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  1. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    I think I agree with a lot of that. Always here to answer questions of a wistful nature if you feel the urge!
  2. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    No problem. A number of us were invited to get in contact with TJC when they were setting up. I sent them my CV but was ignored, more than once. So, I won't be gracing their doors now or ever, I'd imagine. I do, however, know people who have gone there and vowed 'never again'. Whatever you...
  3. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    I don't think my review of the current ideal world will make it through the forum's filters. 😂 But I'll give you a brief if a little biased overview of my thoughts: - None of the 'nice' presenters have gone there - Their visual style is kindergarten standard and their production staff have...
  4. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    I did ask him once. He said he got something like 5% so not a lot really. He genuinely enjoys them and being the face of that show was a conduit for it.
  5. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    I can't comment on specific brands but I remember Planet Cruise had a very long contract with us at one point and I think it worked out to about £6K per show. I actually worked on their best selling hour of all time. That said it probably wasn't worth that much to us because they seemed to be...
  6. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    I don't think he was. But he didn't last very long because he pissed a lot of people off! BOSH! 🫣😅
  7. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    Yes, absolutely right. The Planning Crowd, My Pension Expert, Thomas Sanderson, Planet Cruise, Must Have Ideas, all of those were. TPC are on 'Shop On TV' quite often now, if you struggle to get to sleep at night.
  8. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    I can't speak for the current IW, but in the old ones, some shows were 'advertiser hours' which meant the supplier paid for the airtime and that was what we got for the hour and that would be in the order of a few thousand pounds. Usually with these shows they would (wrongly or otherwise)...
  9. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    Rare to see a shot where they've bothered to frame the TV in so you can read what it says. Just saying.
  10. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    Who are you? 🙈😅 Don't answer that. Hello from this former ex-colleague!
  11. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    Yes. He's married to the person who hired the presenters.
  12. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    ... or, as they probably should be called, 'broken'.
  13. W

    Create & Craft not taking payments

    12 weeks to sell the assets. Will make a nice Christmas gift for someone.
  14. W

    Create & Craft not taking payments

    I don't know who you are (and it doesn't matter) but if you were there, I am sorry. I was speaking with an employee earlier who reminded me it's meant to be their payday tomorrow, so hopefully that still pulls through. In my experience shopping TV crew are hard working - sometimes overworked -...
  15. W

    Create & Craft not taking payments

    Things can soar downwards as well as upwards, right guys?!
  16. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    "Instant Effects" . Has he rebranded his company ... again?!
  17. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    I think you'll probbaly have to turn over to Shop On TV for that! (swap Rob Locke in for Peter Simon)
  18. W

    Random musings and general banter.

    The problem (if you ask me) was not the immature ones, moreso the mature ones. The presenters were mollycoddled rather than managed for some time. I know of one colleague and friend who was verbally threatened by a presenter on air because they wouldn't do what the presenter wanted. Nothing...