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  1. P

    Ideal World celebrates its 9th Birthday

    Spud-u-like Come on guys - you can't knock a station that offers a great prize of £100 worth of potatoes..... can you? :33:
  2. P

    Annabelle Labone leaves Ideal World

    Googling reveals that Labone used to work for Littlewoods. Interestingly so did the Mike Hancox, who has decided he can manage without her on board the good ship Ideal....hmmm... sounds as though thereby hangs a tale......
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    Annabelle Labone leaves Ideal World

    Who she? :6:
  4. P

    Ideal shares head for the floor

    Glad you liked it!! :1:
  5. P

    Ideal shares head for the floor

    Worrying to see that Ideal market cap has sunk even further. Amazing to think the company was worth 100 million when Fumbling Fryatt took over, and is now worth 90% less! It will be interesting to see whether Paul and Val can work the old magic. The trouble is that, apart from when Howard is...
  6. P

    Paul Wright and Val Kaye Return to Ideal World

    Back to basics Now that the company has (presumably) a clean bill of health financially, it will be interesting to see if Ian Jebson hangs on in there - the company has been a bit of a graveyard for financial directors. Interesting also to see if Mr Wright and Miss Kaye coming back kicks...
  7. P

    MD's name ??

    Michael Hancox is the name you want.
  8. P

    Telephone calls - the lack of!

    Lost T callers About two years ago the T callers were becoming a real feature, and I always liked them. Where are they now? Well it may be that they are saving money in some way, or it may be they have fewer satisfied customers. Interesting question. :20:
  9. P

    Worst deliveries of any shopping channel

    Empty warehouse I reckon this will be a recurring problem for them now that the new broom has swept out 15% of the workforce. If they have the stuff in the warehouse but have got nobody to fetch it out send it to you, then ordering from Ideal can only result in disappointment. This company used...
  10. P

    Notice of requisition of a General Meeting

    Professionals back in charge Having been buying shares back recently it was only a matter of time before the professionals needed to take the asylum back from control by the lunatics. It will be interesting to see whether Hancox will want to stay in the kitchen when the heat starts to rise...
  11. P

    Wonder Where Shaun Is.

    I heard a rumour that Martyn was Norman Wisdom's love-child - not true surely? :52:
  12. P

    Ideal founders snap up shares

    I agree a couple of years ago things looked up, now they seem to have gone downhill again. Looks like they are trying to save money, but on a tv channel that isn't smart if your presentation suffers. Cheap sets and poor lighting all make it look rubbish, whatever the products are like, and...
  13. P

    Ideal's financial woes.

    An inquisitive mind might wonder whether there is a connection between the recent appointment of KPMG to audit Ideal, and the series of resignations from the finance department at Ideal, including financial director Mike Camp. I wonder what skeletons might be about to jump out of the closet? :33:
  14. P

    Share price not Ideal

    Presumably there is someone in charge of programming at Ideal, not that one would guess as much. The presentation looks like it is beamed in from eastern Europe. Whoever is in charge of what is after all a shopping television channel should be changed pronto. Fryatt wasn't a television person...
  15. P

    Share price not Ideal

    Not if - when.
  16. P

    Ideal Share Price (down, down down)

    Well it doesn't look as though the market is that thrilled by the arrival of the new CEO. The share price continues it's dive towards rock bottom. On his first day it lost another 12p per share. The company is now worth under £10million, and the prospects cannot be regarded as that good. Close...
  17. P

    Ideal Share price at new low

    I don't know whether you have any special reason to defend them Babs. The facts as you can see from todays news is that Ideal's shares are tumbling fast, AGAINST the trend in general and on the AIM. The figures speak for themselves, as you can see, and overnight they have lost another £3million...
  18. P

    Ideal Share price at new low

    If the city thought that the new guy will repair the havoc Fryatt wreaked, I am sure the share price would rally. In fact it has gone down again overnight, and must be heading toward the point where the company would be worth closing down and whatever assets it has, sold off. The problem with a...
  19. P

    Ideal Share price at new low

    The only other Hancock that springs to mind is Tony Hancock. I hope Michael Hancox has a good sense of humour - when he took on the job the shares were worth about 90p, and they are falling fast. In my opinion he is committing career suicide, unless he reckons that only an idiot could do worse...
  20. P

    Ideal Shopping Direct appoints Michael Hancox

    Welcome on board the Titanic, Captain. Hancox looks as though he has boarded a sinking ship. Days after Cap'n Pugwash, sorry, Fryatt, left the bridge the share value continues to plummet: :31: Amazing to think the shares were £4 a piece when Paul Wright turned over control to Fryatt, the Jonah...