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  1. A

    Quartzite Jade REALLY!

    Having read this far down the thread and deciding to comment on your piece for convenience. I'm not too keen on seeing arguments back and forth, as interesting as the points may be. But, and it's probably been said elsewhere, have you (generic, not necessarily personally) noticed, a lot of...
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    Oasis tickets!

    I'm not sure I'd call it a gig, but on the 22nd of this month, I'm off up to London to see a Choir from South Africa. I have varied tastes, and on the way through the land of the triple W, I happened across a song on YouTube and every song I've heard is worth me visiting them in person. Who...
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    Rydale auctions

    After a very cursory check coz I'm shutting down for the night, but DT would drop dead twice. Two Moss in Snow Jade in a lot of 4 all sold for £50. That's one Jade item for £12.50. Less with commission. And how much does he sell them for? I think the cheapest I've seen is around the £50 mark.
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    Paying four figures?

    Let's see, If I could afford image 2, I might pass: not quite my taste ;) And that doesn't mean I'd get image 1 either. If I wanted something like that, I have a mirror :P But silliness aside. Tooooooooo fond of equating brass with platinum, Gems, as it were.
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    Rydale auctions

    I don't profess to be a wonderful photographer: decent, but far from professional, but have to say, that photo of the emerald ring makes it look like it's 100 years old. (Dirty and not looked after). To me, anyway. And how much do those Loriques go for 'new'? And saying that, did the Lorique...
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    Rydale auctions

    Do you reckon the Gems 'gang' will register to watch their previous items sell: or not, as the case may be? Actually, that might be a good idea for them to watch ;) That cost us £50 to make, we sold it for £1000 and 'they' sold it for £30, kinda thing :P
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    Clearance in General

    I presume that's a polite term for some other term :P
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    Rydale auctions

    It's a shame that the powers that be at Gemporia can't see it, or won't see it. Unless they do see it and buy the lot back: after all, and I'm not joking, how many times on air have they said, past and present, that they would buy back jewellery from the customer 'just for the stone'?
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    Rydale auctions

    Thanks for this. No, I'm not going to bid. But, I suppose there is a slight light at the end of the tunnel. Auctions, 'usually' go up in price, but yes, there are some lower than I expected there start prices. I would add to depressing this. The fact that every piece (that I actually saw) still...
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    Clearance in General

    These were the ones where everybody's favourite Mr DT mentioned going to department store Debenham's (maybe still online?, but no stores, as far as I know) and buy costume jewellery for the same kind of price. Then he used English wrongly. He said, he's 'literally' shouting at you (audience): he...
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    Did someone say another throw away comment (or two or three)?

    Yesterday's show. But, it was fleeting, as I said ;)
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    Oasis tickets!

    That one aside, the only one without thinking too much that sticks out of his: aka, one I like, is The River of Dreams. (Granted, had to look up the title).
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    Oasis tickets!

    It was good :)
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    Oasis tickets!

    If that's the one that ended up in the West End, where the real audience was part of the stage audience, I saw that too. If not, I still saw it ;)
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    Oasis tickets!

    I do give most of them a chance. I never say I 'hate' a style of music or music person, until I've heard a sample.
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    Did someone say another throw away comment (or two or three)?

    I will put them in no particular order, but I think they lead into one another. Are the staff all on commission? After all, I've lost count of the amount of times multi buy has come into the selling spiel. I caught sight of a close up of Lindsey's hand. I notice these things. It was...
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    Oasis tickets!

    I don't mind him. Not 'go to concert' worthy, but I've heard worse. I can think of two HUGE names that I cannot take to, regardless of their fame. I like the Beach Boys. But (and this is showing how long ago it was), I listened to an album of theirs on cassette. Talk about same same same. I got...
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    Oasis tickets!

    I don't do concerts that much, (or anything theatrical). I have done, but some of the places I've been. One, a local theatre where it was very intimate. You were virtually sitting on the stage. That was Joseph. Then there was seeing Harry Connick Jr in The Albert Hall, with Russ Abbott a sneeze...
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    Heya :)
  20. A

    Random musings and banter on TV

    I tell ya. If these squares, streets and villages were real life. If they gave a house away with a 'your body weight' in pure gold and/or platinum, I don't think I'd even entertain living there. Unless, they let you keep 'your body weight' and sell the property as soon as you get the keys. :P