Guest Shopper
I hate mobile phones with a passion, I will never give in, I have one stuck in a drawer that my nephew gave me as he wants me to text but I wont. I think mobiles make infidelity easier,, back in days, you would know if their was someone calling your house phone for your partner!
As for Ideal selling new line, well they have been doing them on the sister Channel Deal Channel which I think is the more suited channel for mobile phones. Ideal should stick with what they least know about.
They do that 99.99% of the time and it's downright boring.
There's only so many times you can watch the neverending Karcher/halogen oven/vibrating exercisers/cheap tablet pc/moissanite/polyester stretch clothes/plastic shoes/craft shows before you want to slit your wrists or turn the telly off.
I'm glad Ideal World have discovered something new to talk about. I don't see why the Deal Channel should be the only place Ideal should sell mobile phones. Is not like they keep craft shows just to the Create & Craft channel, is it?