A different world !


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Alexis from L'Occitane does live in another world. She lives on the same road as my son in central London - I know because I saw her outside her house while visiting him once. Note he rents a very small studio flat at the less sought after end of the road and she lives in a huge house at the posh end! I don' t know if they own the house but it must be worth over 2 million. So yes, another world!
The amounts of money spent on rubbish Christmas presents really offends me. We have a 5 pound limit, or you can make something or 're-gift' something. I buy as I see things throughout the year, and people get something heartfelt and we'll thought out. No crippling debt, and no mindless consumerism. If I've missed the mark, I've absolutely no problem with someone re-gifting.
Am I the only one who actually does have a present cupboard? Not for the postman, milkman or teachers I hasten to add. Well my father's a teacher so technically that's not quite true. The cupboard is also most definitely not full of the 42 of each beauty TSV they seem to expect us to buy...
I buy stuff for birthdays/xmas/anniversaries when I see something that someone close to me would like and it sits in the cupboard until the occasion comes around. I also stagger buying xmas presents from about September to enable me to afford them. How do people do that whole doing all the xmas shopping in a couple of days in December thing?! Nevermind just the expense, it sounds really stressful and knackering. Buying some of the presents early also means being able to stagger the wrapping, which is good cos I'm crap at it and take forever.
Am I the only one who actually does have a present cupboard? Not for the postman, milkman or teachers I hasten to add. Well my father's a teacher so technically that's not quite true. The cupboard is also most definitely not full of the 42 of each beauty TSV they seem to expect us to buy...
I buy stuff for birthdays/xmas/anniversaries when I see something that someone close to me would like and it sits in the cupboard until the occasion comes around. I also stagger buying xmas presents from about September to enable me to afford them. How do people do that whole doing all the xmas shopping in a couple of days in December thing?! Nevermind just the expense, it sounds really stressful and knackering. Buying some of the presents early also means being able to stagger the wrapping, which is good cos I'm crap at it and take forever.

Exactly. You think about what a person would really like and then buy it and put it away until Christmas present time comes round. The QVC method is to buy all-purpose tat for anyone and everyone, just because it's Christmas.
I've always done that but my presents are stuffed onto the top of a wardrobe. It saves a fortune and a load of hassle come Christmas.
I buy presents with people in mind throughout the year. Often they're not an expensive item but something I think they will love. At Christmas I give my dad and stepmother a main gift then a gift bag with a few wee treats in. Those treats are collected throughout the year. I do it for others too. But I don't have anything that I don't know who its for as such. And they all fit in a stack of storage boxes on the landing.

We all live in different worlds. We all have different disposable incomes. And we all have to cut our cloth. I've been called out for having more money than sense on here more that once because I've bought something that others think is ridiculously expensive. I don't actually. I have more sense than money. I spend my money where I want to and whilst I might buy expensive scarves or handbags I never ever spend more than I have.
Am I the only one who actually does have a present cupboard? Not for the postman, milkman or teachers I hasten to add. Well my father's a teacher so technically that's not quite true. The cupboard is also most definitely not full of the 42 of each beauty TSV they seem to expect us to buy...
I buy stuff for birthdays/xmas/anniversaries when I see something that someone close to me would like and it sits in the cupboard until the occasion comes around. I also stagger buying xmas presents from about September to enable me to afford them. How do people do that whole doing all the xmas shopping in a couple of days in December thing?! Nevermind just the expense, it sounds really stressful and knackering. Buying some of the presents early also means being able to stagger the wrapping, which is good cos I'm crap at it and take forever.

You're not alone! I started doing that a couple of years ago, it makes perfect financial sense to spread the cost of gifts throughout the year. I buy gifts for designated people at any time of year when I see something that they'd like and it's a lovely feeling to know everything is ready by the end of November. I don't want to feel smug because I know everyone chooses to buy gifts differently, but I sure am glad I'm not like some of my friends and colleagues who panic through Dec and Jan because they overspent in Dec and are struggling until the end of Jan pay day.
We all live in different worlds. We all have different disposable incomes. And we all have to cut our cloth. I've been called out for having more money than sense on here more that once because I've bought something that others think is ridiculously expensive. I don't actually. I have more sense than money. I spend my money where I want to and whilst I might buy expensive scarves or handbags I never ever spend more than I have.

