A Good Laugh


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Easily Confused
Aug 13, 2008
Acknowledging that one person's tat is another's treasure...what is the most hideous/ridiiculous thing you have ever seen on QVC? Something that made you fall off the sofa with laughter when they were flogging it!:mysmilie_458:

For me, it has to be the Betty Grey Away....I may be completely untrendy, but that was mindbendingly funny, made even funnier by the comments on this forum! :mysmilie_483::mysmilie_17:
For me it's any of the old Christmas tat that they try to convince us is going to add so much to our homes - vile polyester clad angels with LED wings, revolting plasticky musical
'scenes' featuring trains choo chooing around a garish landscape, etc, etc. These items are supposed to make Christmas 'magical' but they cheapen the whole thing.
Does anyone remember the neon pink almost life-sized solar-powered plastic flamingo that Julian presented a couple of years ago ? He was in hysterics and failed miserably to hide his true thoughts of the monstrosity ! :grin::grin::grin:
I missed that one Erics Mum. I would have loved to have seen it. I shall have to give some thought to this thread, although I am always surprised at the number of bears qvc manage to shift.
Ceramic handbag cookie jars they were flogging during the christmas in July special. And since looking at the thread about naomi and b&w things their eye and lip shaped rings!!!!
Definately the flamingo but some of the Kirks Folly ornaments run it close. Thomas Kincade(spelling?) items. Some of the Quacker factory stuff as well.
ages ago the horrible Kirks Folly woman was flogging some truly hideous goblets with wizards and other things like that forming the stem of the glass if I recall (not something I want to do!) correctly. I am sure they were about £80 for a set and they were vile.

Now I come to think of it, most Kirks Folly stuff is pretty puke inducing, that face on the moon always looks a bit sinister to me. I do not know how the presenters manage not to laugh when they do that show. My disgust and amusement would be written all over my face no matter what I was paid.
Does anyone remember the neon pink almost life-sized solar-powered plastic flamingo that Julian presented a couple of years ago ? He was in hysterics and failed miserably to hide his true thoughts of the monstrosity ! :grin::grin::grin:

i remember it well and i think it sold out.

the lulu guiness tsv falls into the category for tat as it is sooo overpriced and has no security zip so useless as well.:cheeky:
Can't remember whether it was QVC 'cause it was demonstrated by Mike Saint in an outdoor location. It was some while ago too, however, the most ridiculous, useless article I've EVER seen on a shopping channel was a battery operated wine bottle cooler. You filled the bottom of the unit with ice, then placed the bottle on top of the ice and pressed the button, the bottle would then revolve on top of the ice, and five minutes later, hey presto...you had a chilled bottle of wine. It was large, clunky, took 6, yes 6 D size batteries and made a horrendous noise...don't think it was cheap either..over £20 if I remember rightly. I remember thinking, you've got ice, you've got wine...what's wrong with an ice bucket?!
Mine was a TSV which I bought from, must be a couple of years ago now, a plug in steam mop which peed out water absolutely everywhere and made everything soaked and didn't mop up at all. The lead was also right down low to the floor so you'd have to try to hold that out of the way whilst trying to mop. The water tank for it was so tiny the second you'd 'filled' it up it would be steaming all over the place and empty again! Absolutely useless....!

Within the space of a couple of days they had well over 50 reviews all of them negative and then funnily enough the item, together with the bad reviews was pulled never to be seen again!
I still laugh at some of these food prep machines that you have to actually prep the food first in order to get it into the chute/compartment or what have you, and then they're seen chopping mushrooms, strawberries, bits of cucumber which aren't exactly nasty or laborious jobs. Then you read the reviews and customers say that it won't even "touch" an onion...great!!!!
Acknowledging that one person's tat is another's treasure...what is the most hideous/ridiiculous thing you have ever seen on QVC? Something that made you fall off the sofa with laughter when they were flogging it!:mysmilie_458:

For me, it has to be the Betty Grey Away....I may be completely untrendy, but that was mindbendingly funny, made even funnier by the comments on this forum! :mysmilie_483::mysmilie_17:

Wonder how many were sent back under the 30 day mbg - havent seen them on again, unless it is after the watershed (do QVC have a watershed - may be we could start a post who should be on at that time if they do (lol)
the Betty go away was absolutely hilarious, funniest thing ever with poor old Chuntley presenting :giggle:

I haven't see it for ages either, it used to be on in the 'taboo health problems' hour with the pelvic toner/vibrators and the bad breath stuff.

Julian gave me a laugh recently with bag to carry your pets in thing he had to present as a bargain hunter, I'm sure they give him these things on purpose as he always seems to land up demo-ing the worst tat!

the Carole Hoffman kaftan TSV was funny too, it was a proper Hattie Jaques type thing the presenters had to wear them, they all looked mortified.
Hey what about that VILE blanket thing that you could have printed with images of your family and pets etc? it was a TSV tail end of last year and we had a laugh about it on here. Oh it was unspeakable in its naffness, think they made some of the presenters get one done, seem to recall Jilly beig given the dubious "delight" and Ali K too.
I have to agree with you silversequin. Ali K definitly presented it at one point
I remember that blanket thing, you could get a cushion too I think...

the horror, the horrorr.........eek it was the worst thing I have ever seen. Wonder how the 30MBG worked, imagine sending it back cos you had suddenly fallen out with all your family (possibly for getting you the vile blanket!) I mean what on earth would they do with a rag embellished with strangers' faces and assorted images of pets etc.
A couple of years ago, there was a young guy selling a strange metal contraption which was supposed to compress the rubbish in your wheelie bin so that you could fit in ... well ... more rubbish, I suppose.

Anne Dawson gave us the usual 10 seconds of spiel, which went 'Landfill-Environment-Council Tax-Green Issues-Throwaway Society-Problem-Problem-Ta Dahhhh!!!'

And up stepped The Young Guy to demonstrate the Wheelie Bin Compressor Thingy.

First of all, the empty wheelie bin he'd been given to demonstrate on was about as tall as he was.
After a couple of false starts and some clanking about, he managed to show how the Compressor Thingy [which looked like an upside down Zimmer frame] would attach to the bin edge and push the rubbish down inside.

Anne Dawson gestured to a large pile of cardboard boxes, cellophane, and empty plastic laundry bags. The Young Guy snatched up armfuls, and seconds later, the wheelie bin was overflowing.

'Our bin men wouldn't take a bin that full,' Anne Dawson said, in mournful tones.
God, the pathos...
Anyway, The Young Guy wrestled with the Compressor Thingy again, finally got it into position, and after a shove worthy of Atlas, the rubbish obligingly whooshed out all the trapped air and disappeared down into the bin.
He disentangled the metal contraption, and turned to put it down.
He turned back just in time to see the rubbish reinflate itself and mushroom back up at record speed.

I swear more rubbish came out of the bin than went in to begin with.

Oddly, this item was never seen on air ever again ...

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