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  1. Greenie

    Web problem.. is it just me?

    Hi Suzy, I can't either. I'm sure it must be connected with the new look web site as I've never had any problem before. Teething troubles probably.
  2. Greenie

    My latest order - opinions wanted!

    I've just been looking at my ring under a jewellers loupe and can now see what the problem is. One side of the andesine is set snug against the gold, almost touching. The other side, there's a big gap where the gem isn't wide enough to fit flush against the other side. I even asked GemsTV if...
  3. Greenie

    What phrases annoy you most?

    :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin: Oh sweetpea, this made me laugh so much. I can just hear the Geordie accent now! Brilliant!
  4. Greenie

    My latest order - opinions wanted!

    I'm sure it's not going to fall out, it seems tight enough. It's just that bit of white gold showing through at the side. I really don't know what to do! Is andesine a bit 'hit and miss' in that it can be clear and can be cloudy?
  5. Greenie

    My latest order - opinions wanted!

    Hi all I received this ring on Monday. It's Red Andesine, white gold & diamonds and cost £130 on a web game. I bought it (a) because I want a red ring and (b) it's the same design as one I have in London Blue Topaz which is absolutely gorgeous. I ordered a red andesine ring once before but...
  6. Greenie

    Saying thanks

    Hey! It worked that time!! I'll now go back and say a belated thanks on my other posts!
  7. Greenie

    Saying thanks

    Please can someone tell me how to say thanks to someone for a post. I've tried to do it by clicking on the thumbs up next to the person's post but it doesn't work? Thanks! :happy::up2:
  8. Greenie

    MissM - Pendant Info

    Hi Meeshoo, I don't know what your pendant is like but I've found this before with Gems TV pendants. They don't stay straight but roll over onto the side. The pendants I've got are quite heavy and chunky with an integrated bale which goes down the back of the pendant. I think if they just put...
  9. Greenie

    Returning stuff

    Sorry to bombard you with all these new threads, but having only joined yesterday, I've got all these questions to get off my chest! I’ve been having a run of bad luck lately with my Gems orders and have had to send at least one thing back from each of my last 3 orders. I usually order as...
  10. Greenie

    Web games

    It's good to see some new designs have appeared in the web games. But I have a question - are the items in the web games mostly remainders of stock and/or things which people have returned? I’ve got my eye on several bits in the web games but I’m waiting for a discount day!
  11. Greenie


    Thanks for all your good wishes and replies. I think I will return my earrings and don’t think I will be ordering any more earrings. I’m going to enjoy it on here! Thank goodness for tabbed windows – I can write on the forum and have Gems TV live running at the same time so that I don’t miss...
  12. Greenie

    Everything under £20 in Clearance

    Everything under £20 in Clearance "Everything under £20 in Clearance whilst stocks last!" Unfortunately, they’ve taken out that huge white gold Sunset Sapphire priced at £4,000 which I’ve been coveting in Clearance for ages!
  13. Greenie


    Hi all, I'm new to the forum having only actually found it today! I've been a gems customer since March this year and am now an addict! I started watching it when they were on Freeview and was gutted when they stopped, and now have to watch/snatch on line. I have recently received a pair of...