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  1. C

    Oh My Heart Bleeds

    What a pointless, nasty thread. I didn't see the show, but was it really that bad? Debbie witters, they all do, big deal.
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    EasiYo TSV?

    I had a look at the Lakeland site but they don't seem to be that competitive price-wise. Five sachets for about £10-11? Plus they don't have the variety packs that QVC have. I always make my Easiyo with tap water but use boiling water in the jar/vaccuum thingie. Isn't that what we all do? I...
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    Kathy T joined the club

    My advice is to ignore the wedding magazines! You don't need things like fancy flowers and bespoke invitations and flipping favours! Our wedding was so small that I was able to write out all our invitations by hand (I got the 'fill in the blanks' type from John Lewis), the flowers on the...
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    Kathy T joined the club

    When we got engaged The Count was only 24 but he was earning a fantastic wage. I think for him it was a point of pride that he bought me the biggest, best diamond he could afford. I actually had to stop him from spending more! My thinking is that you only get engaged once in your life (you...
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    EasiYo TSV?

    I love Easiyo Yoghurt, it's proper tasty and convenient. I'm very very tempted by the tsv today, but we're selling up and moving to Scotland so I've put a ban on bringing anything else into the house til we go... But Greek Coconut yog is enough to make me buy, and I'm curious about the mousses...
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    What's that PRAI woman going on about?

    The only problem is that you have to make sure everyone else has the alcohol for best effect! :giggle:
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    Liz Earle TSV Saturday 05 February 2011

    Thanks for this post! I just treated myself to some LE essentials (or goodies??!), and I don't have to pay p&p. Result!! Cheers, CountessK.
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    Is Jill Franks Pregnant?

    It's OK, Burlz. I feel sick anyway so I'm glad of the company. :puke: I'm so sorry for all the ladies here who have shared their heartbreaking stories. Like I said, I'm pregnant with my third, still early days, and I feel very grateful that it's all been very easy for me (not without...
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    Is Jill Franks Pregnant?

    Let's really freak out Burlz: did anyone see One Born Every Minute?? :) I'm pregnant with my third, I'm wondering whether to have a water birth this time, it looks so relaxed.
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    No "bashing" the QVC Presenters Thread

    I like Claudia, Claire and Jill Franks. They're a bit daft but still professional. Same goes for Dale, the only male presenter I can be doing with. I do think Alison Keenan and Debbie G are very professional and quite warm too, so they're my next tier down. Thanks for starting this thread...
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    Joy looks best in Tiana B

    I've got a Tiana B dress and it is very roomy. I'm definitely plus size and getting bigger - I think I might invest in a couple of their dresses during this pregnancy, the dresses are hard-wearing and easy care and a bit different to the usual boring maternity wear.
  12. C

    Alison Young At It Again!

    I never saw The Slap, I never watch any beauty shows because AY does my head in. I just find it interesting having read through this thread that, for all the outrage at AY assaulting a guest, there are a fair few comments along the lines that if the guest had responded with equal violence, well...
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    Gorgeous Dresses

    Do you mean the one that Pipa was wearing in her Taylor Dresses show? I thought it looked awful on her - she's obviously tres petite but the dress made her look rather bulky round the middle and the colour was all wrong on her. Still, better than anything in the Bob Mackie tat show. :smirk:
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    Gorgeous Dresses

    Poor Kathy, it can't be easy looking like a sack of tatties when you've got Cordelia slinking around looking like a bazillion dollars. OMG, if I had legs like that I'd be going around in my knickers all day!! I just thought Cordelia looked particularly stunning this morning. I thought the...
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    QVC Male Presenter of 2010

    I voted for Dale. I think he's exactly what a shopping telly presenter should be: a bit cheesey but entertaining, and he knows his stuff. I just don't get the Julian thing - are you all swooning over him?? Really??? As for Anthony, you can't possibly be swooning over him. I think he probably...
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    QVC Female Presenter Of 2010

    I voted for Claudia. I like her daftness. I'm not watching QVC to be educated or irritated, so I find Claudia funny and pretty and good at her job. I also like Debbie Greenwood, she's so cheery. And I can't believe I'm writing this, but Claire's relentlessly upbeat persona has won me over...
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    Ding Dong-ocik!!

    Gorgeous jewels, tasty bloke. I'm not sure do I want to look at him or his products more (although he could definitely do with a haircut). So do I take my daughter to boring old playgroup or stay in and have a drool? Lucky Claire. :D CountessK. x
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    B&W Couture

    The black butterfly necklace immediately made me think of The Silence of the Lambs! Remember the poster with Jodie Foster with a black butterfly over her mouth? *shudder*
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    30-Second Smile Toothbrush

    Oh dear. I bought one for my Dad's Christmas. He's impossible to buy for, and most presents (unless they're whisky) end up in the back of a drawer, so I thought "that'll do". Maybe it's been bought by lots of other people with similarly difficult friends/family!
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    B&W Couture

    I was thinking that this is a show most husbands wouldn't complain about watching.... well, not the shots of Rene, anyway. Crikey, some of the close-up shots are practically inside her cleavage. Who buys this stuff? I don't know anyone who has the sort of lifestyle to wear the particularly...