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    Hello everyone. I wonde does anyone out there know whether you can still get the fuge mixes from QVC, I cannot remember the name and can't find them on their website. Thanks for any help.
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    Important - check your credit card statements - for "Travel Steps"

    I have been following this thread with interest because I too had 'the phone call' from Ideal World as previously posted. Everyone here has an opinion and thats fine - surely that's what forums are for. But, to insult people, as you have done simplynocturnal, by calling us 'simple' is in my...
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    BLITZ bed bug spray

    Oh My God!!! I think, from now on I will sleep either standing up or on a bed of nails! I have a phobia about all things buggy and insecty, to the point that I have a special netting over my open windows to stop 'things' flying or crawling in. The thought of 'things' living in my bed is my worst...
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    Hi - Newbie!

    Hello and welcome Miss Tibbs. There's lots of fun to be had!
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    Pro-strong ~ Does it work?

    Hi everyone, we had a discussion about nails some time back, didn't we. I have spent loads and used loads, Prostrong, OPI plus all the brands you can get in Boots and then some. But none of them worked for me. I used to have lovely long strong nails and all of a sudden they started to flake and...
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    Pippa Vanderburg

    I think I'm right in saying Pippa changed her name because she decided to use her husbands name. I remember reading somewhere that she met her husband in Holland, so it follows that he may well be Dutch, hence the name Vanderburg. I agree with everyone about the yeah yeah lark, very annoying...
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    Hi and welcome from me Vikki!
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    I am new too!

    Hi and welcome loveheart from me too!
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    Special club

    Hi Toril, I always use the online order process with IW and C&C but I received a phone call from IW telling me that as I was such a valuable customer they wanted to offer me a 'special' offer on a new brochure. I explained that I was not interested in any catalogues and he said it was a holiday...
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    Betty Go Away Grey Intimate Hair Dye

    OMG - enough already, I have to call an ambulance now, oh! the pain.
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    Important - check your credit card statements - for "Travel Steps"

    Sorry Jan, I was so upset at their phone call, I didn't read all the posts properly. Buttercorn.
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    Important - check your credit card statements - for "Travel Steps"

    PLEASE BE CAREFUL : If I had not read about this 'scam' earlier today I would have fallen for it. I have just this minute had a telephone call from Ideal World, telling me nice things about tonights shows and then offering me a new catalogue - Travel Steps. They would like to send me a copy so...
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    Paint Runner

    I bought these from IW a couple of years ago. They seemed a good deal at the time. BUT, when we used them the roller did not roll, it slid accros the ceiling and was very heavy to use. We did do a bit of research and we were advised to water down the paint. We were using silk emulsion and...
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    Selling Stuff on Ebay

    Hi Topaz, I have similar problems with ebay, I don't have a clue what to do. But when I have had some odd bits that would do someone a turn, but are a bit too good to give away, I sometimes put a card in the local newsagent. Sometimes supermarkets have a community board that you can put a for...
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    Nail strengtheners

    Hi everyone. This is a subject very close to my heart. I used to bite my nails as a child, but once I was working I quickly stopped and grew them and had really long strong nails. BUT in the last year or so my nails have really taken a bad turn. The first two fingernails of both hands are very...
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    Hi there worrier, thankyou so much for the fabulous welcome. I love the picture. I am waiting for my son to give me a lesson in getting images for my posts. He's going to find me an avatar too! Be back soon, hopefully with a picture!!!
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    Liquid Gold

    Karina, thankyou so much for your kind words and advice. I shall jump in with both feet and order some of the LG from QVC. Its fairly expensive but then I have wasted an absolute fortune on stuff that never worked anyway. I shall do that now and will get back to you in a couple of weeks to let...
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    Liquid Gold

    Hello, Karina, may I please ask a question about Liquid Gold. I have been reading all the posts about this product and I just wonder if it would help me.I have developed a really bad skin in the last few years.(I lost my husband and I think that may have something to do with it) I have developed...
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    Thanks for the welcome Mommabear. I saw the adverts at 2 and 3 pm, just before the change of show. One was the persil 'children get dirty' advert and one was for E45 shower gel, the exact adverts that are shown on ITV, Sky etc. It just struck me as odd, because I have never seen these ads on...
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    Hello there. I joined the forum a while ago, and have enjoyed reading the posts enormously. They have certainly made me smile when I have been down in the dumps. Anyway, I have finally plucked up courage to actually write something myself.Here goes - Has anyone else noticed that IW are showing...