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  1. D

    AY dress sense

    I think she went to the same fashion school as these ladies.....
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    Butler & Wilson "large cat sequin top"

    I always think he looks like they've polished him up with Pledge furniture spray to make him all shiney. The man must be a millionaire many times over, and must be laughing all the way to the bank when he sees how quickly his tat sells out on air. The fact is it does sell out and people fawn...
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    Your Fashion Pitch to QVC

    My fashion label will be called "LiterallyAlyYoung" will comprise of...... Bolero faux fur, feathers or any other piece of adornment that comes to hand. Dresses...In an appropriately too short length which leaves little to the imagination. They will be striped, floral, checked...
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    Julia's house

    She said on her Twitter account that the reason the bed was delivered to her was because she was supposed to be presenting the show when it was on, and then couldn't do it because of other commitments...however, she did say she slept in it to try it out. I wonder if she gets to keep it, or...
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    Julia's house

    Apparently she is moving house again as the commute to the new QVC studios is going to be too far away for her to travel.
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    Cutbacks Phase 2: Urgent Memo - Please Read.

    Right are mine. 1) Beauty - It has to be Lulu and her Time Bomb, it's about time someone lit the blue touchpaper and did a controlled explosion to send it and her to the blue yonder. However, beware below of the fallout of iffy fillers etc etc. 2) Fashion & Accessories - It has to...
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    Cutbacks - who goes?

    Mmmmmmm let me see..... Debbie "roll up, roll up, come and see it here" Flint with her market stall patter...she winds me up big style. Claire "coo chee coo, diddums" Sutton with her little girly girly voice...she makes my blood boil. Jilly "play it safe and play the same record over and over...
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    JF's on now with Nails Inc and she's said the word somethink about 6 times in the first 10 minutes...arrggggggh.
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    AY on the TSV show

    She just never gets the outfits just right does she. I often wonder if she looks in the mirror before she leaves her dressing room...and she must never look at herself in the monitors when she is presenting. Then again she maybe doesn't see what we do, and probably thinks she looks ok.
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    Did Jill forget to put her clothes on today?

    I saw JF last night too in that hideous ensemble...she looked like she was dressed in someone's old curtains. I was thinking that one gust of wind or the air con blowing a bit too fiercely might have her disappearing off into the blue horizon...come to think of it, that would have been quite a...
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    Julia's book

    Oooooh, I can't wait for it to be published (). I bet it will be so riveting that I won't be able to put it down . Will I actually buy it
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    Answers on a postcard please.....

    What do you think is going on here then:happy:
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    An Emma Harding Virgin Tale

    Sorry Brissles, I know I shouldn't laugh...but I hope you are now fully recovered from your ordeal.
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    Crikey, the Feng Shui woman looks such a mess....

    I've just tuned in to the Feng Shui hour at 6.00 pm...Sarah, the woman who presents it looks like she has been dragged through a bush backwards:giggle: Her hair looks dirty and she's obviously not bothered to brush it before appearing on air. Her nails are terrible and grubby with really messy...
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    Warning Warning From Donna Put A Lock .......

    Don't they just spout a load of teenage daughter wouldn't go anywhere near fashion shown on QVC...she goes into hysterics if she's around when they are showing any of their *top fashion*.
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    Breaking News! JR Does Food Show!

    I didn't think she looked too bad actually, but I honestly don't think the purple eyeshadow she wears constantly makes her eyes look sunken and tired. She should give another colour a go "it might make her eyes pop a bit more" *said in my best Glen Campbell voice*. Brilliant BB, you...
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    Kelly hoppen tsv

    You're all naughty...but I like you