30 day money back guarantee.........!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

They should introduce a system where you can cancel your own cheque holds once you decide you don't want an item.Speaking as Devil's Advocate I suppose it's a pain when potentially thousands of people order an item and then decide they don't want it but don't call to cancel it.I know i've done it numerous times.I'd be happy to cancel my order if I could just do it on-line and not have to go through all the palaver with those folks in Liverpool.

However,i've also read that QVC "oversell" anyway to compensate for all the cheque holds who don't pay,so i'm not sure if any real harm is done???
You CAN cancel without having to make that awful phone call-I learned this recently from craftytelly.com. There is a space on the website under your account, entitled help-if you go into that there is a web e-mail form that can be sent for any reason. I now cancel my cheque holds that way

Well i'll give that a try today,see if it works.
On their website it says

"9.3 It is our policy to contact and work with customers whose level of returns is very high. This is to ensure that our prices are not negatively impacted by the cost to QVC of dealing with an extremely high number of returns by a small minority of customers. If a customer continues to return an extremely high number of products to us, we reserve the right to close their account. If this happens the customer’s statutory rights will remain unaffected, orders accepted by us before the account has been closed will be fulfilled in accordance with these terms and individual product warranties will continue to be honoured in accordance with their terms."

As you guys have said, there is no mention of how high is a high return rate. What one person thinks is high, another may not.

Surely this "50%" thing must only kick in after a certain length of time or number of orders other wise some who orders twice in 2 years but sends one item back could get the letter. Unlikely to happen I know.

I definitely agree that if they are to send such a letter, they need to get their figures straight and not include returns due to the errors of packing which is their fault.

They have to expect high return rates for things like fashion because there is no way to know for sure if a pair of shoes for example will fit you or be comfy. These types of returns shouldn't count against you. If you were a customer returning things like camcorders, TVs etc after keeping for almost the full 30 days again and again then yes, that person probably is taking advantage.

I've had the letter in the past but I don't remember what they said my rate was. I told them that most returns were clothing or rings that didn't fit. The letter told me I had to call to discuss the matter. At that time they made it seem that they were after feedback to improve products but advised me to think twice when ordering in the future. This is not how the letter was worded.
I know I'll be unpopular for saying this but QVC are a business and as such have at times got to protect themselves from people continuing to send things back. I've sent loads of stuff back over the years, if I'm honest mainly because I've changed my mind. I've only once received the wrong item.

If I don't like something I've ordered I send it back. But recently I've thought much more before I buy, hence I don't send that much back. "The Letter" probably works, makes people think twice before purchasing. QVC have to make money, otherwise there's no point. N

Getting a letter like this must be horrible; very unfair and uncalled for. BUT, if it works and people think twice, it does it's job.

I agree with you 100%. I really begrudge the cost of sending things back so I do think carefully before buying and really only send things back if they aren't right (some MOP shampoo ages ago that really didn't do anything for my hair) or they don't fit (a couple of Murano rings).

To be honest if I had got to the point where half my purchases were going back then I wouldn't keep on buying, I would find somewhere else to shop.

However I do think that when calculating people's returns rate faulty items or getting the wrong item shouldn't be included, if something is faulty of course it will be returned and that's their responsibility.
30 day money back guarantee

Oh WOW!!!!! You lucky thing, QVC are keeping you safe by watching over you like shopping guardian angels. Bet you feel so special Ruthmay.:54:

Oh I do Donna, I so do!

So much so that my return rate has now gone up to 100%!

Quaking in my boots..................
30 day money back guarantee........!

I have just spoken to Consumer Direct concerning this and they say that legally everyone has the right to return things within 7 days, there is nothing about 50% and they are reporting the matter to Trading Standards for them to take up.

I also mentioned the matter of the TSV Diamonique Watch which was presented with 4 different bracelet lengths, and they said that they should give accurate measurements and it is being taken up as well.ink

REally think it is time they cleaned up their act. Off to write to Advertising Standards now.
I would be tempted to write QVC a snotty letter back stating that all broken/faulty/wrong size/wrong colour items were actually returned in accordance with your statutory rights under the Distance Selling Regulations not the 30 day mbg & asking them to re-calculate the remaining items (tried out & didn't like as opposed to broken/faulty/wrong size/wrong colour etc.!) sent back under the latter & see what the true 'I changed my mind after a couple of weeks use' percentage was!

I think you're right KWC, QVC should differentiate between returns that are faulty etc and things that people return coz they've changed their mind. THAT would be good customer service and p**s less people off.
Think this link might work to take you to the e-mail form to cancel cheque holds


Oh Gawd! thanks for the link but it's still too much like hard work,lol.Seriously you should just be able to go into your account,there should be a check or minus sign next to the order number or some system like that and if you want to cancel your cheque hold,you do.

Well two things going back tmorrow...a not so cheap KF piece that arrived with a battered box and the hooks are put on straight at the bottom, which we drive me nuts....so couldn't give it as a present.....and this computer. They are picking up later today and getting a refund....glad I chose that as this keyboard keep dying on me...mainly the caps key and the backspace!!!

Wondering what computer will appear on the 13th and whether I will have my large amount of dosh back in my account by then?

And then that will make it 75% returns over the past year or so...never seen such appalling workmanship or ineffective packing and thereby breaks etc
Reading you lot moaning about "the letter" you've had about your level of returned items makes me laugh,

What QVC should do is send a letter saying they don't want your custom as while they aim to give complete customer satisfaction it appears we are regularly not achieving our goals with you. Could we suggest that you might be better served by pourchasing in person on the High Street
I have just spoken to Consumer Direct concerning this and they say that legally everyone has the right to return things within 7 days, there is nothing about 50% and they are reporting the matter to Trading Standards for them to take up.

I also mentioned the matter of the TSV Diamonique Watch which was presented with 4 different bracelet lengths, and they said that they should give accurate measurements and it is being taken up as well.ink

REally think it is time they cleaned up their act. Off to write to Advertising Standards now.
When you try to place an order you are making an offer to buy and they are entitled not to accept the offer so they can in effect cancel your account.

However for anything you have already bought obviously your legal rights do apply.

I just don't really understand why people want to carry on buying from QVC when they are dissatisfied with the products and the service.

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