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  1. briolette

    knitting and crochet

    Hi all, Wondering what opinions people have on the knitting and crochet shows/products? I have found the demos useful and particularly Wendy Pooles knitting techniques, she's a very good teacher and patient! I think it's a shame that they mostly sell cheap end yarns, novelty pom pom types rather...
  2. briolette

    Disappointing Diamonds!

    Hi all, A couple of weeks ago I watched a luxury diamond hour (!!) and despite moving the phone into the kitchen under the tea cosy, I found myself fancying a ring. Dashed to the phone and ordered, having scribbled down the presenter, Ian's description. Felt excited about the purchase and...
  3. briolette

    Irradiated stones

    Just wondering are there any particular health risks in wearing jewellery which includes irradiated stones? Also wondered which stones this treatment is most likely to be applied to? If anyone has knowledge of this i'd be very grateful for some insight! Thanks in advance. xx
  4. briolette

    introductory code ?

    hi is anyone willing or able to give me an introductory code before i join qvc? many thanks if you can.
  5. briolette

    first time photos!

    These pictures do not by any means do justice to this gorgeous 7 + carat Paraiba, but have promised to try and show you. It is a fab ring, sits beautifully, and i love it to bits. Also showing the Lorique natural violet sapphire which is so yummy i could eat it! The 3rd ring is the smaller...
  6. briolette

    Happy customer!

    Just wanted to say what a brilliant time i've had being introduced to Rocks TV/Coloured Rocks. The live chat is a great bonus, enabling you to ask questions, discuss, interact with the presenters, have a laugh, congratulate, commiserate and just generally get totally silly and have fun. Having...
  7. briolette

    Happy Birthday Rocks and Co!!!!

    Happy Birthday to all at Rocks and Co; I have bought some of my best pieces from you and added to them last night with the Uruguayan Amethyst and Morganite. I became a viewer and a customer quite by accident about 6 months ago whilst babysitting at a friends house and watching their Sky TV! I...
  8. briolette

    Diamonds are a girls best friend..

    Hello, I posted earlier but probably on the wrong place! If anyone has the time to look it was on TJC about diamonds. All help gratefully received! :wave2:
  9. briolette

    Diamonds..are a girls best friend!!

    Hello Seems very quiet on the boards of late! i hope this means that everyone is on holiday somewhere nice..preferably one of those countries with the fourth season..summer. Well, i was hoping for some advice and opinions on diamonds..sadly not yet for me..but sister is going to be 50 soon and...
  10. briolette

    Cultured Opals...What are they please?

    Have just had a couple of days in Brighton and whilst looking in the jewellery shops in the Lanes I noticed a label on some opals saying 'cultured'! Knowing little more than nowt I wondered if any one could please explain what these are as I thought all opals were natural and I bought the...
  11. briolette

    Feel like i'm home!

    Hi I have just discovered this forum and am thrilled to bits because you all seem so lovely and your posts are funny and knowledgeable..and you love gems like me!!! I have been watching R&C, TJC etc for about a year now and have bought a lot of pieces but have to admit have sent a lot back too...