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  1. S

    Smashbox TSV December 17th

    better than what my mum did last year.... she bought me the smashbox tsv in November (I asked her to buy it for me for xmas) and then put it away until xmas, then forgot she had bought it and forgotten where she had put it. It was only until after xmas pud I asked what had happened to the...
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    No more Christmas Deccies!!!!!

    I'm so pleased to read this thread. Usually I take my deccies down on 1st Jan, but I actually felt like taking them down last night. I think I will put them all away now, nice to feel I'm not alone in my thoughts.
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    Leighton Denny TSV 27/12/08

    I didn't pass on this. My next intended purchase is on 18th January otherwise I will need to go back to rehab.
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    Gossip Watch is back as a TSV again

    Please can somebody say bad things about this watch? I don't really want to buy it do I? Oh hell I can feel my qvc addiction reoccuring. I'll be back in rehab if I'm not careful. So please say terrible things, why on earth do I need another watch? am I going to wear it around my big toe or...
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    No 'QVC Christmas' this year?

    I'm guessing that its partly that business is bad and partly curiosity to see if they sell anything and haven't been missing a trick.
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    Elemis tsv - watch out if you have sensitive skin

    poor thing. hope it all returns to normal soon. I stopped using Elemis ages ago and switched to Decleor. Part of my decision was down to some of the odd ingredients in their products. I always get worried when stuff says "don't use during pregnancy" (not that I'm pregnant) because if its not...
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    These clearance days...

    I was just thinking.... that would look really lovely over my Kaftan. :eek::eek::eek:
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    These clearance days...

    Is there anybody else who is already bored with these clearance days? I mean, it is not like QVC is giving any real bargains just a tenner off here and there (or am I missing something?). I've even found myself channel hopping all the shopping channels rather than the dull Qvc clearance...
  9. S

    The Next YBF TSV?

    I'm just so un-excited about YBF. I was such a big Models Prefer fan but have sent back everything YBF I bought. I bet QVC UK are gutted... Models Prefer were their best selling make up brand and Stacey has done such a bad job on YBF there is no way she is matching her previous sales.
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    Dyson on QVC tomorrow 8pm

    I've had a Dyson for 8 years and have never had a problem with it, whilst during that time my mum has bought 4 different vacumn cleaners and not been happy with them.
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    Pilates machine

    I'm looking for a pilates machine with a cardio board if anyone can help. I'm London area but willing to drive for the right item. Thanks.
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    Credit Crunch Hitting QVC? Poor TSV sales?

    I've noticed that today is the first tsv in ages to be under £20 - most have been £35+, more commonly £40+. Most days now I look at the TSV and ask "what planet are QVC on?" because they seem to be completely out of touch at the moment.
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    Hands free umbrella Its a comedy show right? Please tell me no one on here is going to buy this? 828451
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    Smashbox TSV December 17th

    although the ultimate collection is sitting under my xmas tree, I gave in and bought the tsv. my oh will have such a go, but the kissing and making up (!) will be worth it.
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    Dull and Dreadful..

    its funny you should say that about Elemis. I used to use Elemis before I watched QVC but now I won't touch the stuff, except perhaps the lime and ginger scrub. The programme I watch the most has to be Decleor though i missed last nights. oops.
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    7 Packs of All Occasion 'Dipstick' Fabric & Wood Embellishments

    lol... with the bodytek, maybe they think all crafters spend far too much time sitting down? :33:
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    Smashbox TSV December 17th

    in the dark? Of course.
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    Today's TSV - Love it or hate it??

    thanks for that info, really useful. I'm now planning a shopping trip to Shrewsbury sometime in January to see all these goodes when they've been returned. :32:
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    Dull and Dreadful..

    I think you might be right. When I discovered QVC it was when I was first off sick, and someone delivering me parcels all the time when I wasn't well enough to go out was fab (just a shame I had to pay for them). Now I get easily bored by the programmes, can start to see through the sales...
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    Today's TSV - Love it or hate it??

    oh help me..... that weekend bag looks fab. Does anyone else have it????