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  1. L

    What a carp TSV for Silver Day!

    I have to say that I didn't like the TSV very much but did like one of the necklaces in the daytime shows the next day. It came in either amethyst, peridot or smoky quartz but looked quite short. I was tempted, I had bought a bracelet before in diamonique quite similar in look but it was too...
  2. L

    Kirks Folly - I Give Up......

    Whenever I say anything nasty about JK someone tells me off (somewhere on a previous thread) so I'll just say at least the Pixie/fairy dust is in the shape of moon and stars, that must be worth something? :tongue: I mean you can't get anything like this in this country or indeed on this planet...
  3. L

    Just dawned on me

    You mean the lovely Zilpah Hartley. My OH adored her in A Placein the Sun, she was definitely my favourite presenter especially as she is very emotional. Good to see her.
  4. L

    Jill Franks Looking Good

    I know I bitched before mainly about her appearance but have to say personality wise she's growing on me. Last night with the grey agate necklace where she couldn't stop laughing she showed a real fun personality and when she started taking the mick out of her producers name it was quite...
  5. L

    Diet Chef - vegetarians beware

    Thought Julia ate the diet chef food. I know she always goes on about being a vegetarian but if she was surely she would have made a statement about the food before anyone had a real chance to buy it? I think that QVC can be misleading. Can't remember the product but it was some kind of...
  6. L

    Anyone notice the large Mookite bracelet Julia has been wearing?

    How does SCW know this stuff? I thought they were treasured secrets. Am I missing something?
  7. L

    Poor Beulah

    Personally I try not to watch DF on my rare outings to QVC land (usually jewellery TSV's and even then it's selective) However on the occassions that I have, I've never found her to be anything other than Loud, brash, and bossy. I actually like Beaulah, she does her job well and she's quite...
  8. L

    Charlie - No - not the hands again

    Well they were either dancers or actors before they fell into "presenting", like sugary Claire and voluptuous Julia Queen of Sheba (no not the cat food altho' I have heard tell she's a bit of a cat) For those who I upset tonight, I apologise - I'm having a bad hair day and stomping my...
  9. L

    New to all of this but not very happy

    If you want something in a hurry it's best to go somewhere else. Guaranteed the item will not arrive until after the date you want be it Mother's day, Valentine's day etc. If QVC were that interested in getting it to you on time there are postal options available which would ensure delivery and...
  10. L

    In response to 'I Love Jill Franks...'

    The thing is I don't hate her, just can't stand listening to her drone on about how useless she is, she's doing that for one of two reasons either she wants people to tell her: "No Jill, useless that's not true" lick,lick,lick or She trying for the viewers sympathy vote and recognition -"Oh...
  11. L

    Marketing - Translations

    Perfect for any occasion - As long as you go out in the dark with it, to a dark restaurant/bar/nightclub and leave before dawn :taphead: I'm stocking up for Christmas - They've given me so many freebies I'm going to palm them off on my friends/family so I can get rid of the unsellable carp...
  12. L

    In response to 'I Love Jill Franks...'

    Let me clarify. I don't wish anything on anyone. What I am saying is if someone doesn't give a carp about you why waste your time giving a carp about them? Jill Franks is a spoilt old woman (and yes I am older than her!) acting like a spoilt little girl. Like children, cheekiness is cute when...
  13. L

    In response to 'I Love Jill Franks...'

    Doubt it, I don't roll that way and don't think the others on this thread do, that's not to say all of us on this Forum are so honest. The fact is the woman tries to comes across as a ditzy blond but only comes across as a stupid moo moo who loves the sound of her own voice and can't be bothered...
  14. L

    Giving QVC a wide Berth

    Have recently been giving QVC a wide berth, can't be bothered to watch the shows, even the jewellery hours are starting to be the same. Used to watch everyday, when I came home from work I would turn it on and watch whatever was on much to my family's dismay. I'm not badly griping about the...
  15. L

    What is Giannetta wearing?

    Love, love, love Italian style, even the ugly women look classy and to be honest there are so few of them in Italy. If Gianetta dd not look her best I'm sure it was just a blip on her radar and as someone said she may have lost her suitcase, sounds like she pulled it together though and it...
  16. L

    In response to 'I Love Jill Franks...'

    I don't think it's a secret that JF is not my favourite, but I am kerbing my insults towards her and will begin with a relatively nice comment - she's looked far better with the hair piece and false eyelashes - from a distance. There I've said it. However, in today's society when a lot of people...
  17. L

    my love affair with qvc is over.....

    STF Hope your dog is ok now. Yes Thanks RD for starting this great thread. I think though, if I say to myself "OK £40.00 per month and no more", it will soon go up because there is something that is £42.00 and does that include P&P or not? Soon I'll justify spending £50.00 including P&P. I'll...
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    Stacey's YBF has gone and where's Suzi B?

    Do you know who I haven't seen for ages....LJ on the technology hours.
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    I have got a little place in Spain!

    And I don't. Especially not their overpriced bags just because they have little animals on them.
  20. L

    my love affair with qvc is over.....

    I think your nan is only to happy to give you money for your "bits and pieces", you should not beat yourself up over it. She obviously loves making you happy and knows this is the way to do it. I think if you tell her that you have decided not to buy anything from QVC she will still give you...