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  1. Shopping is fun

    QVC On Facebook As Of Today!

    Just read your "wall" with great interest. I dont think I will ever bother buying anything from him. I think that most designers now jump on the bandwagon to look as if they give a damn about the animals and what happens to them.
  2. Shopping is fun

    Nintendo TSV 1 December

    My last post I messed up. Sorry. I meant to say I will leave it and get a PS3 with a blu-ray because on Amazon you can get one with loads of films.
  3. Shopping is fun

    Nintendo TSV 1 December

    I agree they are taking the p**s with the price. I think I will pass and go for a PS3 as I want a blu-ray which it comes with plus loads of films. But they will give it a hard sell as always. Dont buy people!! Save your hard earned money!!
  4. Shopping is fun

    Debbie Flint

    You are so right. Last night when I was watching JR with Simon Wilson she was trying so hard to be glamorous. She did look very nice but not wise to try to compete with two lovely young models such as Ali and Renee in her tight purple dress and showing a little too much cleavage! Naughty JR!! A...
  5. Shopping is fun

    AY v JF

    :eek: I noticed last night that whilst AY was on with OPI she must have been told via her ear piece that JF was doing the Computer Solutions show and she looked a little surprised and said in her own words "that should be interesting". I know that JF can be a little shall we say dense but I...
  6. Shopping is fun

    B&W TSV - 27th Nov

    I just bought the purple watch as a gift from my hubbie for our 23rd anniversary next week. He may sound like a cheapskate but money a little bit tight at the moment, but I think it looks great.
  7. Shopping is fun

    Philosophy - Washing Up Liquid

    I ordered the Pure Grace TSV before last Christmas and I loved the perfume. I found the body butter very watery and didnt use it after that. I 3 in 1 shampoo/shower cream etc was not bad but I found it very thick when using as shampoo and it took a lot of water to get out of the hair, despite...
  8. Shopping is fun

    Anyone going to buy?

    I agree with Rosielinks the easypays seem to few and far between these days. I love the pearls but I couldnt justify spending that sort of money. Another example the BOSE products they show, I have only been able to afford the in-ear headphones that I bought last year. They are brilliant by the...
  9. Shopping is fun

    Jumping to the phone... and other phrases you hate

    Same boring phrases!! I notice when when they are trying to offload something expensive, such as Tanzanite jewellery for example, the next sentence is "We know this is a considered purchase". Yah if people have got a spare £1000 in their pocket to spend. Do they not know we are in a recession...
  10. Shopping is fun

    No he didn't !!!!!

    How stupid are they?? I got so fed up watching JF and "tinker-belle" that I switched over and watched Halloween, much more interesting!! Surely the personnel up in the gallery can actually speak and tell them if they say incorrect things, or is that too much to ask? I also liked the way JF...
  11. Shopping is fun

    What do you think of tova (i mean the product, not the person)

    I have tried Tova products in the past and unfortunately I was not very impressed. I tried the Cactine but the containers were smashed and because I didnt open them for a few weeks I had to throw away. That is my fault obviously. I have tried the Signature and Summer Signature perfumes and to...
  12. Shopping is fun

    Leighton Denny TSV - 28/10/09

    I have just started using Renovate myself as my nails are a little poorly at the moment. I checked it out on the LD website and I thought I would give it a try. I have only been using it for a few days but we shall see how it goes.
  13. Shopping is fun

    is stacey from ybf coming back on QVC

    Yes guys you are right. I do remember CH and JR with Stacey. Sorry I must be losing my mind. It happens when you get to my age!! LOL
  14. Shopping is fun

    is stacey from ybf coming back on QVC

    I did notice yesterday that Stacey was back in early November but the dates have now been removed and it was only for 3 hours. It seems a long way to come for 3 hours on QVC. I did prefer the Models Prefer makeup and I still use the eye shadows and the yellow powder in the container with built...
  15. Shopping is fun

    Are QVC biased with customer reviews??

    In my view yes they are. I have submitted reviews about certain products and I have noticed that QVC do not show them. Am I correct in thinking that the reviews are submitted to a third party and then they are listed?? I think QVC have more of a hand in the reviews than they are probably...
  16. Shopping is fun

    I hope you've all put your order in for this cut price beauty product...

    I am going to buy the rest and sell them on Ebay. LOL
  17. Shopping is fun

    Does Jill Franks actually think before speaking??

    I was watching Jill Franks last night on the Philosopy hour. She was taling about The Great Mystery Daily Facial. She claimed she used it but she actually slipped up by saying she only used it once a week. She then asked if it could be used more frequently. Robin from Philosophy I think was a...
  18. Shopping is fun

    Acer TSV - any ideas?

    Acer laptops - Are they any good? I bought an Acer laptop when it was a TSV last year for my son. It is absolutely useless. The mousepad is hopeless and jumps all over the place. When you are typing it will jump to another page. I would say dont buy anything from Acer as you may be...
  19. Shopping is fun

    How daft can Jill Franks get?

    How daft is Jill Franks? I agree, Jill Franks is losing the plot!! Do they not look at the inventory before they go on air? When people ring in she always wants:thinking2: to get them off as quickly as possible as she doesnt like to talk to them too long, probably because she has nothing to say...
  20. Shopping is fun

    Debbie Flint returning?

    Debbie Flint is returning to QVC I have checked QVC's programme listings and she is due on air Saturday with Lola Rose. :clapping: