30 day money back guarantee.........!


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Jun 26, 2008
Had a very nice letter from QVC today explaining that over the last year my return rate was 57% and that the MBG guarantee is only good for 50% of goods purchased and if I do not mend my ways, they will watch my account closely, and it may be closed.

Of course we all know that, don't the presenters tell us all the time to buy the goods using our 30 day mbg as long as we do not go over 50%!

I can't believe this, I have never heard of this and no doubt it is buried in small print somewhere, but has never been aired while I have been watching.

will not take them too long to monitor my account, won't be using it much.
I'm expecting "the letter" - I sent 2 pairs of Scholls and the tiny little Lola Rose bracelet back because I thought they were poor quality for the money. If they contact me, I'm going to suggest they tell the presenters to point this out when they mention the MBG.
30 day money back guarantee..!

Thanks renta chops.

Shall be complaining to Trading Standards and Advertising Standards, nothing else to do in life!

Either there is a guarantee or there isn't. been expecting a letter about too many cheque holds. think that is a marvellous system. order the item, read the reviews, cancel.
was enough for me to go to virtually zero purchases after I got mine just before Christmas, To say it made steam come out of my ears was an understatement, plus so many were returned due to being faulty/wrong item or clearly used, the inconvenience is always on us trekking to the PO, getting our postage back etc...stuff em !!!!!
I agree with you, they can monitor my account all they like its so quiet it won't take them long.
Thanks renta chops.

Shall be complaining to Trading Standards and Advertising Standards, nothing else to do in life!

Either there is a guarantee or there isn't. been expecting a letter about too many cheque holds. think that is a marvellous system. order the item, read the reviews, cancel.

They should introduce a system where you can cancel your own cheque holds once you decide you don't want an item.Speaking as Devil's Advocate I suppose it's a pain when potentially thousands of people order an item and then decide they don't want it but don't call to cancel it.I know i've done it numerous times.I'd be happy to cancel my order if I could just do it on-line and not have to go through all the palaver with those folks in Liverpool.

However,i've also read that QVC "oversell" anyway to compensate for all the cheque holds who don't pay,so i'm not sure if any real harm is done???

As for that letter.....how BOGUS!

You either have a 30 MBG or you don't,no hidden proviso's.
I think this is disgracefull! If QVC entices us to buy things we're not sure of because of the 30 day MBG then it shouldn't matter how many things you return. The 30 day MBG is a service they provide and is a good selling point for them as most other shopping channels its 14 days. To penalise people for using this is an outrage. How many times in each show to the presenters try to make us buy stuff using this as the only selling point?

IMO they use this in the vain hope that if people don't like it that they won't be bothered to return it. Think again QVC we are a bunch of savvy shoppers and if we don't like something them we shouldn't have to worry about "the letter"!
Had a very nice letter from QVC today explaining that over the last year my return rate was 57% and that the MBG guarantee is only good for 50% of goods purchased and if I do not mend my ways, they will watch my account closely, and it may be closed.

Of course we all know that, don't the presenters tell us all the time to buy the goods using our 30 day mbg as long as we do not go over 50%!

I can't believe this, I have never heard of this and no doubt it is buried in small print somewhere, but has never been aired while I have been watching.

will not take them too long to monitor my account, won't be using it much.

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I'm expecting "the letter" - I sent 2 pairs of Scholls and the tiny little Lola Rose bracelet back because I thought they were poor quality for the money. If they contact me, I'm going to suggest they tell the presenters to point this out when they mention the MBG.

I'm with you there Whatsinaname, the presenters should tell it exactly like it is. BTW I also sent back 2 pairs of Scholls and the little Lola Rose heart bracelet is joining them this week, together with the little rose necklace. The Scholls were incredibly uncomfortable, I couldn't adjust the strap and as you say, the jewellery was very plasticy and overpriced.
Hah! Can beat you - my letter said I sent back 65%! It was even followed up by a phone call, where they asked me why I sent so much back. When I explained the number of faulty items, things that didn't fit, wrong items, wrong colours, or sizes, broken items, things that made me itch, and so on that I had received over the years there was a bit of silence on the other end of the line. She then went back to her script of 'monitoring my account and if it doesn't improve the account will be cancelled'. I told her to go ahead and monitor it and if they cancelled the account, fine.
Don't know whether it's just me but I am ordering less and having to return more. I am not impluse buying and just changing my mind, usually there is some problem with the item. Quality going down? Standards in post or warehouse slipping? Don't know.
They should introduce a system where you can cancel your own cheque holds once you decide you don't want an item.Speaking as Devil's Advocate I suppose it's a pain when potentially thousands of people order an item and then decide they don't want it but don't call to cancel it.I know i've done it numerous times.I'd be happy to cancel my order if I could just do it on-line and not have to go through all the palaver with those folks in Liverpool.

