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    Little Bird has tweeted off !!!

    I liked the range too. Although having grown up watching her in Byker Grove, hearing her faux posh accent she now has instead of her native geordie was rather weird.
  2. T

    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    Everything got deleted. I think the team got fed up with being told how to do their job. I still think the husband is involved and the lawyer looked shifty to me. Maybe it's both of them then! Can't think who else it could be.
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    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    I managed to read it before it got deleted. It was all very confusing at one point. The original poster got all huffy when someone told her not to post yet she's the one constantly telling others what not to post. I don't think they understand their own hypocrisy. The problem is now that Q have...
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    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    There's a comment about the Body Plan book by Christina Wolfe (probably got her name wrong but I'm too lazy to go look it up) Someone is saying that she has piled on the pounds so how does it work. Whilst it's always a rude comment to make about someone I do tend to agree with it if someone is...
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    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    I was thinking the same. The invoice is like a receipt, I like to keep them until I know I'm keeping the item. Maybe they don't want their other half finding out how much they're buying? I no longer have paper bank statements though.
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    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    Lots of posts on fakebook about Yong Kim fashion today. Most saying how hideous the clothes look, someone has posted a picture of Fred Flintstone and Barney "modelling" the clothes :mysmilie_17: Ingrid Tarrent seems to have said that a mink would make a nice fur hat too. She definitely suffers...
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    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    Quite a few people are asking about the models Tanya, Sharon and Goody. Seen at least 1 post a day about them this week on fakebook. Just struck me as a bit odd. Wondering if it's their agents trying to get them more work or something :mysmilie_17:
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    Yankee Candle guest decides to 'move on'

    Long story short: 2 ladies on a closed Facebook group made a comment that Steven needed his roots doing and he should stop swishing his hair about. Someone in the group took a screenshot of this and sent it to Stevens hubby. Hubby then sent direct messages to the 2 ladies calling them ugly...
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    Yankee Candle guest decides to 'move on'

    I'm actually lol'ing at the professionally outraged posters on Facebook calling it a witch hunt. The only people to blame here are SC's hubby and the person who sent him screenshots from a closed group. Yet they're blaming the person who got sent vile messages. Maybe if SC had had a word with...
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    Random Radley Observations

    Radley seem to change their guest presenter a lot. I quite liked the original lady who did it. think she may have actually worked for Radley as opposed to being a presenter/actor/jackofalltradesmasterofnone. I wonder if they got rid because she wasn't "glam" enough for Q.
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    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    I imagine that JL like many large companies have a social media policy. I'm guessing the husband will, at most, just get a warning not to do it again. As for SC I doubt he'll lose his guest presenting gig over it.
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    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    Basically the comments on the closed Facebook group that prompted this were along the lines of: "Get the scissors,I wish SC would stop swishing his hair around" and "It looks like he needs his roots doing" Definitely didn't warrant the profanity they got back. Apparently this happened before...
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    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    Ah OK. If they were comments and not actual messages via messenger/inbox then yes they can be deleted by the author.
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    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    It's about the Yankee candle guest. The lady who has posted has stated that the partner sent her abusive messages but then deleted them before she could screenshot them. However this is actually impossible if the messages were sent on Facebook. The sender cannot delete messages they have sent...
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    Sharon and Goody

    When I said Renee did "adult" modelling I meant more than just topless glamour modelling. In other words porn rather than page 3. Doesn't bother me how a model earns their money but I can't imagine the powers that be at Q Towers being happy about it.
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    Sharon and Goody

    I wonder if it's because Renee did some....shall we say "adult" modelling and it didn't fit into qvc's wholesome image.
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    Chloe Everton

    I remember Shipwrecked. Think Robinson Crusoe style Big Brother. It was a reality show where a group of teens/20 somethings tried to survive on a south Pacific island. I remember watching it but don't really recall Chloe but my memory isn't that great. I don't mind Chloe especially if she's...
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    YBF Stacey at Trump Inauguration

    That is actually incorrect. More women voted for Hillary not Trump. 54% of women voted for Hillary. Plus she gained the overall popular vote by over 2 million votes. If they had a true democratic vote of every vote counts, then Hillary would have been president.
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    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    Hilarious! I literally did a facepalm when I read that post on fb
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    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    Blimey that thread now has over 200 comments! Highlights include screenshots of nasty posts from the alleged friendly group bty, a random picture of judge rinder, numerous memes, a chief inspector of some sort who likes to use exclamation marks inappropriately claiming to know what a troll is...