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  1. Shopping is fun

    Customers in adverts ??

    I would wear both as they won't notice!!
  2. Shopping is fun

    Review rejected again - can we believe the integrity of the review system?

    I have had reviews rejected by QVC as well so I don't bother to make any reviews or read the reviews. I think they are cherry picking the reviews to suit themselves which must be wrong. I get fed up when they keep harping about certain products have so many 5 stars to their name!! Its supposed...
  3. Shopping is fun

    Customers in adverts ??

    They have not asked me either and I don't think they would!! It would not surprise me if they were actors because no company is that brilliant despite what they like us to believe!!
  4. Shopping is fun

    NONE of it works...........

    AY talks a load of b*****ks!! It was only a few weeks ago that she was going on and on about NV Perricone and the £100 plus tub of moisturer and how wonderful and that it is the high end of the range! It seems clear she does not like the LE range very much despite it still sells very well even...
  5. Shopping is fun

    QVC models..who is your fav !!!

    Ali - As she is stunning (she had a very small part in a 2006 Russell Crowe film, and I recognised her, she did not have any lines but was probably there for her looks). Joy - I always like as someone else on here has said she manages to try to make the most of the awful Kim & Co clothes they...
  6. Shopping is fun

    Yep ! Just as we thought !

    What about Suz-Zero if they have one!!
  7. Shopping is fun

    Yep ! Just as we thought !

    You never know she may have "special" guests such as Kate Winslet, Helen Mirren, Rachel Weicz etc to tell us what they use on their skin, I DON'T THINK SO!! Its just so JR can get a free holiday!! I noticed in the promo she was wearing a low cut and pushing her boobs out, so no change there...
  8. Shopping is fun

    What's going on with the cameras today?

    Perhaps they are filming with IMAX film in the hope that Christopher Nolan may spot them for the next Batman movie in 2012.
  9. Shopping is fun

    Has Kim & Co gone worse?

    Great pic Moynah!! JR may be a size Small but unfortunately her gob is still LARGE!! Stop trying to look like a 25 year old!! Grow old gracefully, we all have to!!
  10. Shopping is fun

    Oh My Heart Bleeds

    Puss I totally agree with your post as I was going to say something similar!! Great minds think alike!! I like many thousands of others have had very serious financial problems, not to mention personal problems (which I have mentioned in the Drop) and I don't need to hear how they can't afford a...
  11. Shopping is fun

    Anne Dawson - Easiyo

    I noticed that Anne Dawson made a comment and I quote "People must wonder how much you can talk about yogurt in an hour". Or something like that. Has she been reading what was said in an earlier thread about how you can talk for an hour about the wonders of yogurt!! I think she might have...
  12. Shopping is fun

    Antony Heywood

    Perhaps he is filling in the for Captain and sailing the ship!! GOD HELP THEM!!
  13. Shopping is fun

    Graham Again ...

    QVC seem to have completely lost the plot!! Their Marketing Manager sounds like a complete twat!! If has escaped them we all do spend money on QVC in case they had forgotten. I sure it costs a lot of money to keep this forum going. How about a yearly subscription from the members, say £10...
  14. Shopping is fun

    QVC experiences can be written on Secret Shopper website

    Go on Burlz - I will hold your hand - LOL There are two latest comments supporting us and asking why we are being slagged off!! I agree and think it is an inside job!! They have not got the guts to actually say who they are! COWARDS!!
  15. Shopping is fun

    QVC experiences can be written on Secret Shopper website

    Some twat called "Klaronwitchboy" has said this after my post, and I quote "QVC is great value and great fun! My mother is housebound and loves the presentations, the customer service and she’s never had an issue with deliveries. The shopping telly forum is just full of people who want to drag...
  16. Shopping is fun

    QVC experiences can be written on Secret Shopper website

    I have just put my review on the website chaps!! Lets see how long some twat realises my username is the same as here!! ALL GOOD FUN!! BRING IT ON!!
  17. Shopping is fun

    QVC experiences can be written on Secret Shopper website

    I might go on that site and have a winge about QVC as I am pissed off with them as well as most of us are with genuine probs we may have with them. I think I will use my "username" and see if I get slagged off. I feel like having a cyber punch-up with one of them!! What is the point of having...
  18. Shopping is fun

    QVC experiences can be written on Secret Shopper website

    Perhaps some delicate flower at QVC has moaned. The last time I looked we were in a democratic country!
  19. Shopping is fun

    What action should QVC bosses take re the "slapping" incident?

    Am I right in thinking this is the third time that AY has slapped someone on tv? In any other job she would probably have been fired by now! She cannot be allowed to get away with this sort of behaviour. I used to like watching her as she was very imformative, but now I can't abide watching her!!
  20. Shopping is fun

    Quacker/Lola Rose

    I HAVE A CONFESSION TO MAKE!! I will own up to buying IN THE PAST t-shirts from Quacker as at the time I did like them. Needless to say they have gone to charity!! I must have been having a very bad day when I bought them!! But to say you could team their clothes with LR jewellery, what planet...