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  1. S

    sick of £5.95 P&P on every item!!

    The trouble is QVC charge a high postage rate and for that i would be happy if they delivered next day but they always seem to take 5-7 days!
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    Green Seasons Xmas meat hamper reviews?

    People that bought the Green Season Xmas meat hamper - what did you think?
  3. S

    My Best (I mean Worst) Christmas Present, thank you QVC

    Excellent news - glad QVC have seen the light!
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    Justine Balmer the G-Tech guest presenter singing!
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    Dyson TSV

    They said great for cleaning the car! Sorry but i use my old cleaner for doing that job not a £200+ Dyson.
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    Xmas delivery

    I can see some poor Yodel delivery drivers working very late Christmas eve trying to deliver all these parcels. When IW have trouble delivering items quickly can't possibly see how they can guarantee Christmas delivery.
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    Carmel had baby

    Congratulations to Carmel and husband :-)
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    Prestigio TSV - The Fix.

    Going to be many unhappy people when they receive these as Christmas gifts!
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    Anne Dawson

    I noticed her teeth looked stained again when in the past they looked nice. Maybe she is back on the ****,red wine and coffee?
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    "Wiggy Lee" - a Mother's boy?

    When QVC finally realise his product knowledge is poor and he is not the so called expert he is, he can join Ideal World and help sell fashion wigs! :-)
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    "Wiggy Lee" - a Mother's boy?

    I see we are stuck with "Wiggy" Lee the so called expert guest presenter for ClickFree, Acer, Apple and now the expert for Samsung. Why does this guy keep mentioning his Mom all the time? He's a 40+ Man and mentions his Mom all the time - Come on! Anyone else find it strange?
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    Dear Santa...

    I particularly hate that car that flips and tumbles! If i was a child and Santa brought me the ideal world toys bundle i would be very upset and disappointed.
  13. S

    Can anyone help

    I think it is just a holding charge as someone has already said after 3 days funds will be available and then when it is dispatched they will charge your card and take the payment.
  14. S

    Prestigio tsv

    Sorry but this tablet is rubbish like all the Prestigio ones they sold before. I agree the guest presenter is even worse than wiggy Lee - QVC please get yourself a decent tech savy guest that know their stuff. Matt Trim for example knows his stuff about camera so find someone like him to guest...
  15. S

    TSV glasses

    If you need reading glasses get your eyes tested and buy a cheap pair from the opticians. Not sure i approve of QVCs selling of these. Eyes are important and giving bad advice can only harm your eyesight. I even hear someone say give as gifts but how can you know the strength for those you are...
  16. S

    What's going on with all this free P&P then?

    Obviously the effect of online stores like Amazon offering free p & p and as someone said dwindling sales as customers are going elsewhere. The recession is hitting some families quite hard and people are just not spending so much this year. Maybe this accounts for Debbie Flint and her pushy...
  17. S

    What should qvc change their name too.

    The Tat Shop
  18. S

    Dear Santa: From QVC, I'd like ...

    For "Wiggy" to leave and for QVC to get a proper technology expert that knows his/her stuff!
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    Yodel ?!?!

    Yodel always seem to deliver next day for me. I guess i am lucky because i have heard some real horror stories.
  20. S

    Debbie Flints hard sell

    I'm a friend on Facebook and she even tries to flog her wares on there too!