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  1. F

    Christmas Day in a fan's household?

    I bet you ladies would appreciate a bottle of Shh! by Jade Goody. According to Peter Simon it sells for £80 - and don't forget to keep the bottle as one day it will be a collectors item.:giggle:
  2. F

    How much longer can these channels last?

    I thought I heard him say that he is a qualified gemologist, or some such like - tho' you would never had thought it from the sh*t he comes out with. I can see him doing well on the forecourt of a second-hand car dealership.
  3. F

    The pot and the kettle.

    Blimey Kat, don't hold back will you! Not sure if slagging off people on here is particularly advancing your argument. People are just expressing their opinions on Bid - surely that is what the forum is for. As it seems to wind you up so much, perhaps it is best you take a break from here - or...
  4. F

    The pot and the kettle.

    The vast majority of the stuff they peddle is tat and genuine bargains, once you have factored in the extortionate P&P and call cost, are rarer than hen's teeth. It's a cowboy operation and the selling practices are quite appalling. There is no positive side to Bid from what I have seen.
  5. F

    £781 for a diamonique pendant - surely not!

    Gosh, that must be a record for 'eek! 75 equivalent carat weight - that is one helluva lump of glass. :talking:
  6. F

    Stop it Jill, you sound so stupid.

    She's a devil for that, isn't she? I imagine most viewers are left totally bemused by all the apparent hilarity. Still, so long as she is having a wondeful time, what does it matter what anybody else thinks! :talking:
  7. F

    L'Artisan Parfumeur

    Normally like watching the L'Artisan hours, but Florian is now on with the dreadful Mee-hall. He's like some parrot - keeps repeating a load of guff about telling a story and going on a journey. Change the record luv!
  8. F

    Montine watch.......24 carat solid gold leaf dial!

    Gold leaf is so thin it disintegrates on touch - you have to use a tool to very carefully apply it. The gold content for the tiny amount covering a watch dial is virtually nothing. There simply is no 'gold content' in any meaningful sense. Are people really that stupid to fall for this deceit?
  9. F

    L'Artisan Parfumeur

    She was probably just making the most of it - you know what she's like for freebies. Suspect 'Tweed' is her normal fragrance - a squirt behind each ear and one down her cleavage.
  10. F

    Facebook comment deleted by Q.

    I'd trust her advice about as far as I could throw her - which let's face it wouldn't be very far :talking: The gift of the gab maybe, but a teeny weeny question mark over her integrity, methinks.
  11. F

    Picks of the Year

    Russell is on again trying to shift the cheap pillows - must be a job lot that fell off the back of a lorry. Passing them of as 'luxury'. I don't think so!
  12. F

    Montine watch.......24 carat solid gold leaf dial!

    James Russell is hyperventillating at the amount of gold you are getting with the Montine watch (has anybody ever heard of this make?). Apparently the dial is solid 24 carat gold leaf. Surely gold leaf is gold leaf. The 'solid' in the description is totally superfluous. Gold leaf is also so thin...
  13. F

    Julia's Book Cover

    I like her best in the red. So we must be getting near the publication date - at long last, she's been talking about this book for what seems like years. Wonder if they will sell it on QVC? I'd buy a copy, if I could get it signed.
  14. F

    I hope Emma Hardie isn't going to...

    I've never tried the skincare, but she's not the greatest advert for the range is she?
  15. F

    OMG....What is Jilly wearing??????

    Poor Jilly, she's not having a good time of it lately, is she? What with that shocker of a tsv dress the other week that only served to highlight all her lumps and bumps, then having to rush off at the beginning of a Tranny & Susannah hour with an attack of the squits, and now this latest...
  16. F

    Ken Paves

    She looks so different, doesn't she? I also think it makes her look younger.
  17. F

    If a fellow QVC addict came round at Christmas.....

    The only inkling would be from the bathroom - my clarisonic sitting by the edge of the bath. Elemis Milk Bath/Quiet Mind/Tranquil Touch, Decleor Alguaromes, Gatineau Vital Feeling and Philosophy Cocconut Frosting also sitting beside the bath (along with Molton Brown Blissful Templetree and Bliss...
  18. F

    JR's Teef!!

    I'm all for people having their teeth done - nowt worst then 'orrible looking gnashers - but that doesn't mean having a gob full of massive veneers that look like car headlamps. :talking:
  19. F

    Shut Up..........JF on LG TSV launch

    I yo-yo between finding her air headed-antics quite entertaining and truly irritating - I think it depends on how interested you are in the item she is flogging :talking:
  20. F

    Christmas Easy Pay Code

    I received one this morning inside my QVC Xmas card :talking: No, I won't be putting it up - would have had pride of place had it just been a photo of my lovely Julia on the front.