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  1. Pepsidoodle

    Personal Shopper - how does it work??

    As a newbie to this it would be nice to be able to experience the delights of the personal shopper though ( :rofl: ) rather than a deafening silence I guess they make money out of the phonecalls tho.........
  2. Pepsidoodle

    Personal Shopper - how does it work??

    Thanks for the info MissMagpie I had found an e-mail address on their website but it was incorrect so it was really good to get another e-mail address to try. I sent my e-mail to them on the 17th and am currently waiting for their reply
  3. Pepsidoodle

    Matching your Bling!

    :goodluck: with having to search again. I can doubly feel your pain as that's loosing something & having to find a replacement But aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh if you think that then I must really really really need help :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  4. Pepsidoodle

    Matching your Bling!

    I think I need :help: I have co-ordination issues for jewellry!!! Marion I hope you appreciate this!!! I'm on the lookout for some earrings in a particular shape cut (it doesn't need to be the exact same cut lol) & gemstone & yellow gold (to co-ordinate with ring & pendant) Also on the...
  5. Pepsidoodle

    Matching your Bling!

    ooooo they will go nicely Its good to get a match sorted!!! (I'm being driven to distraction with my lack of matching stuff :help: )
  6. Pepsidoodle

    Personal Shopper - how does it work??

    I phoned em Unfortunatley they only had items that hadn't been on air yet (& that were in the shop)so no joy for me :cry: I will probably phone them again in a few weeks The very helpful operator did confirm that they offer the last auction price though........:halo:
  7. Pepsidoodle

    Pleasantly surprised

    You have answered a question I was about to ask. I've got my eye on a pendant on the website (my Xmas pressie from my man) but the price seemed high to me. Unfortunately for Rocks & Co other online companies who at least offer the last auction price to shoppers will get my business. Your...
  8. Pepsidoodle

    I got me Sapphire Ring made!

    :clap: Suits you sir jones :lol: U must be really chuffed - it looks v v v v v v good!
  9. Pepsidoodle


    Julie - what you describe hs always happened to me - well since they went to the new system, so it can't be both our pc's. Also, when I leave Rocks' website my internet explorer (IE) is still active (my firewall tells me lol) I have to shut down IE wait a bit & load it up again & then its ok...
  10. Pepsidoodle

    Today, I will be mostly wearing...............

    Today I will mostly be wearing Garnet snowflake earrings & garnet/rhodalite garnet ring no space for a necklace due to the jumper!
  11. Pepsidoodle

    Personal Shopper - how does it work??

    Ahhh that makes a lot more sense now Thanks for the info PPC :catmilk:
  12. Pepsidoodle

    Today, I will be mostly wearing...............

    Unfortunately - its been a non-rocks weekend the only rocks thing was a velvet cord, with a silver pendant, silver bracelet & a silvertone watch Was going to wear a moonstone necklace but was wearing white & it looked wrong next to it I will try much harder today though!! :rofl:
  13. Pepsidoodle

    Personal Shopper - how does it work??

    Hello everyone I'm after your help please - & being a newbie to I'd rather ask you first than them lol I was wondering how the personal shopper thing works, I was hoping it was an email thing but I've seen its just phone contact. I understand that they can find you specific...
  14. Pepsidoodle

    Returns & Resizing

    Some Post offices have em out in the shelves - at other offices I've asked for them (& they were pretty generous with dishing them out)
  15. Pepsidoodle

    Returns & Resizing

    I use the envelopes that Sacha uses - although I hadn't thought of sticking the returns label on!!! I have also enclosed a letter in the parcel saying what's a refund/exchange etc etc etc - although I do state item numbers & order numbers & customer number etc - & all have been processed fine...
  16. Pepsidoodle

    I got me Sapphire

    :clap: Katherine is brill Glad you like it - is it with yer jewellers as we speak????
  17. Pepsidoodle

    Rocks TV now Live 12 Hours a day!

    :rofl: I'm sorry - but that photo of Jamie just makes me :rofl:
  18. Pepsidoodle

    Hi to everyone!

    Hello Roxy I've not been about much on lately - but have loads of their stuff :lol: so :goodluck: !!!!
  19. Pepsidoodle

    Thankyou .. to Rocks

    :clap: I'm so glad you had a lovely visit to rocks - although I'm sad I missed it Although you let them get on with presenting on their own way (totally understandable as you would have set the standard way too high for em all :lol: )..... .... .... .... .... ... .... ..... ..... I'd love...
  20. Pepsidoodle

    Yet another delivery. . .but still not as many as BH!!

    Congratulations!!! :clap: Lovely engagement ring & rocks items too, have you stopped grinning yet???