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  1. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    If anyone was wondering how Peter Vol Au Vent became so proficient at holding vacuum cleaners in the air, the mystery has finally been solved. It turns out that he is actually (according to Peter Simon) the “Darth Vader of Vacuuming”. It was only a few days ago that we learnt about his “vacuum...
  2. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    I believe Bev Hare's official title is the 'Queen of Clean', which would perhaps give her the edge over Vol Au Vent's 'Vacuum Royalty' claim. Like Bev, Creepy Crawley is likewise ennobled, being recognized as the 'King of the Mattresses'. I can't recall Suzy Taramasalata having any royal...
  3. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    You might want to reconsider, Muttley. When I tuned in, Peter Vollebregt had just declared that the Hoover was his absolute favourite...and this from a man who is 'vacuum royalty'-well, at least according to Mike Mason. I'd put it slightly differently by saying that Vollebregt is to vacuums...
  4. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    [/SIZE][/B] Say what you like about Rik’s physique, his fig powder and Vibrapower routine seems to have made him a big hit with certain ladies... Strangely enough, this unlikely Lothario (and 'nutritional physiologist') has actually been dishing out advice on how to improve your libido... (and...
  5. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    My favourite part of the show was when Kevinski was pushing the idea of really big discounts, saying how he "hoped his business partner wasn't watching!" I'm sure if he had tuned in, Kevinski's partner would have been more than happy with the deals on offer...
  6. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    It looks like Peter Vollebregt has put away his presentation pointer for good and is no longer Ideal’s official art critic. Thinking back, I seem to remember something about him wanting to spend more time with his vacuum cleaners and heaters. Such a versatile performer. He will be sadly missed.
  7. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    You'd have thought Kevinski would have lost faith in Ideal World by now, given all the repeated mistakes. They're either selling his watches at a lower price than intended, or they're bundling items that he hadn't included. The only other explanation is that it's a scam, although I find that...
  8. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    The Elvis impersonator chap who sells the Vax Slim describes himself as a 'Vax Ambassador'. Personally, I'd be a little embarrassed if that was my official title. Moving vacuums and carpet cleaners around is hardly a specialist or grand profession. I suppose it's quite fitting that Ideal have...
  9. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    You're absolutely on the money, Wirral. The reviews tell their own story. Not once have I heard any presenter say that they actually OWN one of these chairs themselves, or that they're at least intending to purchase one: I've heard Shreque talking about a (real) leather sofa he's had for around...
  10. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    My current favourite for desperate sales techniques has to be Kevin Reynolds. He'll do anything to shift those watches, including performing his own distorted version of a once popular game show... As for Nanty, here's something you don't see every day... And finally, a blast from the past...
  11. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    He might have got the 'expert' label for holding that meter in front of the ceramic heater. It take a certain level of skill to do it properly. Only him and Janice Phillips have the necessary skills. Apparently.
  12. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    Has Fayon Cottrell being taking lessons at the Shaun Ryan School of Selling I wonder. On today’s ceramic heather ‘blockbuster’ show Faye mentioned her elderly neighbour Bob. It seems that poor old Bob had been left without heating for three days, resorting to nothing more than a blanket to keep...
  13. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    I didn't think it was possible for Howard's bowel obsession to get any more bizarre; that was until I read of his two-yearly rearly inspections. Never one to hold back on matters fecal, Howard made the following revelation on his Twitter page earlier today: "Have my 2yearly colonoscopies at same...
  14. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    I stand corrected. I guess it's easy to jump to the wrong conclusion in the midst of so much shysterism, but I was wrong on this occasion: they are different watches.
  15. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    In what must be something of a world record for repeat sell outs, the Mathey Tisot Edmund watch is (once again) no more. Gone. Finished. End of the line. That's all folks. Never to be seen again. On his last show, Kevinski claimed that he had the last four in the world (his personal stock) and...
  16. D

    Drill all drill bits, they dont snap apparently !

    It was quite painful watching him trying to break the remains of an already broken drill bit, as if this somehow disguised what had already happened. It failed. Period. Like all the presenters at Ideal, he must hold the viewers in complete contempt. What a plonker.
  17. D

    Peter Simon

    He was certainly milking the 'I'm in ecstasy' routine on tonight's show....
  18. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    After seeing Crawley and Nanty together on that truly awful faux furniture show, it occurred to me that there must be an oil slick of residual insincerity left behind when they have vacated the studio. It would be hard to think of a more cringeworthy pairing. Actually, come to think of it...
  19. D

    If you thought they couldn't get any more like bid, then tune in now!

    Here are some screenshots from the show which I recorded earlier...
  20. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    It's the original Edmond with the super duper ETA 2824 movement. At just £1150.00 it's an 'absolute steal' (as Kevinski would put it). Buy now, return later.