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    Engagement rings!

    We're all ill here too, colds continually. Hope Morgan improves soon, it's awful when they're ill, when mine are ill I'd far rather it was me! (and it usually is!) 9 months is a handful! Thankfully my daughter is still at the looking cute and cooing stage, whereas the mad five year old is a...
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    Engagement rings!

    Ha ha was on the phone to her at work when that came through - we did laugh! Actually my mad five year old is going to my mums for the weekend so with 'only' the baby to look after it'll feel like a holiday! We might actually get some sorting and tidying done (or I might spend some time window...
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    Engagement rings!

    I tell my kids that they need to keep me in the style to which I could very easily become accustomed! Am hoping one of them becomes a diamond merchant! I reckon if I keep whispering it in their ears from birth it might go in as some kind of subconscious subliminal message... Typical that Morgan...
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    Engagement rings!

    kitten that's a fab post - thankyou! Yes I'll say one thing for my missus, she knows how to clean. Puts me to shame!
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    Best web sellers of vintage jewellery inc Ebay sellers!

    Ditto Gemcherub - just posted on the other thread asking for details of your address and security arrangements! I think my sapphire ring is my fave piece of jewellery. Got it to mark my completed family. I had the Tova Eek one that was virtually identical in design and always said if...
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    Engagement rings!

    Really sorry to hear of your burglary Nora. Far worse to lose something of sentimenal value whether objectively valuable in monetary terms or not (trying to do that smilie that gives the other one a hug but having smilie trouble again!) Toril - you are obviously in demand! Enjoy it! (and enjoy...
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    Best web sellers of vintage jewellery inc Ebay sellers!

    Here should be a photo of my sapphire ring and brooch...
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    Engagement rings!

    Busymum, my mum (who is also very busy :grin:) prefers her multiple Eek to one piece of bling. I prefer multiple bling which isn't good for my bank balance...:giggle: PPC that is a *beautiful* ring - I love old cuts I have one like that (not as big as yours though!) Truly spectacular...
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    Emma Hardie

    That's the one Leighton Orient! Fab detective work, thanks. Oh well, I was only a tenner out (did think under £30 sounded a bit optimistic!) QVC if you're reading this is one TSV I'd actually like you to repeat...
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    Engagement rings!

    Thanks for replies so far. It is a lovely design Minim. There's a jeweller near to that makes very contemporary rings and I've seen things there along the same lines. You were clearly ahead of your time a few [ahem] years ago! Vienna in 2006 ago my step-dad remarried (I have a v complicated...
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    Best web sellers of vintage jewellery inc Ebay sellers!

    Ok the here goes, one of my Deco rings and brooch...
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    Engagement rings!

    Woo hoo! I managed it! Not bad for a technophobe who's waiting for her kids to grow up so they can explain this whole digital revolution type thingybob to her! Ooh there'll be no stopping me now, off to post me vintage bling on the other thread...
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    Engagement rings!

    Have managed to shrink the file (after working out it was far too big), it's showing up under 'Manage Attachments' but can't see it in message box. Will post and see what happens...
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    Emma Hardie

    I really regret not getting an Emma Hardie TSV, not the most recent one, think it was the one before that, seem to recall it was an excellent price (maybe even under £30, rare for a beauty TSV these days) and had full size 'hero' products in. Seem to remember the more recent one didn't seem as...
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    Engagement rings!

    Oh where has that blimming photo gone! Will try there a quick way can anybody tell me? Followed Sazza'a instructions but coulnd't find the paper clip, tried via manage attachments and it seemed it had done it but obviously not...
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    Engagement rings!

    Here I am starting another jewellery thread! Lovely if you want to join me :hi: The threads over the previous days got me thinking last night about engagement rings. Did you get one? Do you still wear it (if you're still married I suppose that is!) My mum has been divorced since 1986 and still...
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    Tiana b tsv 30/1/13

    I'm a bit alarmed as I actually like this dress! I normally don't give QVC clothing a second glance, other than for entertainment (and the odd Centipede coat) but this seems simple and unfussy to me. Am trying not to think that this is the first step on a no-return route from Topshop to Grim n...
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    Best web sellers of vintage jewellery inc Ebay sellers!

    When my daughter is a bit older we'll have to organise something gemcherub! Is there anywhere you'd recommend for repairs to vintage jewellery in Hockley? One of my rings needs re-clawing in platinum and I've been quoted £30 per claw here, I need around 20 doing! Yes I remember now it was an...
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    What's next for your collection?

    And good luck Sacha with the euro lottery! Am with you on the pear cut, beautiful...
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    What's next for your collection?

    I notice an increasing number of online and store-based jewellers are making a feature of 'lay-away' ie. their own version of Easy Pay. Even the local high end jeweller near to me has started advertising this and he's always resisted this kind of thing. I love Lola Rose but other than that am...