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  1. L

    My word!!!!!!!!!!

    Must be time to bring out an exercise and dance dvd. We have had Zumba and Zalza, how about Zumzum? :rock: Mind you, I would need to use it myself so I can't talk.
  2. L

    Beauty Day/Mally TSV 28/4/13

    Love Mally so will be looking forward to this one. I have one of her lip glosses in every purse, bag, draw etc. Can't live without it! :happy:
  3. L

    Dales doing ladies fashion

    ... and my husband told me he was just off to the pub!
  4. L

    Dales doing ladies fashion

    Absolutely no problem with Dale doing the women's fashion shows. As long as the men who are doing the fashion do it factually ie giving the colours, sizes, fashion detail without any silly comments or creating stories about when you would be wearing it then that's fine with me, otherwise it...
  5. L

    The Ideal World Drinking Game

    Woops, I almost literally did!
  6. L

    Stephanie Weightman

    Missed that - thank goodness !!!!!!!
  7. L

    Stephanie Weightman

    Lucky thing, I have to craft from my teeny tiny cupboard :( :(:giggle:
  8. L

    Stephanie Weightman

    Anyone watching anymore, I'm only managing to catch one hour of shows each week so am having to watch 'the rival' to get my craft fix. very:sad:about it.
  9. L

    Carmel returns.

    Congratulations!!!! I don't know how you are managing, I've had two C sections and could hardly stand up straight at the 3 week mark. I hope you don't over do it, needs must and all that but do take care of yourself and find sometime to rest and recover:happy:
  10. L

    House, Villas, in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus!

    I'm with you on that one.
  11. L

    Carmel returns.

    It only takes one bad apple... and I've noticed that this bad apple adds comments to aggravate on other threads too, best to ignore...
  12. L

    Carmel returns.

    Hands up who is lucky enough to be a parent and not have to work? ... oh just you then, lucky you. I have to and have for 19 years, when I'd have much rather been at home with my children and no money worries :( How can anyone express such thoughtlessness saying things like 'it seems like...
  13. L

    Hayley Green

    Not really, I have a friend who is always smiling (except when she isn't - on a rare occassion). What amazes me is the nature of these threads, so nasty about a person you don't even know at all. I remember how mean everyone was about Lottie when she first started and now, well everyone has...
  14. L

    KitchenAid - can there be that much difference?

    WOW, you would really have to bake for a profession to justify that amount of money (or be a show off :cake:)
  15. L

    Next Mally show?

    Now I got all of that except the last BB?:happy:
  16. L

    Next Mally show?

    I know she shouts but really ???????
  17. L

    Next Mally show?

    Oh great, I shall keep an eyeout for the date, thanks
  18. L

    Next Mally show?

    Would anyone happen to know when the next Mally show is on?
  19. L

    New york meets london

    Hmmmm who to present, I think it would have to be Jill with...................................... Jill :) No guys on this one please QVC.
  20. L

    New york meets london

    I havent heard anything yet, if anyone does please let us know :nod: I would hate to miss it