I'm a real stick in the mud where handbags are concerned.
Brass/gold coloured fittings, I hate zips (okay if not seen), wide bottom.
I did buy a Tig, the little squary one but ended up giving it to daughter unused as I couldn't live with the silver hardware, stupid I know but there you go.
Saw a couple of not too glowing reviews on the net, the reviewers seemed to suggest that people who liked butterflies would buy it regardless of what capabilities it has, LOL.
It's a Vivienne Tam or is it Kam Netbook I believe, it has been flashed up on screen a few times over these last few days.
Hello Bluebell,
I think you need to go into the settings via Control Panel > Regional and Language settings and adjust the keyboard layout to English UK (rather than US which seems to be the default, Bill Gates owns the whole world).
I also saw the show live where Martyn said that it wouldn't be repeated because everything had more or less sold out.
I was channel hopping in the evening around 10.30 and there it was, repeated.
Yucky colours.
I've got a Black DSi, love it but the screen being larger would be an advantage, I have no interest in the camera or music playing on it.