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  1. M Fake Flash Download?

    It just happened to me, I pressed the back button and so far it's letting me browse ok.
  2. M

    Avon Pull Out Of Ireland

    I love their Supershock gel eyeliner pencils but I usually buy them cheaper on Ebay.
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    Hair Supermarket Try Me Week £3 per item

    I was happy to see loads of after sun hair products in the £3 selection, I've always wanted to buy products like that for my jollies but they're usually very expensive. I also bought some coloured mousse to use between hair colourings, I didn't know these moussess still existed.
  4. M

    Hair Supermarket Try Me Week £3 per item

    I usually get an email from them but I didn't this time so thanks very much for the reminder. I'm like a kid in a sweet shop when this week is on :happy:
  5. M

    Margaret Thatcher has died

  6. M

    New york meets london

    OMFG!!!!! I've just watched the 1st new episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County and to say this new season is gonna be explosive is an understatement. Bring it on *******!!!!(their words not mine :giggle: ).
  7. M

    New york meets london

    I love all the housewives shows, my fave is the Miami one(I don't think it's ever been aired here?) I'm abit naughty and have been downloading them from a torrent so I'm a couple of series ahead from all you lot :tongue: Everything you need to know is here...
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    My mum

    So sorry for your loss Jacqueline, I'm glad she had such a special daughter in her life who doted on her until the end xx.
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    Happy Birthday Supercoolwillow

    Happy Birthday SCW
  10. M

    Goats Yelling Like Humans...........

    Well that's the title of the youtube video, though I'm not sure I've heard many humans yelling like that :giggle:
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    Liz Earle TSV 27/1/13 - Beauty Day

    She's not a great advert for her skincare, is she? :wonder: Click on the pic for bigger image.
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    Celebrity Big Brother 2013

    I do :mysmilie_493: I've never ever voted in all the years that BB has been aired but this year I used up credit on an old payg phone to vote for Speidi, 12 times :devil: I really don't think they'll win, I'm sure Rylan will but maybe they might come 2nd?
  13. M

    Celebrity Big Brother 2013

    I love Speidi too, what a bloody snorefest the show would have been without them :devil:
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    Celebrity Big Brother 2013

    I think most likely Paula will go first, if it's her, I think she'll be wanting to leave through the back door. My fave is Ryan, so down to earth and doesn't he get better looking with age? :happy: I hope Speidi stay for a while, if only to piss the rest of them off :devil:
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    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    This is my fave thread on ST at the moment, so I thought this pic I saw on another forum wouldn't look out of place here :mysmilie_515:
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    Zumba tsv

    Every time I hear the Jacksons song 'can you feel it' it reminds me of the Jane Fonda video. :grin: I actually love Zumba classes at the gym but a friend loaned me her dvd set and I have to say it was very boring.
  17. M

    buyer con on e-bay

    Ebay is an absolute minefield for sellers lately. Maybe you should have tried to sell it here first, you might have got a decent price for it too without the astronomical charges that Ebay and Paypal charge. There's also another forum where you can buy and sell without charges, it's...
  18. M

    Skin Coloured nora batty tights..can it truly be a good look?

    Corned beef skin we used to call it :happy:
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    Wimbledon 2012

    I'll be watching the final to help me nod off for my afternoon nap :giggle: I'm Scottish but I can't stand Murray, he's a moody swine :dull: I hope Fed tanks his butt :muscle:
  20. M

    Wimbledon 2012

    Terrible, I had high hopes for her too :grin: