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  1. C

    Lee Hobeins hair

    Yes! But the REALLY worst look at the moment is that ridiculously bushy beard with very short hair. The absurdity is incredible. The unsexiness is stratospheric, and anyone sporting that style just proves their trend-led stupidity, every time they step outside the door. Interestingly, the...
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    Sexiest presenter?

    Well, that didn't take long! Yes. I agree with you ladies. Yum.
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    Sexiest presenter?

    I'm off to google Mr Supervet! Need to understand all this fascination... :)
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    Sexiest presenter?

    Young, old, boy, girl...? For me, it is Mat Trim. I really like him. He's a dog person. He is clearly very much in love with his wife. I think he's a great photographer. He has happy dogs that get wet, dirty and love it. And he genuinely seems to enjoy what he does.
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    Lee Hobeins hair

    I like Lee. He used to irritate me, but i have kind of relaxed, and now i find him rather endearing. He loves his cat, his Ma, his neighbour. His hair is always transmogrifying (colour and style) into the next trend, and he is desperately trying to hide his little tum. He prepares for his...
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    Just when you though GG couldn't be on Q more frequently...

    The only problem i have with her is that what she says doesnt make sense. Literally. If you actually listen to what she says, her sentences are all over the place. She chops and changes half way through an idea, and never finishes a thought. It is like listening to a pea on a drum. Even...
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    Lulu Guinness Accessories TSV 02/09/2015

    Wheeee! After 3 years of waiting, i have a blue (damson) mid-pollyanna on its way. I always wanted one in navy or dark blue, and there hasnt been one in stock for what seems like forever! Added bonus: it is fabric, not leather, therefore cheaper and lighter to carry. Am delighted. The other...
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    Churchill Carousel Tins

    I bought their 3 tins of 4 seasons biscuits. They really do look fabulous. Already given one to the lovely cat rescuer lady who found our cat (with a nasty bump on his head) in her garden. Plus a huge bunch of flowers. A second is going to a friend as part of her birthday. the third will go to...
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    Kathy Taylor

    Losing a much loved pet knocks you sideways. It may seem shocking that an animal is so important, but then you often spend more time and lavish more care on them than on family members. Certainly so in my case, with a family scattered across the British Isles. I feel for her, and for Jill...
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    Appreciation of effort made by presenters

    Cooo-er. I hadn't heard THAT one! :mysmilie_13:
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    Appreciation of effort made by presenters

    Try googling 'seraglio' and 'pomegranate' nubile young women with pert bits were often compared with pomegranates. Nowadays, in the West, we go for melons, or jugs. Quantity, over quality, apprarently...
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    Appreciation of effort made by presenters

    Lol. I think that pomegranates were traditionally used as murals and interior design features in harems. Something to do with sexual innuendo, but i have never quite grasped why. There is also, i think an idea that the pomegranate rather than the apple was the original fruit in the garden of...
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    Liz Earle & Kelly Hoppen Jewellery

    I'm sorry, but i think the LE one is... um... er... reminiscent of a lady's private parts. There have been some Ottoman designs along the same lines which i find equally off-putting. I realise that this tells you far more about the state of my mind, than about the jewellery, and I have no wish...
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    I'm looking at another Tarte demo at the moment. Much lighter on the eyes. A great improvement. I wonder if someone at QVC nudged the makeup artist, or whether they looked around and realised the overdone American TV makeup doesn't come across well over here.
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    Has anyone tried any Tarte stuff? I am always up for trying something new, but i get put off by the style of makeup application used on all the models. It is just so thick and mask-like, with FAR too much shadow. I would love to see some faces with a natural look, or a healthy look, rather than...
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    Lulu Guinness Accessories TSV 02/09/2015

    I like cross body bags, but that looks too soft leather. Once filled, the top corners will crush inwards with the weight of the contents and the bag will lose its shape. The strap is also a bit too thin for that size of bag. Anything like a bottle of water, or packed lunch will drag the strap...
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    Red carpet manicure

    I used to love the UV cured gels, but then i got bored with the phaff. Also ended up painting a change of colour on top, and disliking the gap as the nail grew up. I now use 2 coats of perfect manicure (any colour) on my naked nail, and top it with 2 coats of any nail varnish. Lasts...
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    irritating presenter voices

    I'm sitting watching Julia Roberts now. She is REALLY over doing the ingenuous girly flirting nowadays. Looks ridiculous in a woman approaching her 60s. And really, if she thinks that all the hair flicking, speaking glances and fingers straying across the cleavage is a good idea, then someone...
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    How many long-term QVC-ers actually sit and watch QVC and how much do they buy?

    I started with QVC when i had (real) flu and lay on the sofa, 24/7 for days. I found it reassuring. But i have always tried for lower prices on ebay or online. Nowadays i buy 'last clicks', occasional easy payments and the odd big purchase -handbag or clothing - usually after careful...
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    Ear climbers, yay or nay?

    They are 'in', apparently. Yawn. My feeling is that some of them are pretty. Some arent. As with everything. But what really gets on my wick is the endlessly repeated idea that we should all wear them because they are all the rage. I buy things if i like them, not because some fashion mag...