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  1. M

    that'll teach me

    I think it's wise to be quite picky about what you buy from shopping telly or catalogues with p&p for that matter. I am disabled and pretty housebound most of the time & I have learnt that for me, tops are OK to purchase as I am a standard size 12 but I've given up on buying trousers & skirts as...
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    Leonie Pujol

    I like Leonie as she is 'real' but agree she is wasted on C&C - they really should make the most of her & get her demonstrating - any of the usual numpties could present alongside her. Also agree that there is very little actual creativity on most of the shows - Barbara Gray, Glenda from...
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    Caroline the new craft presenter??

    I liked Caroline's presentation very much - she was calm, informative & conveyed the impression that she was enjoying what she was doing - unlike Dawn who always seems tired, or hurried or to be honest, a bit bored.
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    Jumping to the phone... and other phrases you hate

    This coat is perfect to throw on when you're for taking the dog for a walk, doing the school run, having a coffee with girlfriends - then add a scarf or a 'statement' piece of jewellery and you're good to go for dinner or the theatre, dress it up dress it down, this piece is really going to work...
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    Well done Stephanie

    I tuned in to watch the fabulous Barbara Gray & Clarity Stamps this morning - had it on my calendar for ages. To her credit Stephanie was much calmer than her usual excitable self - she said that she would do very few stock updates & read no e mails as she wanted us to have every minute of the...
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    Is anyone interested in winter fashion day?!

    I was watching this morning and felt a bit sad that I can't afford a new winter coat. Popped in to charity shop this afternoon & got an excellent condition french connection coat with fur collar in good condition for £6! Who needs ya Basso!
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    Strange model

    I'm another Sharon fan. I think she's fab & livens up the shows with a bit of personality rather than just grinning inanely at the camera as most models do. I know her movements are OTT but I think it's great that she knows she's a hot momma & she's not afraid to give it to us!
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    Be Successful and Happy - At home

    How to be successful & happy? Switch off Ideal World & focus on what you've got not on what you want!
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    He seems like a sweet guy but he's certainly had a charisma by-pass. I wonder how he got the job in the first place.
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    What presenters are good and easy listening for you

    I Like Debbie & Alison Keenan. Can't stand Charlie (he's sweet but what a bore), can't listen to Ali Young & Julia is very professional but her ego gets on my nerves.
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    Tiano B hour - model Joy

    I thought Joy looked better in the dresses than the skinny model did too. Julia getting on my nerves - how many sentences does she start with the word "I"? Ego as big as her boobs.
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    Absolute tat, in my opinion.