A Good Laugh


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A couple of years ago, there was a young guy selling a strange metal contraption which was supposed to compress the rubbish in your wheelie bin so that you could fit in ... well ... more rubbish, I suppose.

Anne Dawson gave us the usual 10 seconds of spiel, which went 'Landfill-Environment-Council Tax-Green Issues-Throwaway Society-Problem-Problem-Ta Dahhhh!!!'

And up stepped The Young Guy to demonstrate the Wheelie Bin Compressor Thingy.

First of all, the empty wheelie bin he'd been given to demonstrate on was about as tall as he was.
After a couple of false starts and some clanking about, he managed to show how the Compressor Thingy [which looked like an upside down Zimmer frame] would attach to the bin edge and push the rubbish down inside.

Anne Dawson gestured to a large pile of cardboard boxes, cellophane, and empty plastic laundry bags. The Young Guy snatched up armfuls, and seconds later, the wheelie bin was overflowing.

'Our bin men wouldn't take a bin that full,' Anne Dawson said, in mournful tones.
God, the pathos...
Anyway, The Young Guy wrestled with the Compressor Thingy again, finally got it into position, and after a shove worthy of Atlas, the rubbish obligingly whooshed out all the trapped air and disappeared down into the bin.
He disentangled the metal contraption, and turned to put it down.
He turned back just in time to see the rubbish reinflate itself and mushroom back up at record speed.

I swear more rubbish came out of the bin than went in to begin with.

Oddly, this item was never seen on air ever again ...

Thank you for this great rendition of events, I am having to re-type errors as laughing so much and my daughter, on the phone to friend, had to leave the room cos she couldn't hear her. I am going to search youtube for that one. :mysmilie_504::mysmilie_504::mysmilie_504:
Hope this isn't too off topic, but there was a presenter at qvc in america called mike rowe. He presented late at night and was the david letterman of qvc. He was known to not hide his contempt for and make fun of the daft products he was given late at night.

One in particular is a katsak. A crinkly toy bag for cats at $36.00 The presenting of this I thought was hysterical.

Don't know if I'm allowed to post links, but if you go onto youtube and type in qvc katsak it's the first item that comes up. it's very entertaining. Also his presenting of "precious moments" and noah's ark is priceless.

I think he was eventually fired.
At times I wonder if I watch too much QVC, but reading this thread has made me realise I don't watch enough - I missed the bin compressor, the ice bucket, the photo blanket - but reading about them has reduced me to tears of hilarity and my laughter has woken my entire household at a ridiculously early time on a Sunday morning. I must suggest to my GP that such excerpts be burnt onto DVDs and made available to sufferers of depression...

My fave was the reindeer Pipa and Anthony were trying to sell one Christmas Eve morning. It was the last deathly hours before their annual shutdown when no-one (other than me and OH) were watching, and there was this three foot by four foot reindeer 'ornament', and as they touched it its head fell off and rolled across the studio. I'm sure that's been shown on one of their anniversary montages. I recall OH and me crying with laughter. Best bit was Anthony and Pipa clearly just thought s*d it and didn't try to cover it up but allowed themselves to corpse and to hell with the sales figures...:grin:
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At times I wonder if I watch too much QVC, but reading this thread has made me realise I don't watch enough - I missed the bin compressor, the ice bucket, the photo blanket - but reading about them has reduced me to tears of hilarity and my laughter has woken my entire household at a ridiculously early time on a Sunday morning. I must suggest to my GP that such excerpts be burnt onto DVDs and made available to sufferers of depression......:grin:

Well, I suffer from depression but sometimes when watching QVC I think I must be going crazy !!!!

Linda :grin:
Well, I suffer from depression but sometimes when watching QVC I think I must be going crazy !!!!

