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  1. T

    Just for a change...ANOTHER CRAFT WEEKEND

    My heart also goes out to the people behind the camera. Must be terrible going to work everyday and expecting to find that they no longer have a job. Morale must be extremely low and with the lack of vendors prepared to do business with IW; well can anyone see how anyone can dig them out of...
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    Ideal Share Price (down, down down)

    Sorry, but personally I don't think that "interacting" with Shopping Telly is going to help IW one iota! No disrespect to the forum, but let's be honest, we are only a small fraction of the audience for Shopping Channels and although they may read the posts and get an idea of complaints etc, I...
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    Stephanie Weightman

    :35::35::35::35::35::35: Great post Chess, totally agree. I know she has totally ruined my love and intrest in crafting!
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    Annoying interruptions by presenters

    I'm afraid they can't show/demo items once they are sold out. Something about the law stating you can't "advertise" items without stock of the item I think. If I'm wrong I'm sure someone will beable to state the full reason, but I do know that this has been mentioned before on here about it.
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    Tova Replies

    Well, I'm not a fan of Tova, however it seems to me that all the poor woman can do is try and protect her name as clearly if QVC has taken over the brand "Tova" they can do whatever they want to the formula and there's nothing she can do about it. If QVC tell her it hasn't been altered then she...
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    Glen Campbell

    ha ha ha :D Qvc Sows Ear £29-99 £3-25 P&P Banter on Shopping Telly......pricless! :35: :35: :35: :35:
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    insider supplier info Ideal world

    Hello there, Thank you so much for making this information known, always good to hear the "other side" of the story. Sad to see that they treat the suppliers with the same contempt they appear to have for their customers!
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    centigrade vs dennis basso

    Centigrade without a doubt! I used to like it when it was the Jessica Holbrook label as well. The quality is superb.
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    Ideal Share price at new low

    Hmmmmm doesn't bode well for the new guy does it? Shares plunge by almost half at the announcement of his appointment! Not a vote of confidence from the market is it?
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    Old QVC 'Diamonique' stock on Ideal World as 'Diamantaire'?

    Well said! :35:
  11. T

    Are We going to see lots of new items now on IW?

    "Product is available to purchase between 21 Oct 2008 06:00 PM and 23 Oct 2008 06:57 PM" :33: Maybe they have acquired them on sale or return terms?! Ha ha ha! If they aren't sold by 24th October they go back to the manufacturer?
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    Fryatt stepping down

    There are a few people I'd personally like to see go with him! Especially one on C&C! It would also be nice to see Dean & Carla re-instated! The departure of this odious man may be the start of a recovery for IW but I wonder if it might be a little too late for the company.
  13. T

    Get ready for yet another craft weekend...woopee

    Aren't these "extra" channels the ones they always had only renamed? I seem to remember one was called Vitality and had fitness N lifestyle stuff on it. Perhaps they are stuck with them until their contracts run out.
  14. T

    just had email about 4 day Craft event - o whoopppeee dooo

    The bit that made me laugh was this: To make sure emails from Create and Craft always arrive in your inbox and are not treated as junk mail, please add [email protected] to your email address book. I would have thought that the Junk Mail described it perfectly! :20:
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    just had email about 4 day Craft event - o whoopppeee dooo

    Back by demand?!:11: As demanded by Weightman and The Marsdens they mean!
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    Christmas crap all day Thursday

    I can't say I have noticed any more than they normally do. As far as I know they've always had Christmas in July and then a day of Christmas on the 25th of each month up to December.
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    I too used to look forward to their Saturday night Christmas shows. They were bright, fun and always put me in the festive mood. I wish IW would go back to those days but sadly I think that they are now going to continue to push Weightman and her crappy craft cds! Not the face of Christmas I...
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    Get ready for yet another craft weekend...woopee

    Actually Craftman......having been channel hopping a couple of times today and having seen what they were are quite right! I did mean flea market! :59:
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    Get ready for yet another craft weekend...woopee

    Blimey! This channel is getting more and more like a televised car boot sale!
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    Yes there was craft today but it's just the usual weekly slot for craft on QVC. They don't have an excessive amount of craft shows on QVC - unlike another channel that seem to find it necessary to have a craft weekend every other week! QVC do show a lot of other products too. I caught...