... tops with long sleeves. I am perfectly capable of 'smooshing' the sleeves up. The designers can surely afford to give us a decent sleevelength. I noticed 3/4 sleeved coats-with-gloves this week. No! If the weather is cold and wintry, I need gloves AND sleeves to keep me warm. I think that the designer is TooCheap!!! and the idea of removing those long gloves is too impractical when juggling handbags, umbrella, pushchairs, wheelchairs, children, walking sticks, briefbases, parcels, mobiles, while negotiating the crowds, tube, trains, buses etc.
hew!: So, longer sleeves for Snarly, please. x ps-Snarly's den will have oatmeal sprinkled at the door for the 'deers and your cookies&milk will be InTheUsualPlace. Love x Snarlykins