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  1. NikkiS

    Christmas Spirit or Stacey's Clanger!!

    what's the difference bwtween parapadasha (I know I've spelled that wrong) and parapa. coloured? am a bit gem thick unless it's tanzanite! n xxx
  2. NikkiS

    Reselling at a profit?

    Just my tuppenorth but every time I take stuff to the jewellers they point out the hollowed shanks (not from TJC I might add but typical of a lot of TV jewellery) - since I buy for pleasure and for the stones it doesn't bother me but does caused high st jewellers to sniff. Good luck with your...
  3. NikkiS

    Email address for Steve Bennett

    Hello Have just logged in for the first time in an age and want to apologise for the typos - I was using my iphone to write the message. Hope it made some kind of sense! Am taking a tentative step back into the world of Rocks - has taken me this long to get over the humiliation and the phone...
  4. NikkiS

    Email address for Steve Bennett

    Hi guys . Just thought I'd check in. After a couple of weeks of weird crossed wires cosb of the new help people who didn't seem to know about my emails I have finally got sorted. It's been a bit awful for me cos my hubs had racked up a debt of a huge amount which I had to clear so no more...
  5. NikkiS

    Email address for Steve Bennett

    Thank you sazza. I will email help but wanted to email Steve also as it's a particular purchase I wanted to explain about
  6. NikkiS

    Email address for Steve Bennett

    Hi guys there's a long story involving a stupid husband and an unpaid direct debit behind this question which I won't go into here but which results in me needing to email Steve about my basket. I have sent an email to [email protected] but have had no reply yet....have I got the address right...
  7. NikkiS

    Milano Charms on Ebay!

    I doubt it's rocks themselves since they're not likely to be calling themselves christine's strange. No crime against selling things you've bought but surely not legal to sell something you don't actually own? Personally I find it scary enough buying something expensive off the...
  8. NikkiS

    How 2 set jewellery box locks

    Thanks Daz. That;s really helpful for me. N xxx
  9. NikkiS

    A response to getting my wrists slapped last night

    I really and truly hope I am not intimidating anyone. i know I am the chattiest person in the universe and rarely shut up. I am trying VERY hard since last week not to talk as much...... n x
  10. NikkiS

    How 2 set jewellery box locks

    Daz, i wonder if you can tell me what to do if I have already removed the red tags and haved never set a combo before? I have always left it set to 000 but it would be handy to know if I take it away with me at all.... thanks love N x
  11. NikkiS


    I missed him cos I was at work and thought my classes might protest if I logged into Rocks halfway through teaching discursive writing .... <stamps foot in a temper icon> n x
  12. NikkiS

    I'm back

    good to see you in chat today AS n x
  13. NikkiS

    A response to getting my wrists slapped last night

    Absolutely take your point, meesh, I really do. I am trying my hardest to conform now. On the Friday in question I actually metioned the same thing as you - the verrucca issue - to explain why we were being asked to tone it down.
  14. NikkiS

    A response to getting my wrists slapped last night

    Indeed, which is why the option to turn it off is there, so that we don't bore the arse off you. I have explained above that it was the notion of complaint, not being told off, which offended me. Thank you for your copntribution to the discussion.
  15. NikkiS

    A response to getting my wrists slapped last night

    As one of the people who was getting offended I actually have to agree and say I did get upset for seemingly no reason. i think the reason was that, for me, I don't like seeing friends upset and a couple clearly were. Being me, I got upset on their behalf...... more upsetting than anything for...
  16. NikkiS

    A response to getting my wrists slapped last night

    Good point well made meeshoo. I like the fact that the chat box can be turned off - for those who don't want to be bored witless by my nonsense there is an alternative!! For me, I love to chat - others just want to buy bling in peace. N xxx
  17. NikkiS

    A response to getting my wrists slapped last night

    you know, now I have said my bit I am quite contented again..... as I said in my original post I am not trying to start a row, I never am. I think I felt bothered, needed to vent, and am not bothered any more. Does that make sense to everyone?
  18. NikkiS

    A response to getting my wrists slapped last night

    sazza, I think it was a bit of a shock when none of us have ever been told off before is all.
  19. NikkiS

    A response to getting my wrists slapped last night

    I doubt that anyone is trying to have the 'upper hand' - the person you mean was genuinely upset and wanted to say what she wanted to say to Adrienna, and nobody else. I have no response to your comment about chit chat since I have already made my point about that in my original post. I have...
  20. NikkiS

    A response to getting my wrists slapped last night

    Have to say Mira, you're calmer than I could have been at that!!! If I see a sniff of that sort of thing aimed at you, I shall not have it and shall defend your honour to the death.......