Well said. I feel the same.
I too buy throughout the year, also LOVE coupons. I used the Molton Brown one highlighted her for several gifts. Got a nice gift box too and a couple of sample sized bottles which I use for me. the body shop is also one of my favourites and with 40%coupon this week and free delivery I've just got some great gifts ordered. Nice stuff but not breaking the bank.
I buy throughout the year too and usually when websites have sales on. I also registered with a couple of coupon sites and they email me regular discount codes.
I dont think anyone is disagreeing that presents bought throughout the year and put away is a good thing - its the Q idea that we are buying for half the world and his granny gifts in excess of £30 "just in case"
I dont think anyone is disagreeing that presents bought throughout the year and put away is a good thing - its the Q idea that we are buying for half the world and his granny gifts in excess of £30 "just in case"

Yeah I've always wondered about this, someone coming round unexpectedly (which is rare in the digital age of quick and easy communication anyway) and having to give them a present? I have literally never given anyone a present because they have come to see me??!!
I buy presents with people in mind throughout the year. Often they're not an expensive item but something I think they will love. At Christmas I give my dad and stepmother a main gift then a gift bag with a few wee treats in. Those treats are collected throughout the year. I do it for others too. But I don't have anything that I don't know who its for as such. And they all fit in a stack of storage boxes on the landing.

We all live in different worlds. We all have different disposable incomes. And we all have to cut our cloth. I've been called out for having more money than sense on here more that once because I've bought something that others think is ridiculously expensive. I don't actually. I have more sense than money. I spend my money where I want to and whilst I might buy expensive scarves or handbags I never ever spend more than I have.

Totally agree. I have a limit for everyone give or take the odd pound. You get 3 for 2 on green gift stickers in Boots, Motherercare/Early Learning have half price toys at moment and there is a blue cross sale in Debenhams plus 20% off bags etc.
I would like to think the presenters have a sweepstake going to see who can shoehorn in the most ridiculous 'teacher gift' suggestion. Bad enough every beauty show we have 'get this for your mother, daughter, sister, niece' like that wouldn't have occurred to you at any point. I did buy the giftmate wrapping bags though, cos I am not good at wrapping...and Lindy Bowman seems to have disappeared;-)
A different world--Sara Griffiths enthusing about her 'collection' of LG bags av. price £300? & the 'guest presenter' on & on 'Lulu loves'--Lulu wants--Lulu--Lulu--Lulu etc. I have yet to see the attraction IMO they should be priced about at least £100 lower.
Miss G, I think Q expect we will continuously buy during the year, not just for our 'Christmas cupboard' but for those little £150.00 gifts you pluck from your present cupboard to give the dustman on his birthday - you know the ones!!! They lecture us all year about buying more than one as a gift, although it's true they step it up a gear nearer Christmas, According to them, we all have a "cupboard" the size of a room to store our purchases in - well, I've got news for Q, most people use their rooms for living in where I come from, not for storing a ton of 'gifts' in, "just in case". Don't get me wrong, good luck to those well organised people who do stockpile gifts ready for birthdays/Christmas - those people will usually have in mind who they are buying for. I've got a sister-in-law who is so well organised and she does this, but my 'beef' with Q is the cost of some of the items they tell you are "just right for a present for (whoever)....". It gives the impression that money's no object for everybody, which I find insulting and patronising. And to suggest we have cupboards full of the stuff "just in case" the Gas man knocks on the door on Christmas Eve..well, words fail you.

Miss Grumpy;822728]Exactly. You think about what a person would really like and then buy it and put it away until Christmas present time comes round. The QVC method is to buy all-purpose tat for anyone and everyone, just because it's Christmas.[/QUOTE]
Neither have I - but in the Wonderful World of Q, even the boy or girl who sticks the local free newspaper through your door could be entitled to a £150.00 gift from your present cupboard.
Yeah I've always wondered about this, someone coming round unexpectedly (which is rare in the digital age of quick and easy communication anyway) and having to give them a present? I have literally never given anyone a present because they have come to see me??!!
This is what we do, £8 absolute limit, and this means we have more money left in our pockets after Xmas to buy ourselves something we want or put towards our hols, having not spent a small fortune on gifts and not apprehensive about the credit card statement in the New Year. The only exception with cost is for "special" birthdays or anniversaries during the year, but even then we don't go OTT.

The amounts of money spent on rubbish Christmas presents really offends me. We have a 5 pound limit, or you can make something or 're-gift' something. I buy as I see things throughout the year, and people get something heartfelt and we'll thought out. No crippling debt, and no mindless consumerism. If I've missed the mark, I've absolutely no problem with someone re-gifting.

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