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  1. S

    JF and the Professor

    She even managed to start waffling on about handbags during the hour which just confirms what a bubble brain she must be. And she's added a new word to her ever expanding vocabulary....."depthness" ... must be a girly thing :headbang:
  2. S

    Glen's shoes

    But he knows the difference between trousers and a trouser...:giggle:
  3. S

    Glen's on his high horse..

    The fashion expert is up on his high horse just now. Apparently he's seen loads of websites where us lesser mortals are expressing annoyance at the use of the word "trouser." We really need to know that it's an "accepted" term in the fashion world! Pity he's not so clever when it comes to sizes...
  4. S

    I think Jill Franks make-up looks good tonight

    Yeah she looks....amaaaayzing :mysmilie_17:
  5. S

    lil' beauties for a tenner

    So that's what Glen means by a "little trouser"...:mysmilie_866:
  6. S

    Storybook knits

    Who on earth buys these hideous things with all the animal/dragonfly/flower etc. etc. embellishments on them? Maybe I'm hoplessly not "on trend" but I would be embarrassed to be seen in any of these horrors.....:mysmilie_460:
  7. S

    Loyalty to Ex Presenters

    Can't say that I "care" about any of the ex qvc presenters, but assuming that the Rob Locke story has prompted your thread, it's nice to find out what they've been up to - it's just like catching up with old friends in a way. :wink:
  8. S

    Rob Locke - The Story So Far

    I remember him from those days and used to really like him.The tales of his disastrous love life did make me feel sorry for him. He looked much younger and happier as a result of losing so much weight and it's good to hear that things worked out well for him, he seemed like a pretty decent guy...
  9. S

    Julia in the Beauty Hour just now

    She was downright bliddy rude to the man from La Coupe who made the mistake of commenting that a particular product would be great for a wedding hairstyle. Well, she jumped down his throat and told him he was obsessed with weddings and who was getting married these days rude, the...
  10. S

    Never thought I'd feel sorry for Charlie....

    Too much information Swankypants.....:cheeky:
  11. S

    Never thought I'd feel sorry for Charlie....

    You're surely not suggesting that she's got quite a "prominent" facial feature are you.....:tongue:
  12. S

    Never thought I'd feel sorry for Charlie....

    Wow - just tuned in to the Kelly Hoppen show and am feeling quite sorry for drippy Charlie. She's so prickly and dismissive of him it's quite uncomfortable viewing. She really is a snotty c*w :angry:
  13. S

    In response to 'I Love Jill Franks...'

    She was wittering on about Laarrrraaay in the midnight show which was bad enough, but when she was on with Ralph later yesterday afternoon she was still going on about him. Really, who cares about all these off-screen people she keeps working herself into a frenzy over? :mysmilie_73:
  14. S

    Boring, boring qvc

    I used to be addicted to QVC and ordered loads of stuff, at least one order a week. Nowadays I hardly ever watch as it's just the same old same old to me. Boring fashion, endless craft and card making shows, that irritating Malcolm guy in the kitchen, second rate presenters (JF in particular)...
  15. S

    Claire Sutton...

    She definitely was more fun in the early days. I caught a glimpse of her trying not to let her sense of humour get the better of her yesterday when she was presenting a gardening item with Richard Jackson - the item in question was for trimming your topiary :mysmilie_493:and it was obvious she'd...
  16. S

    Christmas Card ?

    I used to get one but must have been struck off their list last year, probably because I spent less than in previous years. It p**ssed me off that they didn't bother last year so this year I've spent even less! :mysmilie_701:
  17. S

    Jumping to the phone... and other phrases you hate

    I find the continual, repeated use of the word "chocolate" or "chocolatey" to describe anything brown really annoying. Chocolate brown Honora pearls, chocolatey brown fashion items, chocolate brown handbags, chocolatey brown everything.....:angry: What's wrong with just brown?
  18. S

    No he didn't !!!!!

    She also breathlessly informed us last night that the TSV was a "bowling ball" shaped bag...:grin: Obviously Rudyard was a man who liked a nice game of bowls once in a while. :giggle:
  19. S

    How long does a REFUND take from QVC

    I sent something back and when it still wasn't showing on my account as being returned over three weeks later, I emailed them. By some strange coincidence they just happened to be processing the return and refund that day and pointed out to me that returns can take 21 days to be processed...
  20. S

    Debbie Flint returning?

    Totally agree with this. I remember when the late, great Steve Whatley used to be on with Joan Rivers - that was one hysterical double act! You would never see the likes on QVC nowadays but they were priceless together.:giggle: