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  1. B

    Vicki C pregnant?

    Positive news indeed and Vicki I am sure would make a great stay at home mum ;)
  2. B

    My ears hurt

    Let's get this campaign started and see if GemsTV really do listen.
  3. B

    My ears hurt

    I never knew GemsTV were on overnight till I saw this thread, I watch a little after the F1 coverage and can only agree with everything that has been said, she is apalling. GemsTV brought back Ruth Linnett why don't they bring back the lovely Derky, he kept me watching, the bunch of shouters...
  4. B

    My ears hurt

    Derky was a real treasure, I just can't watch the current crop of presenters on GemsTV, I was pleased to hear that VickiC was pregnant, can't wait for her maternity leave. :headbang:
  5. B

    New presenter last night

    Apart from Victoria they are all rubbish, Karen has to be the worst.
  6. B

    Ruth Linnett GONE!

    Fantastic news, Ruth Linnett has gone back to GemsTV to sell their tat, all we need now is to get rid of Vicky Brown and Ian Gardner and TJC will be as perfect as their Jewellery.
  7. B

    Ruth Lynette

    I am pleased that she is back at GemsTV as she totally ruined my viewing on The Jewellery Channel, she is such a false presenter, GemsTV, Rocks and Co, TJC and now back to Gems, don\'t think I will ever believe a word she says.
  8. B

    Someones been in the wars

    Same happened with that geordie girl on GemsTV the other morning moaning about her eye.
  9. B

    Who stayed up all night???

    Makes me wonder what idiot changed the set in the first place and now it is changed back to something similar to what it was. Now we can also see the camera people again. I dont think GemsTV know their bottom for their elbow.
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    Lynn Jinks

    How pathetic, I did have a look after receiving the email but got very worried after reading that Lynn Jinks was meeting with the bennetts just makes me not believe a word she says anymore. As for this 90 Hour Marathon, hardly a matathon just doing a few hours each.
  11. B

    Are GemsTV going bust?

    I am wondering if GemsTV are in trouble, have noticed there is no longer a banner above the Rocks and Co one, they are no longer on freeview, hours cut back on GemsTV 2 and selling more and more things that are not Gems. I think it is such a shame that a once great channel has lost its way.
  12. B

    Another shouting woman

    Would not be good if we were all the same.
  13. B

    Sarah Bennett Jewellery - The Truth?

    Did we ever find out the truth behind the Sarah Bennett Jewellery? Did we discover if she did actually do the designs or if they were just bulk purchased? I don't think I would want to buy anything unless I saw her drawring.
  14. B

    Another shouting woman

    While looking for relief from Lucy (Gems TV) the other day I looked at Rocks TV and it was another shouting woman, I am not sure if it was because it was the internet but was a voice that I could not put up with for more than 5 minutes. Do Jewellery channels look for the Town Crier type of woman?
  15. B

    Lowest Prices Ever = TOTAL CON

    Lowest Prices Ever, don't make me laugh. Got this in the newsletter: It's May Day Madness this weekend on GemsTV, from Friday through to Monday we will be crashing all of our games to the lowest prices ever!* This special Bank Holiday treat is an exceptional offer. So spend the Bank Holiday...
  16. B

    Kay Little, Botox?

    Not keen on the voice of Kay Little but she is look more and more expression less, looks like she has overdone the botox.
  17. B

    Lucy Hunt is back, WHY??

    I really thought we had seen the back of this woman, but she is back, bad news for anyone who does not want a headache.
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    15% discount

    Fantastic News That is fantastic news, just hope and pray she does not turn up on any other channel. Maybe she could apply to be a Town Crier.
  19. B

    Rod Jinks

    I am not a fan of Rod jinks and try if possible to avoid, for some reason he is on Gems 1. I looked for a while and his nails are disgusting, you would have thought that they would make sure they looked good,
  20. B

    F.A.O. Julie Finch

    I have decided to ask my family to look into getting me Sky to replace Virgin as I just can't watch Lucy Hunt The Screaming banshee anymore, John sounds great fun.