the "Slebs" without make up so who knows what colour their actual literal skin is! I'm sure I read somewhere that jennyfromtheblock has lighter skin than we're used to seeing her, and generally is heavily tanned...mind you if she used Jame Reed's products we'd definitely know about it; he's QVC's number 1 name-dropper, bless him!
Fascinating though your post is Ju :smirk:, it's not exactly answering the OP's question. :mysmilie_8:

The same names are rolled out every flippin' time! And more to the point I've never seen the "Slebs" without make up so who knows what colour their actual literal skin is! I'm sure I read somewhere that jennyfromtheblock has lighter skin than we're used to seeing her, and generally is heavily tanned...mind you if she used Jame Reed's products we'd definitely know about it; he's QVC's number 1 name-dropper, bless him!

Julius, I agree with this comment but please please don't stop telling us these stories, I love your anecdotes and insights into a different world !
Julius, I agree with this comment but please please don't stop telling us these stories, I love your anecdotes and insights into a different world !

LOL It wasn't all that exciting. I was actually at the final rehearsals the day before. I had to watch pretty much EVERYTHING being rehearsed, including 2 hours of people carrying plates! (yawn).

Kanye West kept shouting as the Health & Safety marshall / choreographer kept interrupting his routine as the flames from the flamethrowers reached too far when held horizontally. KW kept saying: "Your interrupting my FLOW, man, why you interruptin' my FLOW?"

A lot of Madonna's dancers were horny in more ways than one (they all had horns on their heads as part of their costume) but they were getting up to all sorts. Sadly Madonna being pulled off stage rather eclipsed my potential story, but hey-ho, it was a fun experience. Don't know if I'll get that gig this year. Instead I'll be stuck on a boring old ship :(

Generally the real A-listers seem to have decorum and elegance in both manner and appearance. The wannabes are the worst. They are often quite dim. I mean you'd think they'd expect an interview to be "tabloidy" if it's going in a tabloid newspaper!

Nancy D O didn't like the cushions at the Ritz (they were too hard) and the bread didn't have the right variety of seeds in it etc etc etc. I should have taken her on the bus down the a local greasy spoon in Victoria and seen how she'd liked that!
I've met Madonna too, OK it wasn't actually THE Madonna, it was "Mad Donna" a tribute act, he was an absolutely hilarious drag act, who did look uncannily like Madonna and swore a lot..........was funny though. :mysmilie_17:
That also miffs me off. If you are Nicole Kidman pale then buy this foundation. They are all photo shopped to give clear perfect skin special lighting to make them glow, if not the Daily Mail are screaming about how aged etc they are.

A proper description is really not that hard.

Are you a English rose pale then this shade.

Are you a Peaches and Cream then this shade.

Asian skin with ashy undertones then this shade.

Or how about: "if you're botoxed to buggary like Nicole Kidman use this product...."

Don't forget that Asian doesn't exist in Q-Land. Everyone (including poor beautiful Nalintha) is "Mediterranean".
:mysmilie_10:I was wondering if any of you have ever met, or seen in the flesh a close up face to face with Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez and other so-called A-listers?

The reason I ask is because I think I must be really dumb or missing a trick when it comes to chosing my makeup colour (actually without any comparison to any of the aforementioned I have no problems).
This irks me a lot, because no matter which beauty cosmetics range I watch on Q, and I do enjoy them, when trying to persuade us what colour choice we should make, flash up these names.

How the heck do we know what any of these women's facial tone is when we have never, or never likely to be sitting in a room, or standing next to them close enough to see what they look like without their make up on - c'mon Q and others, stop this annoying habit, we could never possibly guess what their tone is!

Sorry to raise this again, but I get so angry - hope you feel the same collectively as me. :mysmilie_10:

I can't answer your question, because I choose not to 'paint my face', but I am now 'happy' that there is another 'ranter' on this forum, I can now 'die happy'! (not that I obviously plan on dying yet of course, there is at least several minutes left in me)
Yes, just look at any magazine cover and see how Twiggy, Lulu (apologies, I know these aren't A listers) et al all have smooth skins so what with the bright lights at the photo shoot, their skin tone is photoshopped and smoothed which is totally unattainable to mere mortal woman. I had pro photos taken in Harrods a few years ago when they had an offer on, dear God I was horrified when I saw the results - my visibly ok facial skin had more craters than the moon ! then they were worked on and my black and white portraits were fabulous - so it was proof that all magazine shots have been digitally altered

Back in the late 80's I was so keen to retrieve my suitcase from the roundabout at LA airport, that I didn't see the stick thin lady that I almost bowled over. In fact I grabbed her arm to steady her as she nearly hit the deck (her Chanel fur coat over her arm would have broken her fall). It was Sophia Loren, and she was drop dead gorgeous, no sign of 'work' done but beautifully made up. Bless her she was great and with me gushing apologies for England we actually giggled about it. This was decades before selfies, but I wasn't going to appear a 'pleb' and ask for her autograph, so I left it, and it remains a happy memory. (sorry, gone off piste a bit here)
Nicole Kidman, every beauty brand's reference point for their lightest shade of foundation. If in doubt, sell Nicole Kidman! I sometimes laugh out loud at literally every brand on QVC referring to their lightest foundation shade for people with skin tones like Nicole Kidman. I have similar skin tone to her, I wouldn't say even half of the brand's lightest shades would work for either of us, yellow yellow yellow everywhere. More fool those who fall for it and buy them.
Talking about celebrities, does anyone know who the "famous threesome" are?

I've searched for the names without success, even google has blocked them.
I think Twiggy has worn extremely well and if she has had work done her surgeon is a goodun, no trout pout or belly button up over the hairline.

I think she looks well because she knows how to dress and hits it just right, never looks like mutton. TBH I would love to look like her on her worst day.
I've only ever met Lady GaGa and prince Harry... Not sure if they are the most helpful when it comes to picking a makeup shade haha...

I understand why QVC do it though, most people are likely to see these "celebs" splashed across magazines and the Internet so it makes comparison a little easier, although as you say no one really knows what their true skin tone is... They're likely to have been airbrushed whatever they're in or on.
Talking about celebrities, does anyone know who the "famous threesome" are?

I've searched for the names without success, even google has blocked them.

I wouldn't swear to it, but a friend in Scotland said in the newspapers there, it was reported as being that well known one-time chairman of Watford FC.
I know and have for weeks, but do not want to get Graham or the site in trouble.

Rockman's husband with the PA and his partner. They have an open marriage so Rocketman does not have a problem with it all. Well apart from the PA now ex PA who tried to sell the story to the papers.

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