Can anyone recommend a spray for coloured, fine and curly hair that's not too dear please. As I'm spending loads of time on the golf course my hair colour is really lightening up. Hairdresser reckons it will be bleached white if I carry on spending so much time outside. Am happy with my Naked...
Can anyone recommend the best one for facial use underneath a mineral foundation please. Also, would a tan accelerator be a good thing as well. Have taken up golf so will be out as much as possible all year round and still want to try and keep wrinkles at bay. TIA
Packaging is the same as Avons mineral foundation. I know the BM one is not foundation but I got three of the Avon foundations for £10 last month with the offer they had online.
What's it like? I've got a big one of the old formula which I haven't even tried yet. Would it any good for curly/wavy hair which I just leave to dry naturally. Ta
Not sure if anyone buys plants from QVC but check out Thompson and Morgan as they have some offers on. 5 x Petunia Phantom Plug Plants at QVC are £12.70 incl p & p but T&M have 15 for £7.99 Codes around for free delivery.
For the first time in I don't know how long I've put QVC on and watched for the whole hour. First time I've ever managed to see a Bobbi Brown show as well and I really enjoyed it. Loved the guest as he demonstrated everything sooo well. The only problem is that I now want to buy loads of BB-lol
Haven't watched any QVC for ages but have just seen this when browsing the website. I currently use Philosophy Supernatural but was wondering what Halo was like. Will it cover up redness across my cheeks. Thanks
Has anyone else had one for a couple of years and found it's not a warm as it used to be. I think we've only had it for two years (can't access full account online today for some reason) and we're having to put another duvet on top. Surely it shouldn't be like this?
I know after QVC did one as a TSV there was a link posted of another site that did them at a good price. Can anyone remember it as I want to order some as I know they were cheaper than QVC. Thanks
I've realised that I don't think I've sat and watched a full hour this year. I've even found the Philosophy shows boring:o
Also, I've only bought the litre of purity, the Philosophy Try Me and the solar lights TSV.
Don't think I'll be getting a Christmas card from them this year -lol
Just thought I'd post to say I've been today and they had the biggest load of crapola that I have ever seen.
Loads of Christmas decs at 50% off, truely hideous nylon clothing and some jewellery that was there the first time I visited it a couple of years ago. Just glad that I'd visited on the...