24-piece Lock & Lock £21 inclusive


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I ordered the green double set too (my current favourite shade) and it arrived this morning.
I'll be giving some of them away as gifts as I already have about 40-50 of them in various shapes and sizes. It's quite true what others have said, once you start collecting them, you just HAVE to have more :eek: !!!
TBH, I've lost count, as I have them all over the place but I just couldn't resist this brilliant bargain either!
Well Done QVC for such a great price on these!thumbs up
the green is lovely and fresh and probably my favourite out of all the others i have. dont think anyone will be disappointed if it wasnt their first choice.

Mine arrived a couple of days ago and I got green as all the other double options had gone. I would never have chosen green if there had been other colours, but I'm so glad now they'd all gone. The green is lovely - a really pretty green, so fresh and pretty. Just got to find a home for it all now
I was disappointed to have to get the green because the only other ones i've got - the failed bread keeper and the polycarbonates - are blue. But now I'm glad, it really is very pretty and fresh like you say. But I'm disappointed that the biggest one, which Malc said would take bread and he did have a white sliced in it, is too small. I'm considering suing, he must have really squashed it in :mad: I can't even get a kilo of oats in it, had to use some first.

My double green set arrived yesterday afternoon and I used loads of the containers to organise kitchen cupboards.

However, one of the lids on the smaller ones has snapped!!!! I have loads of Lock'n'Lock already and really rate the brand so was amazed when I went to snap the hinges shut and 2 sheared off and shot across the kitchen floor! The rest of the boxes and lids seem fine so I reckon it must just have been a rogue one!

I phoned CS anyway to register the fact that I had encountered a problem so that, if any more lids snapped, they were aware of it and we could deal with it then. I was given the option of returning the whole lot but as it had taken me ages to unpack it all and I didn't fancy the prospect of repacking all 24 boxes again, I said I'd keep the set. I was then told that QVC would refund my postage! So, all in all, assuming there are no further problems with any other lids, I got 24 boxes (23 with functioning lids!) for £15! Not bad!!
My double green set arrived yesterday afternoon and I used loads of the containers to organise kitchen cupboards.

However, one of the lids on the smaller ones has snapped!!!! I have loads of Lock'n'Lock already and really rate the brand so was amazed when I went to snap the hinges shut and 2 sheared off and shot across the kitchen floor! The rest of the boxes and lids seem fine so I reckon it must just have been a rogue one!

I phoned CS anyway to register the fact that I had encountered a problem so that, if any more lids snapped, they were aware of it and we could deal with it then. I was given the option of returning the whole lot but as it had taken me ages to unpack it all and I didn't fancy the prospect of repacking all 24 boxes again, I said I'd keep the set. I was then told that QVC would refund my postage! So, all in all, assuming there are no further problems with any other lids, I got 24 boxes (23 with functioning lids!) for £15! Not bad!!

The same thing has happened to one of mine these evening with one of the squarish ones. I'll ring them anyway to let them know as I wonder if there's a batch of faulty lids - I did notice when clipping the lids on most of the square ones that they looked more strained than usual so I'm half expecting more of them to come off.
Yes, the lid on one of my small ones snapped too! Mind you, for £21 it's still a bargain (although I think we are running out of drawers to put the L&L in!)
I bought the single set today. Of course it's not quite such a good deal as the double set, but still good value. And to be honest there is absolutely no way I would use 24 pieces!

Was pleased to be able to get the pink too.

Will keep an eye on the lids when they arrive. If any do break, I'll be on the phone to CS!
The lid on one of my small ones snapped too. It seemed that that particular lid had been packed in a strange way with the hinges bent back, so it was already weakened when I went to close it.

Am going to ring CS later. I don't want to send the whole set back, as I had started to use some of the others, so hope they might refund my postage or something too.
I was tempted by this offer as I'm short of the larger boxes but I'm sure my other half would leave home if I did. He said this morning you look like you're going to make an announcement, yes I've just ordered some more lock and lock dear - only joking.

I did buy a set a while ago with some of those plastic trays in the bottom and both of them were broken. I couldn't be bothered to send the whole lot back for just a small thing but still irritating.
I ordered the green on waitlist and they were dispatched yesterday. Hopefully won't have any problems with the lids. Just a cynical thought, maybe they were such a great bargain because they were a bad batch?
I ordered 2 sets on wait list and both have been dispatched, only time will tell if they were a bad batch or that some of you have just been unlucky. having said that it is STILL available at the easy pay price.
Well it seems to be the one small square tub that has broken for everyone and if it was packed in the same way mine was (bent back the wrong way) then I'm not really surprised. Will let you know what CS say.

Pleased with the rest of the set though - especially the larger box as it's just the right size to fit a homemade loaf in.
Received my set this morning. I ordered the double set in green and it's a lovely bright colour. I've only opened one set because now I've actually got it, I have no idea what I'm going to do with it all. I'll probably let hubby have one set for his shed. Must say though, I spend a fortune on baby toys but the wee fella has played lovely for ages with the one set this morning. They stack, fit inside each other and with a wooden spoon they make the best drum kit. Why have I never thought of giving him some before ?!?!?

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