Linda :grin:

Me too, hence the suggestion. It's at moments when I watch them try to sell the objects detailed in this thread that I realise just how sane I am, so thanks QVC! :wink: :giggle:
when i was really poorly with depression, not working and on meds (well still am on meds but working again) I watched loads of QVC and actually I found it quite soothing and undemanding. This forum helped me too, such wit and sharp observation of the crazy world of home shopping. I missed the self decapitating reindeer, sounds hilarious. I have posted on here before that me and my son used to play a game called "Shopping Channel Panda";I had been given this hideous panda brooch as a gift and we used to challenge each other to extol its dubious glories for a couple of minutes eachin the style of a QVC presenter, it was quite a laugh. Does this make us deeply sad?
How about the big sticky bits of photo paper that you put on your wheelie bins to make them look nicer? Amazon rain forest, smarties, licorice allsorts...Julian's distain on that one was pretty good...
Yonks ago they were doing smoothie makers and I think it was Catherine demo-ing. She kept forgetting to shut off the spout. She'd load up the blender and flip the switch and the smoothies would gush out all over the floor. Sad thing was, she did it more than once!

PS If we can remember any of this stuff we've been watching too much to long and our brains are retaining useless info. Though now we can look for it on YouTube.
Oohh, remember mice on ice?? Oh, sorry, that was Ideal World and Steve Whately's Crazzeee Christmas! I used to watch that every week for a good laugh!
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LULU & her plastic surgeried botoxed face desperate to convince us that its all down to her wonderful products:mysmilie_507:

Even worse her new BF Alison Young encouraging in the perpetual lie.
does anyone remember the plastic cup juicer demonstrated by a german guy? No electricity needed. you had a cup that caught the jouice and a oversized citrus press on which you placed the fruit then a cup on top to force the fruit through. Looked fab, only snag was that you needed Arnold Schwarzenegger in your kitchen for anything other then berry fruit
when i was really poorly with depression, not working and on meds (well still am on meds but working again) I watched loads of QVC and actually I found it quite soothing and undemanding. This forum helped me too, such wit and sharp observation of the crazy world of home shopping. I missed the self decapitating reindeer, sounds hilarious. I have posted on here before that me and my son used to play a game called "Shopping Channel Panda";I had been given this hideous panda brooch as a gift and we used to challenge each other to extol its dubious glories for a couple of minutes eachin the style of a QVC presenter, it was quite a laugh. Does this make us deeply sad?

Not sad at all, a fab game which I may introduce on long winter nights in this house. We already play QVC Bingo here, a game we were introduced to by a poster on here (sorry, can't recall who!) - the idea is to applaud/shout house or such when, for instance, Jill Franks does a *major* intake of breath, Glen mentions that crisp white shirt, or, in our case, And Dawson fills a gap when she can't think of what to say with a loud "aaaaaand".

Totally agree abut the soothing nature of QVC. It's a world where nothing horrible happens (if you don't count Kirks Folly.) Hope you're doing really well at the moment x
For me, a good laugh on QVC can always be had with the poor models and some of the fashion they have to parade around in. And not collapse in paroxisms of mirth.
In fact, continuing the QVC Game theme - one of my favourite past-times (and judge me how you will, for I no longer care!) is to walk around the house in a 'QVC Model Style' if I need to cheer myself up. It only works if you're wearing your scrottiest clothes and no make up though. Imagine going into the kitchen to make your tea and opening every cupboard door using Sharon's exaggerated hand gestures. Every time you open the oven to check your goujons aren't drying out - you look into the middle distance, pause and then laugh heartily and wrinkle your nose a'la Beth. While you're doing your washing up of an evening you launch your pots into the sink whilst pulling your hair out of the way just like Goody does...

Literally seconds of fun...

Don't L'Occitane do something for dried-up goujons?!! You lot crack me up, I've even forgotten about my headache today.
Not forgetting that we are all ''real women ''our whole look must be dedicated to the fact that we are ''real women '' :mysmilie_507:
not QVC related really but I cheer myself up by prancing around to music when doing boring jobs, you should see my Mick Jagger take on doing the dishes ....."I'm washing up, I'm washing up I never stop, never stop" all done with a full on pout and a swivel of the hips.
........ Every time you open the oven to check your goujons aren't drying out - you look into the middle distance, pause and then laugh heartily and wrinkle your nose a'la Beth. While you're doing your washing up of an evening you launch your pots into the sink whilst pulling your hair out of the way just like Goody does...

Literally seconds of fun...


very posh - in this house it's fish fingers or chicken nuggets ! :puke:

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