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  1. L

    Liz Earle TSV 20/10/12

    Oh good, it's not for me!!! I love the superskin body cream and hand repair and superbalm but have recently tried the ltd edition spit n polish with rose and lavender and love it. Ordered one in an essentials kit from LE direct and then ordered 3 more (just the C&P) in case it really is a ltd...
  2. L

    Something of possible interest for Lulu Guinness fans

    Thanks for this link and info. Ordered 2 - one for me and the other, well who knows???!! Great cause and am happy to contribute. Although I'm treated in a completely different place, some of my breast cancer buddies are treated at Royal Marsden and speak so highly of it.
  3. L

    What is the point of the customer review panel?

    Louise - I left my details on a form when I went to a diamoneek day preview with fellow forumite, Art Deco. That was it!
  4. L


    The secret ingredient to the zumba working, of course! If you have to ask, it's not for you!!!!! I tried it once and didn't 'get' it but no trouser leg rolled up so perhaps that's why....
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    Tangle Angel

    None of the others will have been used on royalty though!! Allegedly...
  6. L

    In the Salon with SBC - TSV 27/09/12

    As well as my earlier post re the wonders of propolis and arnica, I agree with Artemis and Breeze too. Just been to Venice and was bitten by some mozzies (fortunately not too many) and used the propolis on them and it has been brill. I use it on my eczema and have had success with that too. The...
  7. L

    What is the point of the customer review panel?

    I found it odd that they sent me info about things to try after I said something was rubbish but not a one since I tried something and said it was good!!
  8. L

    What is the point of the customer review panel?

    I'm on the panel and have had 2 things. One was a new Hairfix product that I found awful. Sent feedback by email and had one back thanking me for trying it anyway. The next was a Mayfair Manor topper which is good and I agreed to be a caller. Since then, haven't even been offered anything to...
  9. L

    gift, gifting, giftable

    Debbie Flint seems to be a prime culprit but there are others. When mentioning the price of something which has been drastically reduced, for example £20 instead of £50, she will say " Oh wow!!! This is more than half price; what a bargain; get one for your 10 million friends.....". (Ok , I've...
  10. L

    Dear QUERS

    Brilliant post and a ray of sunshine to brighten a very, very wet day. Thank you!!
  11. L

    I'm in Murano

    I've read a lot of that series and enjoyed them quite a lot. Not too taxing on the brain cells but a good murder story in most cases. Man at hotel in Venice where I am staying says no threat from acqua alta while we are there. Still travelling in boots to be on safe side....
  12. L

    I'm in Murano

    OMG - really??? Should I travel in a pair of boots?? Still it will add to the excitement and a story to tell when we get back.....If anyone hears anything more before Weds lunchtime (say 1pm), please post as I'm leaving at teatime to pick my friend up and go to hotel before we fly Thurs morning...
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    I had a long faux shearling one with a hood about 6 yrs ago when it was a tsv. It had a hood and I had it in black and the teal one too. Had many compliments whenever I wore them and they were good quality for the money - think they were about £40 each. Tried a couple of other styles in...
  14. L

    Winter Fashion TSV - Monday 17th September

    I had one a few years ago and it was so heavy. First time I used it was in the rain (obviously.....) and a very strong wind. I live by the sea. No sooner had I got out of the house and 10 yards down the street than the brolly blew inside out and broke. It went back and I've stuck with much...
  15. L

    I'm in Murano

    Bit of an adventure there, Flamenco!! Will bear in mind the siren sounding as it sounds like the sort of thing that would happen to me and my friend! As you say, all part of the rich hols experience!!!! Did laugh when I read about the rat and the street cleaner. Have heard about the acqua alta...
  16. L

    In the Salon with SBC - TSV 27/09/12

    I swear by both propolis and arnica from SBC. Am hoping good old arnica will be in this one as I'm running low. The propolis is amazing on damaged skin. My OH scraped his arm badly a while ago and it made a nasty gash and bruised so I put arnica on for the bruising and the propolis on the wound...
  17. L

    I'm in Murano

    Brissles - will try not to wreck Venice during our stay or buy everything! Will leave some bits for you....travelling hand luggage only, max 10kg so that will stop any major splurges shopping-wise! Catwoman - we will sharpen our elbows in preparation for bargeing our way through to the boat...
  18. L

    I'm in Murano

    I'm off to Venice early Thurs morning! My friend and I have long said we would have a girlie trip away after we both had tough times a few years ago and finally booked this trip. Very excited - doing the sights plus island trips and strolling around doing some shopping. I want to bring some...
  19. L

    Mum! I'm off to uni... Don't forget to get me that shopping trolley!

    It is indeed the future!! I agree that any student may not have this at the top of the list for items to take to uni but I have seen plenty of stylish folk in Paris and Italy using them for their shopping etc over a good number of years and if they're good enough for the chic Parisian ladies...
  20. L

    Tour Of Britain - QVC

    I'm off to get a glimpse of them tomorrow as they pass by Lancaster. Can't wait! Mum and I went to see the last stage of the Tour de France this year and stood on the roadside about 1km from the finish so we had 8 views of them going past. A very special day and having now been once, we plan to...