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  1. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

  2. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    VIP members Congratulations and a big warm welcome to our recently upgraded VIP members It's a great thing to do to keep the forum going and support Graham in all his hard work
  3. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

  4. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

  5. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    You may say that Wirral but Mike stated that the (I assume,male) presenters have to shave their hands before demonstrating beauty and jewellery products - it must have taken him a while!!
  6. deedee

    One Day Special products are dire!

    Trippy, how could you?? Ebay indeed! We don't use language like that on here! :mysmilie_11:
  7. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Gollum doing beauty......words fail me!
  8. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    thank you everyone, I'll have to look out for Kevin in future I've just been watching Charlie polish soy sauce off of his knob! It was interesting, he said he was going to get rid of the oxidisation then amended to say that it could be oxidisation - that's right Charlie, we know it was soy sauce!
  9. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    yeah, pretty seedy porn at that, it was quite disturbing!
  10. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I've just turned on to Bid and Charlie is polishing soy sauce off of his taps - I hate when my taps get gunged up with soy sauce don't you??!!
  11. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I missed the spectacle of MM working out, oh no! Sounds like I missed a treat! Please tell me he wasn't, quite literally, wearing lycra!! Who is this Kevin? I've never heard of him
  12. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I repeat what I said the other day, he's thick and inarticulate (if you will) now what do I mean by inarticulate?...........! But not only that he's a charmless oik! Mike you can look those words up.....if you will!
  13. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    OK, that's enough, Elisa is now grinding on the rhythm rocker :puke:
  14. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I don't think I can bring myself to watch Neil on a rhythm rocker any more than I can bring myself to watch DP eating on air, it's just too much for my delicate, female constitution!
  15. deedee

    Price drop now gone , now "Best of Bid"

    I think you're right, maybe he thought it would work as a shock tactic........wrong!!
  16. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    tsk tsk Peter Frumplestiltskin had it earlier on and she mentioned the dates between which they held the Royal Warrant, well done Caroline, she might be a bit school marmish but she's exceptionally good at her job IMO
  17. deedee

    Price drop now gone , now "Best of Bid"

    I love it too, it's hilarious, not subtle at all But best of all, it means they read what we write!
  18. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    oh yes DW, how could I have forgotten that one!
  19. deedee

    Price drop now gone , now "Best of Bid"

    I do listen out for it, we get mentions regarding our comments from time to time but it's PJ who get the name checks PJ is the forum equivalent of 'the special one'!
  20. deedee

    Price drop now gone , now "Best of Bid"

    They absolutely do have the right of reply In fact, Schlock used to come on this forum and comment back in the day - I respected him for that However, I suspect Gollum doesn't understand the big words we use on here (like rudeness!) he's pretty thick and inarticulate IMO