Sorry, but I am SICK TO DEATH of these models and presenters raving about this stuff. Apart from the fact that in my experience it doesn't work if you're at all well endowed, the Julie woman has just gone through exactly the same spiel as she gave for the Emelia stuff a few days ago, and our 'heroine' (as Dennice called her) Ellis, who waved her baby belly about and swore that the Emelia longline pants were her saviour at the same time is now "paying homage" to this stuff. Mind you, maybe they are actually right and wear both sets (and possibly all the other miracle workers) together and that's why they seem to work! I know I shouldn't get worked up, buty can they not be had up for misrepresentation under the Trade Descriptions Act? (I'm really more angry at myself for being taken in by the Emelia stuff last week!!!)