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  1. N

    Tayberry tonight at 6!

    I claim my prize, as long as it's not from Tayberry. :D
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    Tayberry tonight at 6!

    The gender realignment or the traffic jam?
  3. N

    There is just so little

    I agree. I hardly ever buy from them now and when I switch onto the channel, I'm rarely tempted to stay for long. Time was I was petty much guaranteed to tune in for the TSV launch (unless it was craft, which isn't my thing), now I hardly ever bother. My usage of this site, though, seems to...
  4. N

    How about categorising the forum?

    Whilst I understand the need to generate revenue by having 'pay' areas of the site, it does irritate me that certain basic functionalities are denied to those of up who, for whatever reason, choose not to subscribe. For instance, it really annoys me that I cannot look up my own posting history...
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    Ever since the vacuum cleaner incident, Charlie can do no wrong in my eyes.
  6. N

    gobsmacked re delivery

    Me and mine, too. And we live 200 miles apart. Touch wood, I've never had a delivery problem with them. :happy:
  7. N

    "Construction" of clothes

    I agree with other posters who've pointed out that the supermarket chains, Matalan and Primark do excellent budget clothing ranges these days, plus you can try them on before you purchase and there's no P&P. Nor in most cases are there any car parking charges - that perennial comparison that...
  8. N

    clothes sizing

    I think they could remind viewers more often that they are quoting the measured size of the garment. Greg is actually very good with coats and nuts at advising viewers that they should measure the fullest part of the bust and them add 4-5 inches to allow room for movement and layering clothes...
  9. N

    How big is you stockpile????

    What nice friends you have, Jacaranda. ETA I've just noticed I've become a 'Senior Member'. I feel... Old. I'd better go and slap on some extra lotions and potions from that stockpile.
  10. N

    How long have you been watching QVC?

    Started watching about 10 or 11 years ago, I guess, and have memories of Julia, Debbie Flint and Paul Lavers doing whole hours where all they sold was different gold chains by length. It was all a bit tacky, tbh. What got me hooked was the beauty shows, although it was over a year before I took...
  11. N

    Prices Candles TSV 25th September

    Apologies for steering the thread slightly off course for a moment, but I wanted to thank the FMs who posted a good tip elsewhere, only I can't remember where to thank them 'in person'. It was the tip about using silicon muffin moulds to hold wax in your tart burners. I was recently given an...
  12. N

    little yello steam machine

    As a complete afterthought. If I'm steaming windows, mirrors, tiles, etc., I also add a couple of tablespoons of white vinegar to the water in the tank. Not only does this help cut through any grease or limescale on the item I'm cleaning, it helps to ensure that the tank itself doesn't get...
  13. N

    How big is you stockpile????

    Get well soon, Dazzler!
  14. N

    How big is you stockpile????

    Sorry OT, but you should go for one of those ottoman beds where the whole matress and slat section lifts up on hydraulics and you can access the whole area underneath the bed. Much more room for stashing your treasures. Or stowing your junk if you're like me.
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    How big is you stockpile????

    I haven't bought any skincare for almost exactly a year and last week I: - Started my last C&P (and that's with using it daily). - Used up the last drops of my Molton Brown bubble baths (Blissful Templetree and Energising Seamoss). - Bought a refill for my l'Occitane lavender hand wash from...
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    Debbie paver

    I think that she has an amazing figure - for any age - and although I'm not usually a fan of long hair on women beyond a certain age, I can't imagine her with a different style. What I do struggle with is believing that she would ever actually choose to wear shoes like the ones she sells. As a...
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    little yello steam machine

    With limescale, I find it helps to presoak with some white vinegar or lemon juice, then steam.
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    little yello steam machine

    But the little yello isn't a hand-held, icr, it is a compact that can do all of the things you list.
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    little yello steam machine

    Hi, SP and Flo Sorry that no-one's answered you so far. I know that when this first appeared as a blockbuster earlier in the year, several FMs bought it and were very pleased with it. I can't remember who they are and nor, irritatingly, can I look it up in my own posting history without paying...
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    Dean now on Bid TV

    I don't often watch Bid, but just caught a glimpse as I was channel surfing and recognised the voice. I couldn't place it at first because of his makeover (thought he was looking good), then I realised it was Deano, previously of QVC, Shop! and IW.