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  1. S

    Ugh! Birkensicks

    I purchased a pair of birkies a little while back from QVC and they made my feet look like a hobbit. I know some people love them but they were awful on me. Also, I dont mean to sound mean but the lady who guests for the birkies show scares me a little, she has a strong look to put it mildly.
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    Get Rid of Glen!

    Simon from B&W would be horrified by Glen on his show. Simon has been in the fashion business too long to put up with someone who didnt know a thing. Glen would not stand a chance and would be shown up for the fake he is. I like Genevieve as she doesnt just tell us what to wear, she talks about...
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    Get Rid of Glen!

    Poor Glen, he does look like he is struggling. I just cant watch without cringing.
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    Julia Robert's racist comment

    Sometimes the small offensive remarks which fall so easily off the lips are a indication to what lurks under the surface. JR is a presenter with years or experience (and was one of my favourites) she should be fully aware of what not to say on TV. If she had said he is Black or chinese, I...
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    Julia Robert's racist comment

    thanks for the great comment Vampyre. I just think that if this was said of any race it would be racist. A proper on air apology is needed and I will be putting my complaint to customer care first thing. What a nasty woman JR is.
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    Julia Robert's racist comment

    If any other presenter on any other channel made a racist comment such as the remark Julia Roberts made about the Irish they would be sacked. Why is she allowed to get away with this. Why is QVC allowed to get away with this. I liked Julia and enjoyed her shows but will now boycott any shows...
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    Mally and the Turd

    I saw that too, thought I was mistaken. I love Mally and tried her products for the first time on the last TSV. They really are great, especially the eyeliner which really didnt move.
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    Glenn in Clarks hour last night

    I used to buy a lot of QVC fashion, but when Glen the sailor man is on, I'm off. I agree that he really talks a lot of rubbish and I for one would love to see his fashion credits. The irish lady, Genevieve has been on few times and she gives good advice, seems to know her fashion inside out...
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    Great fashion advice

    Does anyone at QVC head office watch the fashion hours with Glen?? If they did they would see how awful he is, he knows nothing about fashion or what women like. He rattles on about trends but never about style or body shapes. Ask him a real fashion question and he would not have a clue.
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    Glen's on his high horse..

    I really liked watching the fashion hours on QVC but I am becoming offended by Glen, he really does talk the same old rubbish and when was the last time he gave some useful fashion advice? I now switch off fashion when he is on. I mentioned in another thread that I would love to see one of the...
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    Glen's shoes

    Switched on to Nina leonard fashion and could not concentrate on the items because of Glen's bright red shoes. Who on earth would take fashion advice from a man of a certain age wearing a sailor outfit with red shoes. I wish the presenters would ask him some real fashion questions about...
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    Kipling presenter

    Switched on the kipling show, watched for five minutes and was so bored by the kipling presenter that cleaning out my kitchen cuboards was a better prospect. She has to be the most boring guest presenter on QVC, she didnt seem a bit interested in the products. Never again.
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    Centigrade TSV

    What a vile rainmac/coat/fold away plastic thing. That was not fashion. But you can wear it with your Birkies!!!! Glen, please bow out gracefully. Its not working.
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    Glen Campbell Name Dropping AGAIN!!

    lets face it, Glen Cambell is not a fashion expert and the sooner QVC realises that we are not being fooled by his fashion comments like on trend or fashion forward the better. I have never heard him talk about shape or how best to wear an outfit if you are a larger size. I prefer a female...
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    Anthony Heywood leaving.

    I cant believe anyone could like creepy anthony's style of presenting. But hey, thats just me. Now, if Glen, (I know bugger all about womens fashion) Cambell were to go, that would be so brill. I cant stand him talking rubbish and winging it. I love watching the fashion hours but when Glen is...
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    Anthony Heywood leaving.

    All I can say is thank goodness he is leaving. More irritating than a blister. Maybe now QVC will replace him with a nice, natural, normal presenter...who knows what they are talking about.
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    Is she pregnant?

    I really enjoyed watching Catherine on the Casual & Co tonight. She seemed to be having a genuinly good time with Genevieve. They did make me laugh when they got the fit of the giggles. More of the same please. Catherine's weight does seem to change a lot. She looks great with a few more...
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    Boring, boring qvc

    I couldnt agree more with all the previous posts. I have been watching QVC for a good few years now and I used to buy quite a lot. Not anymore. I really think its the presenters, its the same faces again and again and they are just gone stale. They dont seem to care at all about what they are...
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    Mally tsv

    Mally TSV I Just got my Mally TSV set today. I think the concealer is very dry looking with the powder and the lip gloss is just OK. The eye shadow is a nice colour but hard to put on. I may be sending this one back.
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    I have to say I did think Anthony looked scruffy. The unshaven look is definelty not for him. I am not a fan of Anthony anyway as I think he can be very boring. He may be in his comfort zone on electronics but as for presenting fashion pieces, no thank you.