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  1. Hillary

    Whatever happened to Easi/Easy-Buy?

    And who, in this financial climate can afford £60 p&p on top of buying the crap? If I had a spare £60 I'd rather spend it on a posh meal out
  2. Hillary

    Fair play Peter S

    And he's such a genuine man too isn't he? So nice. Ps. Sorry Peeej. I only saw this thread this morning, busy gardening yesterday.
  3. Hillary

    General ridiculousness thread

    Oh. Not a shed in someone's back garden then? I've got it wrong.
  4. Hillary

    Where's meet the hosts/assistants gone on the web page?

    Now why couldn't I find that! My thanks to both of you
  5. Hillary

    Where's meet the hosts/assistants gone on the web page?

    I couldn't find it this morning when I went in to see if there was anyone would fit the name 'rezzy' because i don't know who it is.
  6. Hillary

    What is the point of the assistants?

    Ah Lisa! I remember her, married 'Willy' . One of the best ever of all of them. Didn't she go back to dancing? By the way, which one is Rezzy?
  7. Hillary

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    He used to be so very different, funny and likeable. Look at Paul Becque, when he was on situps he was an irritating prat, but now he's moved he acts like a grown up. Maybe Mason could change? maybe he got carried away with his loud mouth spiv routine and he's trying to quieten it?
  8. Hillary

    What is the point of the assistants?

    I haven't taken offence at anything Bingo Balls or Dirty Peter has said for weeks, probably months now. I turn off as soon as they come on. Sometimes catch them at the beginning/end of their shifts but I don't listen too much to them.
  9. Hillary

    Should Bid TV have a genuine Charity Day?

    Many moons ago, I was on a stopover in India. In the bar, my colleagues and I met a charming lady who invited us to her home for the evening. She worked for a very well known charity and was permanently based in this particular city, in a house provided for her by the charity. It was...
  10. Hillary

    Should Bid TV have a genuine Charity Day?

    My first thought when I read this was 'Bid' and 'genuine' are not two words one normally strings together in the same sentence. But why not try a fund raising day? The Poppy Day one always leaves me a bit disturbed when I work out how much actually goes to the charity, but every little helps
  11. Hillary

    As Matt Smith is leaving Dr Who ...

    He would definitely be an improvement on David 'the Gurner' Tennant I would like to see Sue Perkins as the first female doctor.
  12. Hillary

    Peter Simon's statue stolen, reward of 100 burgers offered.

    To keep the kids away from the fire? Frighten cats off your garden?
  13. Hillary

    Peter Simon is going to be pushed out of a plane

    We can only hope he gets his chute from bid and Bingo Balls packs it for him
  14. Hillary

    What is the point of the assistants?

    Don't be so rude Wirral! Mr Mason wouldn't have anything so small. His ego must be the size of a continent.
  15. Hillary

    What is the point of the assistants?

    This isn't meant to be a 'lets bash the assistants' thread. I honestly want to know. Situps are obviously feeling the financial pinch and there are probably dark days ahead after OFCOM finish with them. Couldn't they save money by getting rid of them altogether? And while they are at it, cut...
  16. Hillary

    Moet&muffins - Mike Mason

    Very few of us are pal, but we still don't have teeth like you. Perhaps if you stopped buying some of the gadgets you boast about owning you could afford a dentist?
  17. Hillary

    General ridiculousness thread

    Once, in a moment of madness I bought one of these for 50p from a white elephant stall at our village fete.... It took forever to clean the blasted microwave oven after it.
  18. Hillary


    Compared to what they have presenting these days, he's not the worst by far (no pun intended) I always think he looks like he's not had enough sleep. I've quite a soft spot for the young lad If anyone is wondering why I'm on here a lot today We are having a new central heating system installed...
  19. Hillary

    Mike talking porkie pies again

    Yes, me too. Some of the things said to, and about you,P.J. have been pure vitriol and all you've done is speak the truth.
  20. Hillary

    Former Bid boy Paul Beque

    I had to ask someone too Pola. Apparently, and I hope have this right, Dirty P. made a remark about Paul 'once of situps' but now gone and his face was like thunder. Don't know why, because Paul was one of the most affable and wholesome on there. Someone will come along with more info I'm sure