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  1. L

    CH's dress on the 11 am show with liz Earle

    Thank you Mollymoo and I Love Chocolate, you are the Cagney and Lacey of ST with your stirling detective work! I've just had a look at Ingenue's website...the dresses look really nice but because i'm 'financially embarrassed' at the mo, can't treat myself :heartbroke:
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    Pneumatic drain unblocker

    I always check items out on Amazon, ebay etc before I reluctantly order from Q. Even if the price is the same, if I can save on p&p, i'll order elsewhere. Glad you got a bargain Mrsmouse....happy unblocking!
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    Which presenters are your top and bottom 3?

    Top 3: Kathy - doesn't come out with selling cliches Pipa - friendly and honest Julia - really knowledgable and I like her presenting style Bottom 3: The new ones - too amateurish (i've cheekily lumped them together!) AY - voice like nails on a blackboard, always butting in...
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    Queen Liz and Madam Young trying to out talk each other.....

    I'd feel really peed off if i'd developed a range of products and AY kept talking over me/butting in every few seconds as though she was better placed to deliver the spiel. Maybe Liz Earle's coming across as weary as she doesn't really want to be on Q but may be contractually obliged. Got nowt...
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    Emu's and Jeggings.

    Kathy had Emu's on this morning with what looked like 15 denier tights, a denim skirt and glittery top. It was as though she had literally 1 minute to get dressed and just picked up what was left in the dressing up box. Reminded me of my niece who likes to wear wellies with her ballet tutu, but...
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    But if I bought them, I would have to buy gallons of eye bleach for everyone I came into contact with. Might be a bit pricey.
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    your secret shame

    Eeekkk! We had quite a flutter of posts the other day about how many of us mute the telly when people phone in! As long as you haven't done it since, we'll let you off! p.s if Caroline is the lady i'm thinking of (older lady, quite posh looking) I liked her hair. Sorry for the randomness of...
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    Kim Mendellson of Kim & Co

    I can't watch her shows speckledhen...her voice and non-stop (literally non-stop) chatter does my head in! Combined with the constant stroking of the garments too, i feel exhausted and angry at the same time. Give me the calm monotone of Kelly Hoppen every time! I think I may be in the minority...
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    your secret shame

    I'm with you on that one Mrsmouse! On a recent thread I said that I didn't tell anyone that I was a Q shopper...I think that people would think I do nowt all day except watch telly and make dodgy purchases! Don't know why I feel this way; at least i'm in very good company in this forum :hi:
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    Two Hour Shows

    I know janie, she's my secret shame. She does have a snooty air about her, but there's something about her styles and colours that really appeal to me :blush:
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    Two Hour Shows

    I'm a bit selfish when it comes to 2 hour shows bags, if it's a Laura Geller or Kelly Hoppen show, i'm a happy bunny. If it's something I don't like (tech, gardening, craft, fashion) i'm a grumpy goat. It's a bit like when they dedicate a whole day or weekend to a certain range of products, it's...
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    Laura Geller balance and brighten....opinions please :)

    Love it! It's the only foundation I use now. I've tried all the shades over the years; the 'tan' shade is great for me in the summer, and I jump between 'fair' and 'regular' for the rest of the year. I don't know whether it's just the batch I received, but when I use the 'fair' option, the...
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    I tried Genie last year, and it went back after a week. It made my face feel like a mask but didn't make me look any smoother. The demo's they did prompted me to buy, but I didn't have the same results as the model. Yet again, I took full advantage of the 30 day mbg. L'oreal do a primer called...
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    JR & The Tweet That Went Horribly WRONG!!

    I think that was Rob Locke, janie. I think he went to work in America. I can imagine him blustering his way through his reponse! Didn't mind him at all. Can't believe I remember such trivial things from yonks ago but if you asked me what I had for dinner on Sunday, i'd not be able to tell you!
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    JR & The Tweet That Went Horribly WRONG!!

    How bizarre, how did she deal with that?
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    JR & The Tweet That Went Horribly WRONG!!

    Does anyone remember a drunk ( although you couldn't tell he was at the strt of the call)and abusive caller coming through to speak to Paul Lavers when he was on Q years ago? He dealt with it well as I recall. I also recall another bloke rang in when Simon Biagi was presenting Lock n Lock and...
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    Does this picture inspire you to buy?

    Bloo*y hell, I wear better to clean the lavvy. If they don't look good on a tall slim model, they would look hideous on me! I'll not be jumping to the phone for these.
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    Does this picture inspire you to buy?

    I was watching a Print Fusion show last week (please don't judge me, i'd had a bad week) and a top was described as grey. It was a 'jungly' print and had every shade of green you could imagine with a dash of brown, but no grey. Even Debbie Greenwood had to comment that the top didn't contain any...
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    Does this picture inspire you to buy?

    I know it's been said before, but does anyone know why Q changes the names of colours that the manufacturer gives to a product? They do it with clothes, jewellery and cosmetics....I get the impression that it annoys the guests enormously as well as confusing the viewer when the presenter gives...
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    Does this picture inspire you to buy?

    The models feet look like horses hooves.