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  1. D

    Review rejected again - can we believe the integrity of the review system?

    I once wrote a really really snotty review about Kelly Hoppen bedding being like market stall tat, and said it was cheap and nasty.........guess what, they printed it. I was gobsmacked.
  2. D

    This is where JR's been........

    I know some of you have not been able to sleep or eat properly wondering where she has got to, well she has updated her blog today and this is it.........:yawn: Aren't you all relieved that she has not done a...
  3. D

    Whose voice don't you like?

    I know she can't help it, but definitely CH for her constant whistling 'S's, I have to switch off. Definitely Claire Sutton................silly childish woman, surely there's a place in a pantomime somewhere for her. Jilly, who just speaks in such a boring monotone voice that I'm almost...
  4. D

    Where's JR lately?

    I think I heard she was off sick........could be wrong though, she may be on her hols. She is not on now until the Bobbi Brown shows next Sunday so the show guide says. We shall have to see whether she shows up then or not.
  5. D

    Kelly Hoppen a Day in the Life

    She's gone to Russia today according to her Twitter............poor sods.
  6. D


    The words PAINT and DRY spring to mind for me with Jilly I'm afraid.
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    Kelly Hoppen a Day in the Life

    I don't think I can bring myself to read about her daily life................I am but a pleb and far too lowly to cast my eyes over things I can only dream about.:bow:
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    Never mind the bolerooooooo, bolero whatever........she's just gone yeah yeah yeah yeah *four blimmin times* to Alexis. I think she is competing with Pipa (lol).
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    Why is Claire sitting with a pair of sunglasses on the top of her head in the Birkenstock hour at noon:wonder: She looks bl**dy ridiculous *just saying*. Can you tell I'm bored:yawn:
  10. D

    Alpha H... No thanks !

    I have nothing but praise for Alpha H, I absolutely love it. Brilliant stuff.
  11. D

    Julia sets a new record!!!!!

    I too am sick to the back teeth of the preening, pouting, hair flicking and constant bigging herself up. I did like her when she was a normal human being like the rest of us. I wish someone would kick that pedestal she thinks she is standing on from under her toe post sandals.:tongue:
  12. D

    Alison Keenan

    Sending her all my very best wishes to overcome this awful disease. May she stay strong and positive throughout her treatment. She comes across as a tough cookie, and has gone though so much in her life recently...............................I am keeping everything crossed.
  13. D

    Kirstie Allsop Designs

    She may actually pay us a visit..........I think this weekend she has been involved in a lot of Comic Relief stuff. I have to say it makes a nice change from Northern Nights and at least QVC are offering us a bit more choice (about time)..................but I wasn't very keen on it to be honest.
  14. D

    Today the TSV is..............

    yet another bl***y hair removal gizmo:headbang: Who do QVC think we are, a load of damn gorillas?:taphead: I am getting bored with all these hair removal implements they keep on throwing in as TSV's:yawn::yawn::yawn: Maybe it's just me..........................perhaps you are all totally...
  15. D

    What are you wearing NOW from QVC ?

    I have just been checking out my OPI black carry case which arrived today. I am looking forward to filling it with all my OPI and Nails Inc that I have acquired over the the moment it is all in a wicker basket in a cupboard. Bring it on........Mrs Organised and Tidy:sun:
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    LaLa Land.........

    Someone should mention to her that it is the other Julia Roberts that is the famous one.....................she appears to think it is her.:taphead:
  17. D

    What on earth.........

    I've bought 4 (lol)........................only joking!!!!!!! *Ghastly*
  18. D

    Huntleys Hair

    It looks so ridiculous I've wet myself laughing...............OMG.
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    Pipa's Hair...

    I love the haircut, but don't like the rainbow of colours she has.
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    Alison Keenan has breast cancer

    Yes, I think that is a lovely idea certainly have my permission.