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  1. H

    Weight to go HALF PRICE on the WTG website with free p&p

    For anyone thinking about buying this, please check out the "WEIGHT TO GO" website IDEAL WORLD offer 8 weeks with weekends off, thats 40 days supply of food. 40 Meals 40 Soups 160 Shakes 0 Cerial Bars £315 including p&p Thats equal to £7.88 per day :devil::devil: WEIGHT TO...
  2. H

    2 million pound rip off

    This has to be one of the worst deceptions ever. Normally on a POTD they chop maybe 40-50% of the so called "usual" price to make it look like a great saving. Then comes the 2million pound give away. BISSELL CARPET CLEANER USUAL PRICE £219 POTD PRICE £199 SAVING A MASSIVE "9%" ON THE...
  3. H

    Chef Tony Blender in the "SALE" at its the POTD price ?

    These guys really make me laugh. The Chef Tony Blender on "SALE" at £199.99. Thats the same price it was on the POTD last week, so its not really a "sale" item? People are being lead up the garden path with their over inflated original prices. Have they ever sold anything just at a regular...
  4. H

    POTD toy breaks in half live in air

    Was watching the POTD toy thingy about 30 mins ago. The car broke in half live on air as they were doing a demonstration........Got to watch what im saying. I was deleted 2 weeks ago for suggesting that Idealworld sell sh**te...seems they do...:rock::rock::rock:
  5. H

    Garden bargains gone ?????

    Not seen this on IW for ages, has it gone to QVC too...:rock::rock:...haha I know its their own brand, but ive not seen it on air for weeks.
  6. H

    Weight to go

    IDEAL WORLD 40 DAYS SUPPLY £300 PLUS P&P. WEIGHT TO GO WEB SITE 120 DAYS SUPPLY £200 P&P FREE. IW provide 40 soups, 40 meals, 120 shakes, 8 snack bars, free shaker, 2 food diary, 1 BMI Wheel. WEIGHT TO GO provide 120 soups, 120 meals, 360 shakes, 32 snack bars, food and activity diary...
  7. H

    "amazing value" 55% more expensive at ideal world

    Cyclone 7 inch 16GB Tablet Ideal World inc p&p £126 £80 with free delivery :devil::angry::ninja: Why are these people still in business?
  8. H

    Ideal world customer service number

    Should companies like Ideal World be allowed to make a profit on their customer service phone calls? Most other shopping channels offer free or national rate calls to their customer service departments. BID/PRICEDROP 0844 National Rate ARGOS TV 0845 FREE to BT customers...
  9. H

    Acer potd

    No doubt this is a great machine, but not a very good price. Amazon do the same ACER Laptop with 4GB RAM and 500GB hard drive for £280.97 with free delivery. Ideal Worlds price includes a years online security with Karspersky for 3pc`s. Guess what, Amazon have it for £11.49. Even including...
  10. H

    Slice fabrique cutter

    My wife has been going on about this bloody thing all day. Ive just ordered her one from for £149. Same deal, same package, but £50 cheaper than Ideal World. They have been saying its not available anywhere else in the UK high streets or online? £149 is their regular price...
  11. H

    Paint Runner rip off

    You have to laugh at these guys......:tongue2: Ideal World Paint runner £23.94 inc postage TV DEALS Paint Runner £16.99 with fee p/p How cum they are still in business :envy: Karcher over kill, they just finnished running their Easter Karcher block buster last week. Now they...
  12. H

    Diamonds in paltinum having a laugh

    These guys never fail in making me laugh.... Ideal World 1ct SI diamond solitare in platinum £8,400....:11::11: Jewellery Channel 1ct SI diamond solitare in pltinum £1,699.....:33::33: Why such massive price increase with these greedy people, both diamonds are G in colour, SI in clarity and...
  13. H

    According to Paul, Shaun has a perfect entry point

    Just switched over and was totally shocked to hear Paul the chef saying to Shaun, that he had "the prefect entry point"........:11::11: Well I was speachless to say the least, on live television as well, has he no shame:32: What a relief when i discovered he was talking about the new home brew...
  14. H

    Paul`s Green Wrist`s

    Was watching the vac and seal last night when I noticed that the chef Paul has a green wrists?:32::32::32: Is this as a result of using that multi cooker, or the new vac and seal?:54: Or was it just from his cheap copper bangle and he hasnt washed himself...
  15. H

    Bissell solution....solution

    Having had a bissell carpet cleaner for some time (got it on amazon £20 cheaper that IW) I had been buying the regualr solution from IW at £25 inluding postage. As it usually takes the 3 bottles to clean all of my carpets I was looking for a less expensive detergent. While shopping at Morrisons...
  16. H

    Confused web site search

    :33::33: I visited the IW web site today to do some shopping, but found it very confusing. I typed some of their best selling products into the search engine and it kept saying " no such products found" The products I typed in were sh*te and crap....but again no confused...
  17. H

    Seen it all now

    4 chicken breasts with a bunch of asparagus.......a valetnies gift idea? What the fek are these people on:33:...WHAT TYPE OF VALENTINES GIFT IS THAT:35: They went on about food miles and how local and British the chicken breasts were.....wrapped in italian ham with apraragus thats not even in...
  18. H

    Its arrived after only 8 weeks...aagghh

    My item finally arrived today, Christmas eve after 8 weeks and 4 phone calls. No Receipt:12: No delivery invoice:12: No returns information:12: No letter of apology:12: NOTHING!!!!!!:12: Just a small stone in bag:11:...... what are these people on? Have to say the gem stone is very very nice...
  19. H

    6 weeks and still aint got my item...

    Having watched this channel for some time I decided to order and cheap item from them, just to see how things went. Rang the number, and got an automated service, which was not that simple to use. Finally pressed the required numbers and got a message saying some nice person would ring me back...
  20. H

    Cooker for £16.99...are IW on the turn around?

    Cooker for £16.99...are IW on the turn around? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....:11:naghhhhh .......a £16.99 electric cook wont do that, but it is value for money:11:, with decent p/p. Also saw the jewellery clearance last night with tempting prices.........:32: