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  1. DramaCat

    Anyone looking forward to Beauty Day?....Anyone?!

    as we have mentioned in other threads - it looks like QVC is struggling a bit. I reckon the shows that sell best are the beauty ones - hence they are stuffing the TSVs in every chance they get. Remember the days when Elemis, Decleor, Gatineau, etc TSV's sold out - I cant remeber that happening...
  2. DramaCat

    Rachel Zoe TSV QVCAmerica

    they get Rachel - stylist to the stars........we get Glen - stylist to Pat Butcher?
  3. DramaCat

    Anyone looking forward to Beauty Day?....Anyone?!

    hmmm yeah, bit of a yawn. Got the postcard today with the SBC TSV on it - Collagen, Jasmine and Arnica stuff, AGAIN. Honestly, how many litres bottles of collagen gel can we actually, literally get through in a lifetime?
  4. DramaCat

    Hmmm Leighton

    there is smug and there is smug, when someone has worked really hard to build up a business from nothing, I agree they can afford to pat themselves on the back....a little. Lets be honest QVC has without doubt HUGELY increased his turnover and widened his sales reach. I just these days feel as...
  5. DramaCat

    Hmmm Leighton

    Is it just me, or is Leighton becoming a wee bit smug and up his own backside? I always thought part of his charm was his humble beginnings and how he became a success in the nail world. He was always bashful and slightly reluctant to talk about his 'celeb' friends/clients. Now it seems to get...
  6. DramaCat


    I disagree, I dont think their selling was as hard in the past. They were far more subtle at one time, it is really 'in your face' now and that just switches me right off.
  7. DramaCat


    the more they hard sell, the less I buy. Like others I am trying to make a decent effort to use all the stuff I have stockpiled/stashed away. Without doubt QVC isnt the place it used to be, they were kings of the home shopping castle, their crown has slipped and choked them. Instead of...
  8. DramaCat

    Message for Craig

    my response to my complaint Thank you for contacting QVC. I'm really sorry if the presentation caused any disappointment and upset, I'm sure this wasn't his intention. I will however pass your feedback and comments to the relevant department. If we can help with anything else, please...
  9. DramaCat

    Message for Craig

    I was actually quite keen to see the Illy machine with a view to buy but was so utterly annoyed with that annoying little creature I switched off. As mentioned by others, I couldn't give a damn about his kitchen or likes/dislikes in coffee. He was horribly rude. I have also complained to QVC...
  10. DramaCat

    In the Salon with Gatineau TSV - 11/09/10

    not a huge fan of Gatineau apart from the Throat Gel which I have used for years, not sure if it has made a lot of difference, it is just part of my ritual. I dont like the Melatogenine moisturiser at all, way too thick and heavy, terrible base for make-up unless you let it sink in for at least...
  11. DramaCat

    Oh do shut up!!!

    I agree with all of the above - times 1000 and yes - why is JF on so much lately
  12. DramaCat

    LE & AY in competition

    laughed out loud at this. Wonder if she is actually consulting her medical practitioner literally for some medical advice. She does look poorly and for that I do sympathise, it hasn't however affected her patronising gene which is still fighting fit it seems.
  13. DramaCat

    LE & AY in competition

    literally I too am totally fed up of AY (she is looking rough)
  14. DramaCat

    Liz Earle TSV - 02/10/10

    has anyone with coloured hair tried it yet? If the TSV does include the haircare I am pretty sure I will give it a try.
  15. DramaCat

    New cosmetics range

    only caught a bit of the show and wasn't remotely tempted to try any of it. The demo's were really clumsy. Be interested to read the reviews in a few days.
  16. DramaCat

    Gale Hayman Lip Lift

    I still like it, despite the mineral oil. I only use it once a day (every night before bed) and I never suffer from dry lips anymore. Like all things, if it works for you stick with it.
  17. DramaCat

    Preparing myself for 'the letter'

    yikes, I never even knew there was a 'letter/phone call' - I would be tempted to tell them exactly where to shove it if I ever got one. They sure dont have the monopoly on home shopping any more, they should be very careful about losing customers. They still fleece you on their p&p.
  18. DramaCat

    Gale Hayman Lip Lift

    have just run upstairs to smell my current tube of LipLift, no bad smell though, does seem to sound like you got a bad batch. Must admit I truly love the product, agree with Northernlights above, I get a slight panic if I cant find mine.
  19. DramaCat

    Found this interesting article about QVC...

    I think they have past their sell by date, they are no longer that competitive and would hazard a guess that the sales figures are well down over the past year. The recession has to have hot them too.
  20. DramaCat

    5th sept kipling tsv

    hahaha just thought same thing. not even remotely tempted by the TSV. Same old, same old.