However,i've also read that QVC "oversell" anyway to compensate for all the cheque holds who don't pay,so i'm not sure if any real harm is done???
You CAN cancel without having to make that awful phone call-I learned this recently from craftytelly.com. There is a space on the website under your account, entitled help-if you go into that there is a web e-mail form that can be sent for any reason. I now cancel my cheque holds that way
QVC can't have it all ways-they say one of the reasons the p&p is quite high is to cover the 30 day mbg. I have had to return stuff latelly because it took 5 days to process hence was too late-I actually cancelled withih those 5 days but they still sent it out so I demanded a return label and refund of p&p and got both. I now mostly only buy stuff I am sure of like LE,but I do think these letters are a total insult to some of their best customers. I would be tempetd to print out my order summary,place the reason for return against every return and send it to the Chief Exec.
Last time I called customer services about an order not having arrived I asked if I was due for one of those letters as my recent returns rate was about 50%. Apparently it's 50% over your lifetime orders, not over the last 2 months or so. :)
I would be tempted to write QVC a snotty letter back stating that all broken/faulty/wrong size/wrong colour items were actually returned in accordance with your statutory rights under the Distance Selling Regulations not the 30 day mbg & asking them to re-calculate the remaining items (tried out & didn't like as opposed to broken/faulty/wrong size/wrong colour etc.!) sent back under the latter & see what the true 'I changed my mind after a couple of weeks use' percentage was!
It's about time QVC put this information on screen, they bleat on about buy it and try it but that is a LIE if you over your 50%.
I know I'll be unpopular for saying this but QVC are a business and as such have at times got to protect themselves from people continuing to send things back. I've sent loads of stuff back over the years, if I'm honest mainly because I've changed my mind. I've only once received the wrong item.

If I don't like something I've ordered I send it back. But recently I've thought much more before I buy, hence I don't send that much back. "The Letter" probably works, makes people think twice before purchasing. QVC have to make money, otherwise there's no point. N

Getting a letter like this must be horrible; very unfair and uncalled for. BUT, if it works and people think twice, it does it's job.
I know I'll be unpopular for saying this but QVC are a business and as such have at times got to protect themselves from people continuing to send things back. I've sent loads of stuff back over the years, if I'm honest mainly because I've changed my mind. I've only once received the wrong item.

If I don't like something I've ordered I send it back. But recently I've thought much more before I buy, hence I don't send that much back. "The Letter" probably works, makes people think twice before purchasing. QVC have to make money, otherwise there's no point. N

Getting a letter like this must be horrible; very unfair and uncalled for. BUT, if it works and people think twice, it does it's job.

You are of course right QVC is a business, but they really push the friends thing and buy and try. I have no problem with "THE LETTER" I have a problem with QVC not being honest about the fact that only 50% can be returned. The viewers should be told, IMO like the Quiz Channels everything needs to be on screen at the point of sale.
You are of course right QVC is a business, but they really push the friends thing and buy and try. I have no problem with "THE LETTER" I have a problem with QVC not being honest about the fact that only 50% can be returned. The viewers should be told, IMO like the Quiz Channels everything needs to be on screen at the point of sale.

Couldn't agree more. The guarantee is either there, or it's not. They can't start bleating after the event, that they don't want you sending stuff back. Not a show goes by without the presenters pushing it, so they should add a disclaimer that it's only ok up to 50%!
You are of course right QVC is a business, but they really push the friends thing and buy and try. I have no problem with "THE LETTER" I have a problem with QVC not being honest about the fact that only 50% can be returned. The viewers should be told, IMO like the Quiz Channels everything needs to be on screen at the point of sale.

You are quite right Graham, they should make their terms & conditions a little clearer & be more upfront about it, it might even make some of the 'habitual returners' think twice before buying, which in some cases wouldn't be a bad thing!

We are without a doubt, paying for this 30 day mbg somewhere, either in the item price &/or the p&p rate, working on the TNSTAAFL principle & it does somewhat annoy me to read reviews left by certain 'shoppers' stating that they returned items because it was 'too far from payday' (surely you know when you get paid?!?) or they wouldn't wear it as they 'already have an almost identical one' (did you forget this small fact when you ordered it?!?) & so on & so forth!

However, as Graham so rightly points out this is about the existence, or not, of a blanket 30 day mbg & QVC's own terms & conditions clearly state:

17. Are my products guaranteed?
For extra peace of mind every purchase has a 30-day money-back guarantee.
If you would like a refund, or want to change your product for a different size or colour, return it within 30 days of receipt using the enclosed returns label and including your QVC membership details and order number.

I could not find anything in the terms & conditions stating 'but only up to a certain percentage'.....!

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