Check out your baskets or we relocate them to the phone lines :mysmilie_51: . This so old fashioned why don't they separate stock for phone lines only and web only,. Get your **** together ideal world people are browsing your website to see what else to buy. Something needs to be done about...
We are bored of iw and their health and fitness rubbish. They have really good products on the website start selling them on telly please. Please start selling useful things.
Presenters on iw need to STOP telling us to loose weight, please f**k off you clowns. Just because your a fatty presenter don't mean the rest of us are right. Sick and tired with the health bs they are selling us it's boring. Sell something like grills not rubbish like scraping cucumbers or...
Time to shut down iw, but keep the channel online only. Most channels in ten years will be online only. If you haven't got the internet your missing out. Most channels won't be on t.v web only.
IW Only Selling fashion, fitness, halogen oven, anti-ageing, vibrapower products. Sell more stuff that we need not crap, that sally jacks, peter sherlock and their mates want you to buy.
Yes it's time to sack the clown peter simon and bring in john scott. Rocksandco clearly don't won't to use him anymore, so ideal world bring in john scott instead. Tired of the clown peter simon.
IW slagging window cleaners off, who the hell got time to clean their own windows. Just stop trying to put people out of jobs. Stop selling junk like window cleaning products.
Ideal world have seem to have very limited buying power. Stock on almost every products seems to go within half hour,. My suggestion is to close the phone lines and lock the website like bidtv did, it's annoying but it would stop ebayers from buying from genuine customers not resellers. That's...
Will this channel survive after christmas 2016 ? Me thinks not, it will be like bidtv. Loen Love seems to be having a long break. Don't think she'll be back.
Talking other channels rocksandco, what's the point of selling 1 or 2 pieces of jewellery it's pathetic. You might aswell have a shop not a shopping channel ms debbie cavill.
Fabulous Fashion really this should have been binned for today. Your doing things for the home and still doing fashion...