2012 is the year...


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I wouldn't use ultrasun abroad - it was rubbish when I used it in tenerife this year - but I love to wear it every day here - I think its made a huge difference to my face and its a good base for make up too.

OK, I have just ordered it on QVC. No more dithering, if it is no good I can always send it back and blame you!!!! (Only joking) Thanks for the advice.
I keep meaning to use sunscreen daily but nearly always forget in winter although I do use products with SPFs and always use sun protection in summer now. Somehow when it's raining/snowing/freezing it doesn't seem necessary but I know they say it is really. I think it's because now I'm 50 and gone through the earlier years of nobody using sunscreen, it was almost unheard of unless it was a red-hot summery day. I dead to think what damage has been done to my skin, luckily I don't remember being sunburnt as a child but definitely burned a few times when I was older, suspect it's too late to save my skin now! I have a tiny bit of sagging on the jaw, and a bit of discolouration on nose/chin from a bout of acne in my early 40's but no real lines apart from the forehead '11' lines, so my skin is not too bad for my age. Will try to remember to use sunscreen to save what's left of it!
I never sit in the sun but my face, neck & chest was tanned when we went on holiday this year. That was from just walking about and sitting in the car. I had freckles and I had forgotten I was prone to them. Worse, they seem reluctant to fade away. I was using a moisturiser with SPF but obviously it wasn't doing the job and that's why I was anxious to purchase a separate sunscreen.
I've never been one for wearing make-up but believe I've found the tool I'd need to use if I were to plaster foundation on:


I wouldn't know where to start applying make-up so can understand how difficult people (I say people so not to offend the occasional gentlemen who use the odd product) who use beauty products have trying to find what suits them and does the job.
On a serious note, please please wear sunscreen every day.

I lost a very dear friend Richard from melanoma skin cancer in Oct - he was only 41 and his funeral was the hardest thing I've done since my Dad died 16 years ago. He played cricket, rugby, golf and loved beach hols and like many men thought SPFs are for wimps.

Linda xx
On a serious note, please please wear sunscreen every day.

I lost a very dear friend Richard from melanoma skin cancer in Oct - he was only 41 and his funeral was the hardest thing I've done since my Dad died 16 years ago. He played cricket, rugby, golf and loved beach hols and like many men thought SPFs are for wimps.

Linda xx
Yes you are right....I have made it my NY Resolution actually. I should really know better, my Dad was diagnosed with skin cancer a couple of years ago, thankfully not melanoma but one of the other less serious types, but nevertheless he did have quite a large area of skin removed and he has a huge scar on his face. He never used suncream even on loads of sunny holidays, and as well as the skin cancer he is also really wrinkled now.

So you have inspired me to take sun protection seriously this year, I've ordered more of my face protection today, La Roche Posay which is not cheap but it's great for the face. I normally only use it in summer but am determined to use it all year round.

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